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About Wravis

  • Birthday 02/29/1992

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  1. Agent 1 Arboreal Boy Fun Nanite Man Are all sent up to a farm upstate, free for someone to pick.
  2. Base Code: EXPLOREONFOOT-20176 Globals: @Wravis/@Jibily Shard (aka server): Everlasting Special Considerations: Explore it on foot first... that's why I gave it that code. Fly around after. Base Code: Cabin-8752 Globals: @Wravis/@Jibily Shard (aka server): Everlasting Special Considerations: Kind of the protoversion of Exploreonfoot. But there's a cabin, too. My earliest base!
  3. That's fine. Replace it wiiiith Shard: Everlasting Base Code: Highschool-33072 Builder/Owner: @Jibily@Wravis
  4. Shard: Everlasting Base Code: Law-18824 Builder or Owner: @Wravis/@Jibily Shard: Everlasting Basecode: Boardwalk-23004 Builder or Owner: @Jibily/Wravis
  5. The Crash Site Crash-15210 Everlasting
  6. I don't see where the First Appearance Date toggle is listed in patch notes but I think it's a terrible change. What was the thinking behind this change? What does it fix? First Appearance Date helps see if a character might have met another at glance. Helps determine if a trouble character is a fresh troll. Helps spot new players. Obviously it doesn't accomplish these things perfectly, but it's a useful tool for at a glance info.
  7. I tested this and have the same result. If you alter a character's scales and save the file, when you load that exact file after zoning, you are charged for changes, despite no changes to the costume or scales occurring.
  8. I don't know what Ramged AOE is it but I don't like it.
  9. Widows also have Link Minds which is a group unenhanced 10% Defense, 5% Tohit, 30% Psi Resist Buff. And their Leadership power give nearly twice the Defense % of regular Leadership. I agree with you on assigning them the control role being stupid. Night Widows don't have a single control power.
  10. Scrolled right past it because I was looking for a list. Thanks!
  11. Can we get the new base items added to the table of contents so all of us base builders don't have to hunt for the cool stuff you added for us? 😄 Yay base items!
  12. That doesn't address any of the issues Sonic has. Sonic is weak compared to most other sets, and it's weird they aren't really addressing any of the issues other than Liquefy when they're doing a pass on it.
  13. It's not even the king of handing out resist buffing. Pain Dom dishes out the same amount of +resist with one click. And it's easy to make World of Pain permanent. And Electric Affinity has a better mez protect. Sonic does nothing better than any other powerset. edited because I shouldn’t post while tired.
  14. How about some snow surfaces and hills?
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