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Posts posted by starro

  1. 14 hours ago, UltraAlt said:


    I thought it was hilariously fun to get thrown hundreds of feet into the air or across the map.

    Good times.

    Looking forward to it next year!

    so i come off the talos island subway and I look up at the hill and there's a lot of past invasion memories.  I don't know if that hill was ever designed to be a gathering point or just became that way because of players' ingenuity.  I started to go down memory lane and then - hey did I just see like 10 bodies fly about 2 miles away in the stunned pose?

    • Haha 2
    • Banjo 1
  2. I was initially opposed to subscription services, but after cutting the cable -- I love it, especially the savings.   No more paying $60 a month for 100 channels I don't want to watch


    Great content and I jump between different subscriptions and only pay $6-$15 month.

    • Like 1
  3. if a GM is needed you can always select


    menu --> Support 


    I have pretty good response time from the volunteers, but usually put in the request if time sensitive.


    I do not think there is any functionality to see system administrators or even in search windows - just other players.

  4. I have waited 10+ years and look forward to this answer too.

    clones, time travel, extra-dimensional lizard Statesman, robots, Cole… Jessica Duncan getting her Well of Furies on - I am good with that too. 


    the greater problem never addressed was the loss of States created an  imbalance to Lord Recluse.  Without a Statesman to counter Recluse’s  ambition he’s probably been accumulating extra power all these years from the Well.  

  5. I follow this thread with interest this afternoon.  Thematically with the game old Outbreak and Breakout Tutorials presented a new character as a rookie hero/villain at the start of their career and leveling up as they advance their career. By the time they get to 50 the hero/villain has many adventures, moved on from bank jobs to fighting bigger bad guys and eventually death gods before the Praetoria and the Well of Furies comes along for cosmic adventures. 


    Nuking ants with T9 powers while fun would probably become tedious after a while.  I am the last person to talk about the code or game balance, but with the limited resources the r.o.i. for the volunteers may not be there.  I almost would think this request is a new game at that point.


    As a casual game player there are some hooks in the COH that have kept me around - no instant 50s, no changing archetype/powers mid-stream and I think I might add this to the list after thinking about it the last couple of hours.   Another game and time this request may actually be a good feature, but it really seems incongruent with the nature of the COH beast.  COH is progression and growth - the journey and not the destination.




  6. the spring event has always been wonky and could use some TLC.  Not new content/mission but maybe some more text fixes/checks.  My character that does not meet the minimum level does not get any text just a blank window.  I have always hoped this could be fixed with 'come back when you can handle the task i need to give you.'



    2022-02-18 12_04_51-Clipboard.jpg

  7. 3 hours ago, ogged2 said:

    Uhm, Scratch is offering my level 18 Villain Dominator two Hero Contacts .. working as intended ?

    I think this is an old bug from live.  Is one Jake Montoya from Skyway?  I need to find a semi abandoned villain and see if the hero contact is still listed.   I think Montoya… I need to check tonight, 

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