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Posts posted by starro

  1. Welcome to the game!  


    Everything has been said already.... my only tip if your first few inventions are experiments or mistakes - - throw nothing away!  You can always sell salvage, recipes or finished items at Wentworth's.    You can also email in-game to your @global name or another character name and use the item on another character.  



  2. 18 minutes ago, Oklahoman said:


    I wish we had a sortable column for "Last Online" so we could periodically proactively prune people (say that 5 times real fast). I tried @starro's suggestion of an Excel spreadsheet but it quickly felt like work.

    I loved my old spreadsheet and had names, emails and other notes.  We used to run up to 5 concurrent task forces with all the people and communication/prep. Now days …. I don’t think I have the time or desire. Happily far more disorganized  casual player. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Greycat said:


    Interesting. I don't think I'd seen that bit of evolution (Controller not shown yet, "build up" at tier 9, having between 5-8 powers in a set - though that, I think, was as carryover from the prior setup...)


    Also... Energy/Super Strength blaster...

    I will dig. i had a screen shot or two from the hot-pink character creator days.  There was a game before COH that never made it to live even before this video circa 2001  E3.  I am thinking it got chucked and revamped into what became COH at launch. 

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  4. i think i did the same thing Bionic_Flea - I moved the OS to C:\,  Programs to D:\,  and I use my E:\ for data documents, files, music with backups from there.  I hate looking all over a file structure to find what needs to be backed up.


    I am not a technical person, but I was surprised how easy it was to install the SSD, clone the data and reuse the old hard drives.   The boot time - wow.  New life in an old computer and even some things like copying files or working in Excel for my limited uses seems just faster.


    My computer is probably 5 years old and I would really like to keep it on Windows 10 for a couple more years before I invest in new hardware, new Windows 11.  I think it might be my final desktop before I make the jump to a laptop for everything.

  5. Get COH on any and all platforms, operating systems, environments - hell run it on a potato from the supermarket using dial up i don't care. You don't like steam - good use the HC loader, you like the Steam - good do your thing too.


    Just nothing that ever boxes it in from being available because of corporate whims of the day and it is taken away or obstructed from the community again.

  6. I am positive I experienced this randomly as far back as live.  I never modified coh keyboard layout in game as I am pretty casual player.  Nothing special about my desktop. I check email and come back to constant running against a wall. My mouse buttons are not stuck either. I just log out/in and behavior stops. 

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