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Everything posted by Bopper

  1. It was good info, I don't think the proc info took away from the discussion. Dual Pistols is a neat set with its swap ammo that opens up so many proc options: Slow, defense debuff, knockback.
  2. Wow, that's a lot of global recharge. I'd love to see the build. I could have sworn I read the Achilles was 3 PPM and the Annihilation (TgtAoE) was 3.5 PPM. If that's the case, fantastic.
  3. For slowed response, the base recharge is 90s, cast is 2.27s, radius is 25, arc is 360. The PPM of Achilles is 3. With no recharge, the probability to proc would be 121% (so each target capped to 90-95%. Since we are so well above the cap, we can actually add more recharge without losing capped proc probability? In fact, 35.6% recharge enhancement would still get you a 90.0% chance to proc (MRT = 66.4s). A 28.2% recharge enhancement would still get you 95.0% (MRT = 70.2s). So depending on what the cap is, now you know how much recharge you can add into Slowed Response.
  4. A lot has changed with Procs with i24. There are no longer 100% chance procs (caps at either 90% or 95%, unconfirmed which) and proc probabilities now work of the Modified Recharge Time (MRT) as opposed to base recharge time. The MRT is the recharge time calculated when including recharge enhancements and Alpha incarnates (global boosts like Hasten, Chrono Shift, etc do not count towards MRT). That being said, if you want to improve your proc odds, limit the amount of recharge you put into a power. As for AoE proc probabilities, I do not think it uses different formulas based on whether or not the power does damage (however I have not tested it, so it's worth checking out). I can tell you the number of targets it hits (or could hit) does not change the numbers. Only the size of the AoE. The formula to use (I believe) is: Prob = PPM x (MRT + CastTime) / (60xAreaFactor) MRT = BaseRecharge/(1 + EnhancedRecharge/100) AreaFactor = 1 + Radius x (11 x Arc + 540) / 40,000 Let's say you have a power with a base 20 second recharge, 2 second Cast Time, 90% recharge enhancement, radius of 15 feet and the area effect is non-cone (360 degree arc), a 3.5 PPM proc probability for each target it hits can be calculated as: Prob = 3.5 x (20/1.90 + 2) / (60x(1 + 15x (360+540)/40000)) = 27.19% Thanks for the proc stacking explanation, that is extremely helpful.
  5. In AoE, the probability to proc on one (each) target is less than it would be in an equivalent single target attack, but each target has a chance to proc.
  6. He has another thread that originally used Dark. This is a variation of that build, using Soul. Not to mention, you lose Incarnates when below level 45 (iirc), this build could keep power boost as low as level 36.
  7. Excellent write up. I have 2 questions I hope you can clear up for me. First, when did Soul Drain get an animation time of 4+ seconds? When I look up the cast time in city of data, the cast time is less than 3 seconds (and my game play doesn't feel like 4 seconds passes). Did they nerfed it? Second, how exactly does multiple Achilles Proc work? Is the problem simply they don't stack? If a target is already effected by the Achilles proc (or annihilation proc), and a 2nd application is rolled and misses, does it remove it? If the roll hits, does it refresh it, or not count? Lots of questions on this, as I simply was not aware.
  8. It's funny, but I was just having this discussion yesterday with a SG mate. He wanted to know if it was better to use a Performance Shifter +End proc, or a regular End Mod enhancement. I can't confirm the numbers, but I'll give you the same answer I gave him. The PS +End proc has a PPM of 1.5 and it grants a 10% endurance (keep in mind, that is a percentage of your max endurance, not necessarily equal to 10 endurance). I have 120 max endurance, so when it procs, I get 12 endurance back. But for the sake of simple math, let's assume my max endurance is 100. A 1.5 PPM proc means it will fire once every 40 seconds. That means I get 10 endurance every 40 seconds, or 0.25 endurance per second. When using Pine's (Mids Reborn), I slotted a lvl 50 EndMod IO (42.4% enhancement) and my recovery went up 0.17 endurance per second. It would seem the +End Proc is simply better than using an EndMod enhancement.
  9. I was hoping when you said the Power Checker tool would have the EXACT effects of player powers it would include the summoned pets. For example, Defender_Buff Storm_Summoning Lightning_Storm, you summon a Pet_Lightning_Storm. I wanted to see those attributes (tick rate, damage, etc). Any chance you can update your tool to do this?
  10. I also ditched Leadership for Stealth. Utility of ghosting missions, LotG mules, and the Power Boosted Grant Invisibility is like granting a 2 minute Weave to my teammates.
  11. It follows the Rule of 5 in the sense you can't have more than 5 LotG +Recharge enhancements. But the 7.5% global recharge it gives does not count towards other 7.5% recharge bonuses you get from set IO bonuses. So you can have 5 of each for a total of 75% global recharge. So to answer your question, you did not waste one.
  12. It's an archive of a dead website, but I always start here: http://web.archive.org/web/20140625171903/http://tomax.cohtitan.com/data/powers/ If you want to blast with -res, try sonic. If you want both -res and -regen, check out Beam Rifle. It has a lot of knockdown, -regen, -defense, and some -res.
  13. Can we get updated Proc information for enhancements, including PPM rate? Also, can the tool be configured to accurately calculate the probability of a Proc and have that calculation show in the description text? I would expect adding recharge to a power, the probability would go down. It would also be nice to have this formula used when calculate the damage with procs.
  14. Sorry for quoting this again, but the point of crashless nukes made me think. I don't really think of HoB as a nuke. When I compare my DP blasters to other blasters the other blasters can jump into a large crowd and pretty much wipe out the crowd. I cannot do that with HoB. I have to hit HoB, back out and use BR and EC. Maybe these other blasters are hitting AIM, BU, and then their nuke, which is how they can wipe out the group, but DP doesn't have that option. It is certainly one of the weaker nukes, and it is Damage over Time which lends itself to enemies being able to heal while the damage is applied. However, the weaker nuke is reflected in the recharge (at some point they started standardizing nukes damage based on recharge...I think the same time they made them crashless). I'll say this, though, for my DP defender, I can use Soul Drain as my build up and get 2 Hail of Bullets to go off before my buff wears off. I can't do that with all nukes. Also Hail of Bullets is weird in that it has 0 cast time, so despite the long animation the recharge begins right when you click it, so it basically will come up faster than one would expect.
  15. If you're going through mobs that fast, you might want to up the difficulty. But yes, if the group is simply OP for the content, you likely won't both with debuffs. But that applies to any powerset, not just Rad Emission.
  16. Going off memory, but I think it is a 1.5PPM proc, so it would work like any other PPM proc. Based on recharge of the power and the type of power it is, there is a probability of proc that can be calculated, and that probability is applied to every target it hits. If you have a power in mind, I can give you an idea of the probability. So it has a chance to provide +end to the mobs it hits? Or to you? Or something else? To you.
  17. As I scroll through Pine's Powerset Comparison, I just don't see a glaring damage issue (in terms of DPS/DPA) in comparison to other sets. It's not Fire, obviously. But it's basically on par with Radiation blast. Perhaps everyone's distaste for it is simply the lack of Aim or perhaps because most of DP is DoT as opposed to burst damage. Either way, give me Swap Ammo over Aim any day.
  18. Going off memory, but I think it is a 1.5PPM proc, so it would work like any other PPM proc. Based on recharge of the power and the type of power it is, there is a probability of proc that can be calculated, and that probability is applied to every target it hits. If you have a power in mind, I can give you an idea of the probability.
  19. Great point. How would you adjust? I wouldn't mind seeing Swap Ammo buffed somehow. Everything else is a damage power, so the only thing you can do there is buff damage, but on Swap Ammo you could add ammo types that have different functions or maybe add some inherent benefits similar to Reach for the Limit. I tend to keep my ammo on fire for the extra damage. Given that DP comes with more accuracy than most sets and Fire Ammo is effectively a perma damage buff, I don't think Aim is the issue. I prefer having swap ammo over Aim, and the fact DP does things differently than the cookie cutter sets gives it that extra charm. If I were to go back to the drawing board, I think Dual Wield is the only attack I could do without. Pistols has a much better DPA, so I skip DW all together. My ST attack chain just uses ES, Pistol and PR, while my AoE attack chain uses BR, EC, and PR. So DW does nothing for me. I suppose you could replace it with a Snipe or Aim and shift EC into the DW spot (might be too OP having a cone available Lvl 1 for blasters/corruptors/sentinels, though).
  20. That is a great point. For those exact reasons, it could perhaps use a little bit more buffing. Make Piercing Rounds more like an insta-snipe, perhaps.
  21. Do you have an archetype preference? Electric powers is an obvious choice. Less obvious is looking at defender Powers such as EMP, EMP Arrow, Transference, Lightning Storm...all have AoE endurance drain. You can pair that with Power Boost from Soul Mastery to turn each of those into double drain. But pretty much anything with Electric Blast (Short Circuit, Ball Lightning, Thunderous Blast each can hit 16 targets) should be enough to sap enemies of their endurance.
  22. I have only played it as a defender, so my experience is likely different than yours. Nonetheless, DP is sort of a Swiss army knife, as opposed to Crocodile Dundie's knife. It is not going to be tops in DPS, but you can adapt better than most. As a base (no fancy ammo) you get lots of knock back and -def, which can lend itself to -res procs if you want some extra damage that helps the whole team. Piercing Rounds also gives a -res debuff, so if you want to do an extra 20% damage, throw that into your rotation. With Fire ammo you get added damage in the form of ticks. This should help you creep closer to the better damage dealing sets, but it won't overtake them. It's still nice to have if you need to kill faster. Your procs still work here. With toxic ammo you get a damage debuff which is effectively a resistance buff for yourself. Nice for survivability and not many critters have toxic resistance (I assume). With cold ammo you get slow/recharge debuffs, making you into a bit more of a controller with some added survivability. So ultimately, I don't think DP needs a buff. It was created when balancing was a point of focus and I don't think this set lacks in its purpose. I love DP (are we not using phrasing?).
  23. I think the Procs were updated to reflect the 25% increase. So the formula should (likely) just be P. For example, the FF proc used to be 1.5 PPM, but is now 2 PPM. That's why I assume the procs were just updated.
  24. In all honesty, how do you like it? Personally my build is very different (damage focused), but a haven't checked the numbers. I should do a long form breakdown like how you provide and do a comparison.
  25. The toggle (for Enervating Field and Radiation Infection) will remain anchored to a target even when dead. However, if the dead target despawns (disappears), then the toggle turns off.
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