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Everything posted by Bopper

  1. Is there a cooldown with Procs? For example, if I put Force Feedbak's Chance to Recharge in Bullet Rain and Hail of Bullets, how will the mechanic work if: Bullet Rain procs once, then Hail of Bullets is used right afterms (can I stack the recharge?) Bullet Rain procs more than once (does it stack +recharge?) Also, does anyone have full documentation of how the PPM mechanic works? I keep finding little pieces but nothing is consolidated.
  2. Bopper

    Rad/Sonic Build

    I did 3 chains. I assumed a 120% Enhancement Recharge in Screech (which had both Purple Proc and Javelin Proc), and I assumed a 90% Enhancement Recharge in the Shout/Scream (which had the Javelin Proc). It's worth noting, the 3rd chain (Screech-Shriek-Shout-Shriek) is not nearly as recharge reliant, so if you could achieve enough outside recharge boosts to achieve a gapless chain with only a 90% ER in Screech, you can add an additional 5.5 eDPS to your attack chain.
  3. Bopper

    Rad/Sonic Build

    Which chains in particular?
  4. Bopper

    Rad/Sonic Build

    For this analysis, I assumed a Damage boost of 175%. In the table I show which power in the chain had the purple and javelin proc, and I also show which power had only the javelin proc. The chain titles are shorthand, where I took the last letter of each power. So k-m-k-t is shriek-scream-shriek-shout. Acronyms: w/ EF: with Enervating Field active eDPS: effective damage per second (combines base dps, proc dps, damage boost, and resistance debuff) DPS: damage per second (ignores resistance debuff) -Res: average resistance debuff of chain Rch req: Recharge required for the chain to be gapless. This recharge requirement is based on which power in the chain required the most recharge, it is not necessarily a requirement for all powers. Gap: If a chain requires more than 400% recharge, a gap is calculated. Proc DPS: This is the total damage per second for the procs in the chain. It does not factor in resistance debuff. *See attachment Conclusions: Pick your poison. If you want to maximize resistance debuffs while not sacrificing too much damage, putting the Armageddon proc and Javelin proc into Screech makes the most sense. The Screech-Shriek-Scream-Shriek chain gives the best resistance debuff (-97.64%) while requiring a hefty 374% recharge on Screech. If you want good value, I think the Screech-Shriek-Shout-Shriek is solid. The recharge requirement is not astronomical (100% AM, 90% enhancement, 89% from other buffs/bonuses), the effective DPS is ok, and the resistance debuff is good. Let’s put it this way, with the Procs, it out performs the standard ST Attack Chain of Shriek-Scream-Shriek-Shout in both eDPS and average resistance debuffs, which are the only two things we would care about (solo I would care more about eDPS whereas a team I would want to maximize my resistance debuffs).
  5. Bopper

    Rad/Sonic Build

    First, a quick look at expected proc damage. The math below will show that it is better to slot the procs in Screech than either Shriek or Scream due to the much higher probability of proc. Assuming a recharge of 120% in the power (from enhancement and alpha) we get the following: Recharge: 120% ArmgProc = 4.5 PPM (107.1 dmg) JavProc = 3.5 PPM (71.75 dmg) Expected Proc DMG per cast: Shriek: 3s rch, 1s cast EPdpc = 4.5*(1+3/2.2)*(107.1)/60+3.5*(1+3/2.2)*(71.75)/60 EPdpc = 28.87871 with 2 in chain, ExpProcDMG = 2x28.87871 = 57.7574 Scream: 6s rch, 1.67s cast EPdpc = 4.5*(1.67+6/2.2)*(107.1)/60+3.5*(1.67+6/2.2)*(71.75)/60 EPdpc = 53.72551 with 2 in chain, ExpProcDMG = 53.72551 = 107.451 Shout: 10s rch, 2.67 cast EPdpc = 4.5*(2.67+10/2.2)*(107.1)/60+3.5*(2.67+10/2.2)*(71.75)/60 EPdpc = 88.15782 *Note, I wasn't originally looking at chains with 2 Shouts, but there is one I might want to test now that I know this Screech: 20s rch, 1.5 cast EPdpc = 4.5*(1.5+20/2.2)*(107.1)/60+3.5*(1.5+20/2.2)*(71.75)/60 EPdpc = 129.3988 As you can see, assuming 120% (with Apoc slotting and T4 core agility alpha, this could range from 104.14% to 126.155%) it is better to slot the damage procs in Screech than it is to slot it in Scream (even despite attacking twice with Scream in a chain). Another thing that might be worth considering is to not slot max recharge in the power. I saw in your build you did and you had 126.155% after T4 alpha. If you removed the Rch/DMG with DMG, you can reduce this to 104.14%. Check out the impact: Shriek: 126.155% rch: EPdpc = 28.43 104.14% rch: EPdpc = 30.17 Scream: 126.155% rch: EPdpc = 52.82 104.14% rch: EPdpc = 56.31 Shout: 126.155% rch: EPdpc = 86.65 104.14% rch: EPdpc = 92.47 Screech: 126.155% rch: EPdpc = 126.38 104.14% rch: EPdpc = 138.03 Check out that last one for Screech. A 104.14% rch nets more EPdpc than you would get from slotting procs in both Shriek and Scream with (52.82*2+28.43=134.07) with max recharge. So the question becomes, can you get enough recharge from outside buffs to keep your attack chain gapless (or as little gaps as possible). At this point, I need a way forward. I can re-do the analysis I did yesterday with correct Proc analysis, but it would be pointless to look at slotting Shriek or Scream with procs if Screech is optimal. I am hitting the point that I'm looking at too many scenarios to get a final answer, when I'm just hoping to make a general recommendation for optimal attack chains (eDPS and DRPS). So think about this info, and let me know what you would like me to look at. Overall, from numbers I already re-ran I can tell you that Shriek-Screech-Shriek-Shout still outperforms Scream-Screech-Scream-Shriek in both eDPS and DRPS with a recharge cap of 300% and Procs in Screech. With unlimited recharge, the Shriek-Screech-Shriek-Scream is still the optimal DRPS and is practically equal to Shriek-Scream-Shriek-Shout in eDPS.
  6. Bopper

    Rad/Sonic Build

    I'm working on new numbers now and will edit my original post's calculations when ready. I want to ask, do we have confirmation on what buffs do/don't impact the new recharge time? You state enhancements and alpha (incarnates?) impact it, but outside buffs do not. Has that been confirmed? Also, for alpha, does only the amount of boost affected by ED impact, or the final total impact? Thanks again for the knowledge
  7. Bopper

    Rad/Sonic Build

    gah, I don't know how I missed that 2nd link. Thanks. I'll incorporate that methodology tomorrow. To be honest though, I can only expect this to further decrease the impact of procs compared to the analysis I did with the old methodology. But we'll see.
  8. Bopper

    Rad/Sonic Build

    Thanks for the updated info. I was going off of info provided by Pines. I'll re-run numbers tomorrow, however I regret to inform you that the example you provided does not match the details of that article. It only uses activation time and BASE recharge, not the final recharge. For Shriek it is 4 seconds, for Scream it is 7.67 seconds. This means the probability to proc for Shriek is 30%, Scream is 57.53%, Shout is 95.03%, and Screech is 100%. For Javelin, Shriek is 23.33%, Scream is 44.74%, Shout is 73.91%, and Screech is 100%. Again, I'll recalculate it tomorrow. Obviously, I won't use Shriek for the proc, but rather Screech or Shout as each of their probabilities are more than twice that of Shriek's. For the 2 Scream chain, it is still optimal to proc in Scream
  9. Bopper

    Rad/Sonic Build

    I am not sure if that is correct about the proc damage buffs. Check out this: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Invention_Origin_Enhancement_Proc_Damage_Scaling According to that link, Damage Procs such as the Apocalypse and Javelin are not boosted by any damage boosts (enhancements, set bonuses, nor outside buffs/debuffs). My formulas for accounting for this are provided below. For the Apocalypse, Pines shows it has a 75% chance of hitting for 107.1. So every attack has an expected damage of 80.325 For the Javelin, Pines shows it has a 58% chance of hitting for 71.75. So every attack has an expected damage of 41.615 For maximum proc DPS, we will put that in the attack that is used most for a chain. For your chain it is Scream, for mine it is Shriek. Since both chains will use the respective attacks twice I will calculate the eDMG_proc_chain damage as follows: eDMG_proc_chain = 2x(80.325+41.615)=243.88 To make things simple on the calculations I'm going to assume the Damage Boost for a player's attack to be 175% (95% from enhancements, 25% from AM, 30% from vigilance [if soloing], and another 25% from set IO bonuses). Feel free to change this number for your own calculations. I will not do an infinite number of permutations, just the one example should suffice. I evaluated 4 chains, each under two conditions: 300% recharge cap and 400% recharge cap. It's pretty sporty to get 400%, but if teamed with other buffers you can do it. I will admit, I was surprised by the results. Formulas used: Debuff_Chain = (Debuff1_Dur + Debuff2_Dur + …) x 20% DMG_Chain = DMG_Pow1 + DMG_Pow2 +… DMG_PowN Proc_Chain = DMG_Proc1 x Perc_Proc1 + DMG_Proc2 x Perc_Proc2 +… DMG_ProcN x Perc_ProcN Time_Chain = Cast_Pow1 + Cast_Pow2 + … Cast_PowN RDPS = (1 + Debuff_Chain / Time_Chain) %Resistance Debuff per second eDPS = RDPS x [ (1 + DMG_Boost) x (DMG_Chain) + Proc_Chain ] / Time_Chain %effective DPS Powers evaluated: [Name | DMG | Cast Time | Base Recharge | Debuff Duration Shriek | 30.36 | 1.188s | 3s | 5s Scream | 47.71 | 1.848 | 6s | 7s Shout | 76.63 | 2.904 | 10s | 10s Screech | 7.23 | 1.716 | 20s | 12s Chains evaluated: 1) Shriek – Scream – Shriek – Shout (k-m-k-t) 2) Shriek – Screech – Shriek – Shout (k-h-k-t) 3) Shriek – Screech – Shriek – Scream (k-h-k-m) 4) Scream – Shriek – Scream – Screech (m-k-m-h) Calculation Results: Assumptions: Recharge as needed, if requires more than 400% gaps were added to Time_Chain DMG_Boost = 175% Proc_Chain = 243.88 * 2 x (0.75x107.1+0.58x71.75) [ Chain | eDPS w/ EF | eDPS | DPS | RDPS | Gap Time | Recharge Needed ] 1) k-m-k-t | 217.30 | 185.62 | 105.61 | 75.76% | 0s | 136.74% 2) k-h-k-t | 203.08 | 175.57 | 91.69 | 91.48% | 0s | 278.79% 3) k-h-k-m | 215.36 | 186.98 | 94.60 | 97.64% | 0s | 373.48% 4) m-k-m-h | 206.33 | 178.66 | 92.20 | 93.77% | 0.012s | 400% New Assumptions: Recharge is capped at 300% *Note first two chains are unchanged as both already required less than 300% recharge [ Chain | eDPS w/ EF | eDPS | DPS | RDPS | Gap Time | Recharge Needed] 1) k-m-k-t | 217.30 | 185.62 | 105.61 | 75.76% | 0s | 136.74% 2) k-h-k-t | 203.08 | 175.57 | 91.69 | 91.48% | 0s | 278.79% 3) k-h-k-m | 181.03 | 155.93 | 83.67 | 86.36% | 0.776s | 300% 4) m-k-m-h | 193.78 | 167.32 | 88.20 | 89.70% | 0.312s | 300% With recharge maxed, the Shriek-Screech-Shriek-Scream is optimal for resistance debuffing and is nearly optimal for effective DPS (it took Enervating Field to help the traditional Shriek-Scream-Shriek-Shout chain to barely retain top dog status). With recharge capped as 300%, the optimal chain for resistance debuffing is Shriek-Screech-Shriek-Shout. In fact, it provides better resistance debuffs and better DPS than the Scream-Screech-Scream-Shriek-Gap chain. In the end, I was surprised by how much the procs change my original calculations. Your chain is very good, however it appears it's not quite optimal (in this test case, where I used a fixed 175% damage boost, which felt realistic tbh).
  10. Bopper

    Rad/Sonic Build

    When I get back to my office I'll check your numbers for 300% recharge and I will encorporate the procs. Are you putting both apocalypse and javelin into scream, or how are you slotting them?
  11. Bopper

    Rad/Sonic Build

    Screech-Scream-Shriek-Scream is actually better since Scream gets more chance to proc stuff like Apocalypse/Gladiator's Javelin as PPM scales off of recharge and cast time. You should also cast Dreadful Wail when it's up since it's one of the faster nukes and has a 20 seconds res debuff. Can also slap a PvP -res proc on Dreadful Wail and it has a decent chance to go off, while it only lasts for 10 seconds it really helps your burst -res. Better in what way? Scream is worse than Shriek in both DPS and Debuff per second. Also, you would have a gap as the lowest recharge on Scream is 1.2 (with 400% recharge). This afternoon I'll check your numbers on pines, as I don't have access to it at the moment and it contains different cast times than redtomax.
  12. Bopper

    Rad/Sonic Build

    Powers don't start recharging until the cast time is finished. You still need to take at least scream to have an attack chain or else you are just doing nothing for the time that shriek is recharging. Correct, Rumors already corrected me above. The best ST DPS attack chain is Shriek - Scream - Shriek - Shout. That comes with a -75.76% resistance debuff (with EF add another -30%) If you want to just maximize resistance debuffs you can add Screech to the front of that chain and the resistance debuff improves to -88.2%. If you can get crazy awesome recharge (312+%) you can take out Shout and just use Screech, Shriek, Scream, Shriek, wait for Screech to recharge. That will get you a -88% at 312% recharge and a max of -97.32% debuff at 374% recharge.
  13. It is a chance for stack. So treat it as a mag 3 power with a chance at mag 5
  14. You're right, I went back and looked up where I saw that and it was in reference to a sleep power. So of course you can't stack since damage wakes them. That changes my opinion of Screech then. Get it for solo as it can lock down a boss, and also get it for team as it gives you your ultimate -Res debuff attack chain.
  15. I will say I find use for a ST mezz on a rad defender because (1) I can use it first on a LT I want to take down after sleeping the spawn when I know they mezz, then actually dps them down while they stumble around, and (2) with the whiffs from Rad Infection on a boss, you can often hit them with Screech a second time before they mezz you, and keep them out of the fight thereafter. I've even used a ST hold from an Epic power pool and double stacked that on one boss and a Stun on another boss in double boss spawns in the Shadow Shard to lock them both down, but you need to be willing to do a lot of retargeting to make that work. Very handy to have max debuff chains, an extra 10% -resist debuff from a defender will generate way more team damage on an AV than improving your own dps by 10-20%. That was one thing I wasn't sure about, Screech's mez stacking. I thought in the past powers that do damage can't have their mez stacked, so I figured you couldn't mez a boss with Screech. If you can in fact stack, then Screech should be owned in most solo and team builds as it does offer the optimum debuff chain for teams and a ton of boss mitigation.
  16. Thank you Rumors and DSorrow for the better information. Being away from the game for so long has shown I have a lot to relearn. On my original post (bottom of Page 1) I have updated my response. I added some analysis using proper numbers (hopefully). If you see anything incorrect, I'll happily update it with the right numbers.
  17. I pulled the numbers from Pine's: 1.188, 1.848, 2.904, 1.716, 2.508 (the single targets in order, Howl at the end). Thanks, I did notice Pines showing a different cast time than redtomax (and I think also Mids). I wonder why the discrepancy
  18. How did you calculate these numbers? Maybe we have different sources. I get the following: Shriek = 5 (5s/1s) Scream = 4.2 (7s/1.67s) Shout = 3.75 (10s/2.67s) Screech = 8 (12s/1.5s) Howl = 3.43 (8s/2.33s)
  19. Thank you for confirming this info for us. I may have had a crazy recharge boost when I thought the recharge was faster than the animation. I'll have to test the Shriek-Scream DPS this weekend and see for myself. There would have to be a gap as Scream's recharge can't reach the Shriek cast time.
  20. Great suggestion. If nobody does this before this weekend, I'll test it and report back.
  21. Unless something has been changed / I misremember things / haven't properly paid attention to what's happening in-game, powers only start recharging after their animation is finished so it's impossible to have a gapless single attack chain. Also I'm not sure if Shriek's -Res stacks from the same caster (most debuffs don't stack that way), so in order to stack -Res you'd want the other blasts too. Shriek > Scream > Shout has a 100% uptime on each of the -Res effects and you can toss in Screech every 20 seconds to refresh that for constant -80%. My in game experience has shown the recharge starts immediately and I have been able to have a gap less attack chain with just Shriek. I'll double check next time I play, though. I'm also under the impression that the debuff stacks, however I honestly have next checked. Unless it says effects don't stack from same caster, I assume it would.
  22. Edit: My comment was wrong and has been removed. I defer to the original response by Rumors, it is good advice. I provide new (and hopefully correct info) below for those interested Using the cast time numbers from Pines, I have calculated the chains for optimal Debuff Resistance per second (DRPS) and also effective Damage per second (eDPS, which combines DPS and DRPS). I evaluated the following chains and bracket their results [DRPS, eDPS, eDPS w/ EF] *Note, I calculated the effective DPS with and without Enervating Field : 1) Shriek - Scream [78.74%, 51.12, 59.70] (barely the optimal eDPS; but only if you can achieve near-capped recharge, i.e. ~400% recharge on Scream) 2) Shriek - Scream - Shriek - Shout [75.76%, 50.12, 58.68] (the practical optimal eDPS) 3) Screech - Shriek - Scream - Shriek - Shout [88.2%, 45.26, 52.47] (the practical optimal DRPS) 4) Screech - Shriek - Scream - Shriek - Shout - Shriek [87.72%, 47.18, 54.72] 5) Screech - Shriek - Scream - Shriek [86.36%, 94.15%, 97.64%] (optimal DRPS if you can achieve 312+% recharge on Screech). For the 5th chain I just show the DRPS and I list its 300%, 350%, and 400% recharge performance. The eDPS for these recharges are 37.8, 42.9, and 45.3, respectively. In summary, Shriek-Scream-Shriek-Shout is the optimal ST attack chain in terms of DPS. This is old news. The big take away from this is to show why one would want to take Screech as a power. In a team setting it will optimize your ST resistance debuff attack chain by a minimum of 12.4% points. That's effectively 12.4% more damage to your teammate's attacks. Also while in a team setting, you might have extreme recharge buffs from teammates which could push your optimal debuff chain into the 90-97% range, which further improves your teammate's damage output. As for adding Screech for the purpose of solo play, only do it if you take Dreadful Wail. You can hit the Boss with Screech, then come in hot with Dreadful Wail to stun the minions and the boss. This is probably a stretch of a reason to add a single power for a solo build, however.
  23. Bopper

    Rad/Sonic Build

    Rad Sonic can solo and team quite nicely with just one build.Just know that Shriek is the only single target attack power you need (early on, take Scream and Shout, but when you get to endgame respec out of them). The reason for this is, Shriek has a cast time of 1 second and a base recharge of 3 seconds. Once you achieve a recharge of 200+% (AM+Hasten+slotting practically get you there), Shriek will recharge before you're finished casting. Not only that, it's Damage per cast time is better than Scream and Shout, making it the optimum attack power. At endgame your attack chain will be Shriek-Shriek-Shriek-.... After 5 attacks the target will have 100% resistance debuff, making your DPS that much more potent. Personally, I can provide Support (debuffs/buffs/minor heals), control (Sleep/Hold), and damage (through debuffs and fast attacks). Here are the powers I take: Radiation Emission: Radiant Aura (team heal, good for solo and team) RI (area debuff toHit and Def) AM (team buff, good for solo and team) EF (area debuff DMG and Resistance) LR (area debuff slow/recharge and regen) EMP (big area hold if stuff hits the fan) Fallout+Mutation (only good for teams, but pair the fallout with power build up, vengeance, and amplify, and your dead teammate becomes a nuke) Choking Cloud (optional, I personally haven't used it, but I could see the benefits) Sonic: Shriek (only single target dps you need and it is a great debuffer for solo and teams) Howl (only multi target damage power I take, and it provides the resistance debuff) Siren's song (cone long duration sleep, great for solo as you can neutralize a mob while use Shriek to kill the big guy solo) Screech (with multiple applications it can stun a boss, and it provides a good resistance debuff, 20% for 12 seconds for a 1.5 second cast time) Amplify (self boost, somewhat optional but I always take it if I take fallout) Power pools Leadership: Maneuvers, Assault, Tactics, and Vengeance. MAT is great for solo and team, Vengeance is critical for team, pointless solo. Teleport friend: this is for teaming, but it pairs so nicely with fallout. Teleport a dead ally into a mob and start the fight off with a bang. Hasten: obviously Hover: self defense, and there's only so much ninja run can do for you APP: Power Mastery Power Build Up: this is Amplify on steroids. Pair this with vengeance for God mode. Temp Invulnerability: nice armor for resisting Smash and Lethal, 2 very common damage types. Force of Nature: my "oh shit" button. When I get caught off guard, pop this and hope to recover before dying. So those are the powers I pick, here's what I do with them. For damage (solo and team): Shriek (main DPS attack against tough enemies) Howl (multi target resistance debuff with decent damage) For control (mostly for solo or when exemplared) Siren's song (when slotted, minions and lieutenants sleep for over a minute) Screech (stuns a boss with multiple applications, and if I'm in a team I sprinkle it into my Shriek attack chain for extra resistance debuff) EMP pulse (big hold when stuff hits the fan) Choking Cloud (optional, but extra control if you plan on jumping into scrums) Debuffs (solo and team): RI and EI are musts, but are also amazing for big guys (EB, AV, GM). You apply it once and it stays on with no need for reapplication (aren't toggles great?). Allows you to focus on your attack chain, which further debuffs their resistance. LR is another must. Slows your opponents while reducing regeneration. This is required for the toughies. Buff (solo and team) Radiant Aura and AM, no need to explain. Both great. Dead ally nuke (team only): When friend dies, I teleport them into center of mob (if necessary), then I go Power Build Up, Vengeance, Aim, Fallout, Mutation.
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