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Posts posted by starro

  1. As an old duffer …. Let Praetoria remain behind the game.  I would like to see new stories.   Praetoria is the past. 

    if there is big zone development - finish off Khalisti Port or remodel an under used trial zone.  I am not sure the story or features, but make it a destination. 

    if I had absolute control over time, money, space and resources - revamp those zones the Portal Corp goes to like Firebase Zulu. I have never found those zones flow or provide much “fun”

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  2. 45 minutes ago, TorontoSunshine said:

    I'm actually surprised how fast it is being filled since (correct me if I am wrong) this is a long weekend for my American neighbours (I am from Canada).


    Yes, start to summer!  I was in the garden and thought I would miss this, but snuck in.   I love my COH time indoors, but I am itching to be outside!

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  3. 38 minutes ago, Tenebrose said:


    I do have a large number of items in my email, both in the "regular" and "character" tabs. But I'm hearing similar things from people who have considerable less stuff in email. If this was a limit of some kind, I'd expect that I couldn't open/email any more things. But that's not the case. After a while, I am able to open the packs.


    This does feel like a data access issue. It has the hallmarks of a deadlock situation.


    If you can maybe offload to a vault or super group for storage maybe the shenanigans will clean up.  Admittedly, the email system is WONDERFUL for pulling out a spare rez when the whole team is dead for the 13th time or you have the at uber super thing, but not sure which of the 30 heroes you want to apply.  I hope you get a resolution!

  4. I don't know if this is relevant on homecoming and a decade later - How full is your inbox?  Do you keep several emails in account holding items?  I wonder if there is an unwritten limit.


    Back on live I had a wonky issue with having 30+ emails and I could no longer reclaim the attachments - became a black hole.  The funny thing is I must have gone years carrying a lot of emails on my account before I ever saw a problem.

  5. After all those years without COH and now volunteers pushing this forward - thank you all you do.    I am amazed three years later we even have servers, much less content updates.



    and!! Thank you volunteer game masters, dollar donors and the people that formally or informally run player events big and small whether it is nightly  Hami runs or even quiet small groups of 3-4 players running missions and showing the new people how to play the game.  All amazing work ! 

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  6. 3 hours ago, sixbanger said:

    OK so after checking firewall settings and various other things, things went nuclear......reset the router and we are rolling again. thanks for the replies folks.

    awesome.  Tequila was good and thank you whoever made it, but HC client is the future.   Between the 64 bit client and homecoming installer my old tired 2015 desktop no longer has the client self destruct monthly, weekly or <<name any coh file>> has run out of memory when I play.  I will get to new hardware/win 11 eventually but need to keep what i have going a little longer.

  7. If you have the capability, I strongly recommend ditching tequila for the homecoming client.   I put the link in, but I don't know why tequila and the coh client implodes.  Under homecoming client i don't have crashes or errors on start.




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  8. Acquaintance has twice lemon swapped out Alienware laptop under five years. It is nice they honor the warranty but the down time / speed to replace was unacceptable and measured in weeks/months.  It’s like there were multiple items and multiple times the laptop came back to go back in the following week. Why not fix all at once or really test it out?   The system board was deemed dead so it was shipped off to some service center and went into limbo for a month with no word.

    I would always recommend shop around. 

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