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Captain Powerhouse

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Everything posted by Captain Powerhouse

  1. I don’t recall there being any animation time changes for martial arts after the storm kick change very early on. They did change recharge times and damage for better dps, and added some new mechanic to Eagle Claw that boosts crit rate, but that was all Castle’s area. The blaster T1/2 normalization was for different reasons relating with making all the “usable while mezzed” powers “equal” for blasters.
  2. Damage resistances were never taken into account when designing power sets. Well, almost never. There were two exceptions: 1) For years they avoided giving players more psi powers in fear of PvP balance (no longer an issue after they patched every psi hole in PvP only) 2) For years they opted to ignore Dual Pistol issues “because it could switch into toxic mode, a rarely resisted type” (something that was wrong, it’s one of the most heavily resisted types by some of the most recurring end-game enemies.) For the most part, the only metric used by devs to design offensive powers was powers dpa, and even then the tools were not were too powerful, reason why some sets are either way too good or way too weak.
  3. Nope. Only looking at passive resistances. Toggles and clicks are being left alone, for the time being, as players can attempt to prevent their activations or somehow drop toggles.
  4. Hmm these powers should be tagged as not dropping if mezzed, all player toggles that only affect self are supposed to. Ill look into this (it i don’t forget among all the other things I got going on right now.)
  5. Some Melee Powersets will be looked at later after this is out of the way. The rage crash avoidance will actually be rolled back on next patch, the set will be looked at in more detail later, but not until another project is done: go through every single entity in the game and re-balance enemy damage resistances.
  6. Short answer: the set wont be ported as is. It's defenses are too high, Energy Drain's +Def is too much, so that power likely has to be replaced with something else for the tanker version, at minimum. A little? Energy Drain should had never been changed from a heal to +defense.
  7. OK I hope this calms down the last few days of discussions: brutes wont be nerfed any further. In fact, the next patch has a buff to brute fury generation on teams. And just tongue in cheek: the only way brute resist cap would go down to 85% is if tanker resist cap also goes down to 85%. But there is no plan to do that at this time (or ever, ever ever.)
  8. Clarification here: all ranged attacks on melee sets are considered melee for their modifiers, just like all melee PBAoE in Blast sets use ranger modifiers. So hurl did benefit from the melee mod damage increase. As for a list of powers that are affected or not, the list is not finalized and rather not put a list up that might change. The target caps are listed in game, easy to find. I likely will add a tool tip note to powers that ignore the effect by the end, if I don’t just lower the area of those powers like I did with foot stomp.
  9. PvP damage should not have changed, there are different modifier tables at play in PvP and those were not changed. There might be some issues here and there with epic pools that should had been addressed in the last patch.
  10. Weaken Resolve was hit by the same bug as Melt Armor, it's -res was also too high and is now lower. Note the bug affected both brutes and tankers. On top of that, given all the things Weaken Resolve does, it was also considered a bit too strong in the -res department and is getting lowered in a future patch (for everyone.)
  11. Was this before or after Tanker -Res was reduced in Weaken REsolve and MeltArmor?
  12. But now you are talking about very specific situations, and then, not specific enough. I have mentioned this a few times, but how does that all interact with using Epic pool AoEs? You cant make any decent AoE spam with Foot Stomp alone, even at extremely high recharge you need at least one more power, and that is almost certainly going to be an Epic pool attack that is scale damage 0.8 for Tankers and 0.75 scale damage for Brutes. As for attack chain, I don't personally do this (due to theme) but most SS builds i see tend to incorporate Gloom for optimal DPS. That Gloom will continue to be using a 0.8 modifier for tankers. It will continue to bring better DPS than Haymaker, but the impact on relative tanker/brute balance wont be as simple as looking at a single number. The 90% cap goal is just for the caps. It's a limit, how far can extreme buffs take the AT. It's not meant to keep both ATs at a permanent 90%/100% relationship. That is practically impossible with the way Brutes work mechanically. The only "constant" relationship being attempted is single target Tanker/Scrapper where the Tanker should be doing around 75% the damage of an equivalent scrapper, and that also gets murky because their Epics are different, and scrapper +Dmg is also significantly higher.
  13. "Near" I really mean around 95 (highest I ever see) in a farm. When 50% is part of the conversation, I consider that "near" (although Auroxis himself claimed being able to saturate fury in farms also.) If I am playing missions, I do stay around 80%-89%. With enough enemies i hit 80% without attacking. With 7 critters I'm likely to hit 60% before within a handful attacks. So, I'm not sure what scenario I would ever consider 50% fury to be a realistic representation of brute gameplay.
  14. And how realistic is that? Because in my experience, if brutes have multiple foes on them, they are at near 100% fury. And fury has bonus +fury built in when you fight EBs.AVs and the like that makes sure you always stay above 70% so long you continue attacking.
  15. If I didn't care what anyone thinks, It's very likely none of the iteration we seen so far would had happened.
  16. Yes, it is a nerf. Yes I did say i was not planning to nerf brutes (not sure if i ever said any definitive "wont", i try to avoid speaking in certain terms like that but I know sometimes I fail.) Anyways, no one should try to cover the sky with one hand, this is a nerf. It is indeed a minor nerf that should only play a role in team and raid situations. @kenlon got it right earlier, my mind was changed after a lot of talk pointed the dynamic between brutes and blasters/scrappers. It's an AT that can tank, manage aggro, and deal lots of damage, and then it can also be buffed to deal higher damage scale than a Blaster. I wasn't planning to do it, I was focusing on the melee at balance, but I stated that "if tanker damage is too high at 5.5, then so is brute damage with a 7.75 cap". Once blasters entered the conversation, I really felt that indeed, if there was a time to do this, it was now. The result after this should be a more balanced field among tanking ATs (Kheldians will be touched at some point, sorry, those require a lot more work than can be done within the scope of this wave) and also a better position for raw DPS ATs that bring little to the team more than, well, raw dps. Anyways, I own it. It's a nerf, not out of a whim, but it's a nerf and I did say it was not in the table. I apologize, but still feel this needs to happen. I'll do my best to avoid such absolute statements in the future.
  17. Don't think it is problematic, also the main reason to lower the -radius was toned down mostly because +100% of making taunt auras and other cc abilities way too good.
  18. Foot Stomp will hit 16 targets. That’s not nothing. And the reduction on radius makes global procs and PPM stronger.
  19. Tankers will still have disproportionate endurance issues in some encounters, but the increased caps and area ended up being good enough at giving the tanker a mean to kill many enemies more efficiently, closing the gap, at least while not trying to solo an AV or AV. They should.
  20. Tanker Updates [Experimental Changes] Tanker Damage cap lowered to 5.0 Brute Damage cap lowered to 7.0 The Tanker Max End has been removed. Lowered Tanker's -Res and +Buff Damage modifiers. Fixed a bug introduced last patch where Melt Armor for Tankers and Brutes was doing more -res than intended. Fixed a bug introduced in a previous patch where Kinetic Attack had the T1 and T2 inverted, something that generated invalid characters.
  21. Tank Updates [Experimental Changes] Tanker Damage cap lowered to 5.0 Brute Damage cap lowered to 7.0 The Tanker Max End has been removed. Lowered Tanker's -Res and +Buff Damage modifiers. Fixed a bug introduced last patch where Melt Armor for Tankers and Brutes was doing more -res than intended. Fixed a bug introduced in a previous patch where Kinetic Attack had the T1 and T2 inverted, something that generated invalid characters. Note: The following is a consolidated list of all other changes thus far. Combat Spam: Combat log output has been standardized. Many powers used to report the wrong damage type and effects in the combat log, this process has fixed that, in addition to making the combat log a lot easier to parse. Bug Fixes Archery > Ranged Shot Fixed a bug where would not animate in the character customization screen. Blaster Ranged > Electric Blast > Corrected an FXGEO feedback error with this power's FX. Blaster Support > Atomic Manipulation > Beta Decay: Text should no longer state it taunts enemies. Blaster Support > Atomic Manipulation > Electron Shackles: Should no longer accept Endurance Modification enhancements or sets. Blaster Support > Psoinic Manipulation > Drain Psych: -Regeneration effect should no longer be enhanceable. Dark Control > Umbra Beast: Should now accept Fear Enhancement and Sets. Devices > Targeting Drone: The power description for Targeting Drone has been fixed. Dominator > Fire Control > Fire Imps: Should now always summon 3 imps. Dominator > Psionic Assault > Drain Psych: -Regeneration effect should no longer be enhanceable. Dominator > Savage Assault > Call hawk & Feral Charge: Should no longer accept Dominator Archetype Enhancement sets. Force of Will's Takeoff effect can now be canceled. Force of Will's Weaken Resolve: Fixed typos. Now accepts Accurate ToHit Debuff enhancements. Gravity Control > Singularity should now apply and take advantage of the Impact mechanic. Ice Melee > Frozen Fists (Brute/Stalker/Scrapper) Power Description should no longer say it adds -res. Incarnate > Hybrid : Should no longer fail to shut down after zoning. Martial Arts > Crippling Axe Kick: now accepts defense debuff enhancements and sets. Poison Weaken and Cold Domination -Special powers should no longer be boosted by +Special powers like Power Boost. As a rule, Str effects should not be affected by other Str effects. Pool > Concealment > Stealth and Invisibility: translucency issues should now, FINALLY be fixed. Pool > Leaping > Spring Attack: should now do damage when used by Sentinels Proton Volley's Fast-Snipe sphere FX should now tint properly. Radiation Armor > Beta Decay: Taunt magnitude should now always be Mag 4 Radiation Melee > Contamination AoE should now reliably trigger when hitting a contaminated target. Sentinel > Bio Armor > Athletic Regulation: Should no longer accept travel enhancement sets. Sentinel > Energy Aura > Power Armor: Should now accept Healing Enhancement Sets Sentinel > Fire Blast > Blazing Blast: Should now do 13 ticks of damage over time. Temporary Powers > Ethereal Shift should shut down automatically as other Phase Shift powers. Boosts > Performance Shifter > Chance for +Endurance: Should now have a chance to grant the caster Endurance if used on an offensive attack. Arachnos Soldiers > Summoned Spiders should no longer play a teleport fx every 10 seconds. AE Critter Powers Sonic Resonance > Liquefy: This power had a range of zero. It has been changed to 60ft. Pain Domination > Soothing Aura: This power is now an Auto, as most AE versions of Toggle powers. Force Fields > Personal Force Fields now lasts 30 seconds instead of 0.75 seconds. Assault Rifle > Ignite: Should now properly do damage. PvP: Fixed PvP damage for Archery and other Snipes that were reported to be doing too little damage in slow form. Blaster > Immobilizing Dart > Should no longer have a Hold in PvP. Storm Summoning > Hurricane should now apply it's -Range to everyone. Storm Summoning > O2 Boost should now provide stun resistance instead of protection in PvP Storm Summoning > Gale (controllers) should no longer list double mag knockbacks in pvp. Global Damage Procs like Hybrid Double Hit, Plant Manipulation's Toxins and Bio Armor's Offensive Adaptation should now use PvP damage formula in PvP instead of the PvE damage formula. Controller versionof Storm Summoning > O2 Boost no longer grants Stun or Sleep protection in PvP, it should now grant Stun and Sleep resistance. PvP damage for many epic pool powers have been fixed to obey the PvP damage formula (Will attempt to compile a full list but pay attention to any potentially erroneous changes.) Mez Duration and Suppression rules have been enforced for the following enhancements: Debilitative Action: Disorient Bonus Devastation: Chance for Hold Dominion of Arachnos: Recharge/Chance for -Dmg and Terrorize Energy Manipulator: Chance to Stun Executioners Contract: Disorient Bonus Frozen Blast: Recharge/Chance for Immobilize Gravitational Anchor: Chance for Hold Lockdown: Chance for +2 Mag Hold Pounding Slugfest: Disorient Bonus Razzle Dazzle: Chance for Immobilize Superior Dominion of Arachnos: Recharge/Chance for -Dmg and Terrorize Superior Frozen Blast: Recharge/Chance for Immobilize Unspeakable Terror: Disorient Bonus And the following powers: Arachnos Soldiers > Bane Spider Soldier > Bash Arachnos Soldiers > Bane Spider Soldier > Pulverize Blaster Ranged > Dark Blast > Abyssal Gaze Blaster Support > Atomic Manipulation > Electron Shackles Blaster Support > Atomic Manipulation > Positron Cell Blaster Support > Darkness Manipulation > Midnight Grasp Blaster Support > Electricity Manipulation > Electric Fence Blaster Support > Ice Manipulation > Frozen Aura Blaster Support > Mental Manipulation > World of Confusion Blaster Support > Ninja Training > Blinding Powder Blaster Support > Ninja Training > Immobilizing Dart Blaster Support > Temporal Manipulation > Time Shift Blaster Support > Temporal Manipulation > Time Stop Blaster Support > Temporal Manipulation > Time Wall Brute Defense > Dark Armor > Cloak of Fear Brute Defense > Dark Armor > Soul Transfer Brute Melee > Electrical Melee > Jacobs Ladder Brute Melee > Energy Melee > Bone Smasher Brute Melee > Martial Arts > Cobra Strike Brute Melee > Martial Arts > Crippling Axe Kick Brute Melee > Martial Arts > Eagles Claw Brute Melee > Martial Arts > Thunder Kick Brute Melee > Spines > Barb Swipe Brute Melee > Spines > Impale Brute Melee > Spines > Lunge Brute Melee > Spines > Quills Brute Melee > Spines > Ripper Brute Melee > Spines > Spine Burst Brute Melee > Spines > Throw Spines Brute Melee > Street Justice > Crushing Uppercut Brute Melee > Street Justice > Initial Strike Brute Melee > Street Justice > Spinning Strike Brute Melee > Street Justice > Sweeping Cross Brute Melee > Titan Weapons > Follow Through Controller Buff > Darkness Affinity > Howling Twilight Controller Buff > Force Field > Repulsion Bomb Controller Buff > Radiation Emission > EM Pulse Controller Buff > Time Manipulation > Time Stop Controller Buff > Traps > Web Grenade Controller Control > Darkness Control > Dark Grasp Controller Control > Earth Control > Salt Crystals Controller Control > Ice Control > Arctic Air Controller Control > Mind Control > Telekinesis Corruptor Buff > Dark Miasma > Petrifying Gaze Corruptor Buff > Force Field > Repulsion Bomb Corruptor Buff > Time Manipulation > Time Stop Defender Buff > Dark Miasma > Petrifying Gaze Defender Buff > Time Manipulation > Time Stop Defender Buff > Traps > Web Grenade Defender Ranged > Assault Rifle > Beanbag Dominator Assault > Earth Assault > Mud Pots Dominator Assault > Energy Assault > Whirling Hands Dominator Control > Darkness Control > Dark Grasp Dominator Control > Electric Control > Chain Fences Dominator Control > Electric Control > Electric Fence Dominator Control > Electric Control > Tesla Cage Dominator Control > Ice Control > Arctic Air Dominator Control > Mind Control > Confuse Dominator Control > Mind Control > Mass Confusion Dominator Control > Mind Control > Telekinesis Dominator Control > Plant Control > Seeds of Confusion Mastermind Buff > Dark Miasma > Fearsome Stare Mastermind Buff > Storm Summoning > Thunder Clap Mastermind Buff > Time Manipulation > Time Stop Mastermind Pets > Jounin > Blinding Powder Peacebringer Defensive > Luminous Aura > White Dwarf Smite Scrapper Defense > Dark Armor > Cloak of Fear Scrapper Defense > Dark Armor > Oppressive Gloom Scrapper Defense > Dark Armor > Soul Transfer Scrapper Melee > Dark Melee > Midnight Grasp Scrapper Melee > Electrical Melee > Charged Brawl Scrapper Melee > Electrical Melee > Havoc Punch Scrapper Melee > Electrical Melee > Jacobs Ladder Scrapper Melee > Electrical Melee > Lightning Clap Scrapper Melee > Electrical Melee > Thunder Strike Scrapper Melee > Martial Arts > Cobra Strike Scrapper Melee > Martial Arts > Crippling Axe Kick Scrapper Melee > Martial Arts > Eagles Claw Scrapper Melee > Martial Arts > Thunder Kick Scrapper Melee > Spines > Barb Swipe Scrapper Melee > Spines > Impale Scrapper Melee > Spines > Lunge Scrapper Melee > Spines > Quills Scrapper Melee > Spines > Ripper Scrapper Melee > Spines > Spine Burst Scrapper Melee > Spines > Throw Spines Scrapper Melee > Street Justice > Crushing Uppercut Scrapper Melee > Street Justice > Initial Strike Scrapper Melee > Street Justice > Spinning Strike Scrapper Melee > Street Justice > Sweeping Cross Scrapper Melee > Titan Weapons > Follow Through Scrapper Melee > War Mace > Whirling Mace Sentinel Defense > Dark Armor > Cloak of Fear Sentinel Defense > Dark Armor > Soul Transfer Sentinel Ranged > Dark Blast > Abyssal Gaze Stalker Defense > Dark Armor > Cloak of Fear Stalker Defense > Dark Armor > Soul Transfer Stalker Melee > Street Justice > Crushing Uppercut Stalker Melee > Street Justice > Initial Strike Stalker Melee > Street Justice > Spinning Strike Stalker Melee > Street Justice > Sweeping Cross Tanker Defense > Dark Armor > Cloak of Fear Tanker Defense > Dark Armor > Oppressive Gloom Tanker Defense > Dark Armor > Soul Transfer Tanker Melee > Electrical Melee > Charged Brawl Tanker Melee > Electrical Melee > Havoc Punch Tanker Melee > Electrical Melee > Jacobs Ladder Tanker Melee > Electrical Melee > Lightning Clap Tanker Melee > Electrical Melee > Thunder Strike Tanker Melee > Energy Melee > Barrage Tanker Melee > Martial Arts > Cobra Strike Tanker Melee > Martial Arts > Crippling Axe Kick Tanker Melee > Martial Arts > Eagles Claw Tanker Melee > Martial Arts > Thunder Kick Tanker Melee > Psionic Melee > Greater Psi Blade Tanker Melee > Psionic Melee > Psi Blade Sweep Tanker Melee > Spines > Barb Swipe Tanker Melee > Spines > Impale Tanker Melee > Spines > Lunge Tanker Melee > Spines > Quills Tanker Melee > Spines > Ripper Tanker Melee > Spines > Spine Burst Tanker Melee > Spines > Throw Spines Tanker Melee > Street Justice > Crushing Uppercut Tanker Melee > Street Justice > Initial Strike Tanker Melee > Street Justice > Spinning Strike Tanker Melee > Street Justice > Sweeping Cross Tanker Melee > Titan Weapons > Follow Through Tanker Melee > War Mace > Whirling Mace Warshade Defensive > Umbral Aura > Black Dwarf Smite Warshade Defensive > Umbral Aura > Inky Aspect Pool > Fighting > Boxing Pool > Fighting > Cross Punch Pool > Presence > Intimidate Pool > Presence > Invoke Panic Pool > Speed > Flurry Epic > Arctic Mastery > Chilblain Epic > Blaze Mastery > Ring of Fire Epic > Charge Mastery > ESD Epic > Chill Mastery > Flash Freeze Epic > Cold Mastery > Flash Freeze Epic > Dark Mastery > Netherworld Grasp Epic > Dark Mastery > Soul Transfer Epic > Earth Mastery > Salt Crystals Epic > Earth Mastery > Stone Prison Epic > Electrical Mastery > EM Pulse Epic > Electrical Mastery > Shocking Bolt Epic > Electricity Mastery > Electric Fence Epic > Flame Mastery > Char Epic > Mace Mastery > Pulverize Epic > Munitions Mastery > Cryo Freeze Ray Epic > Munitions Mastery > Sleep Grenade Epic > Psionic Mastery > Dominate Epic > Psionic Mastery > World of Confusion Epic > Psychic Mastery > Telekinesis Epic > Psychic Mastery > World of Confusion Epic > Pyre Mastery > Ring of Fire Epic > Stone Mastery > Fissure Epic > Stone Mastery > Seismic Smash Epic > Weapon Mastery > Web Grenade Temporary Powers > Temporary Powers > Stun Grenade Temporary Powers > Temporary Powers > Fiendish Glare Temporary Powers > Temporary Powers > Seduction Temporary Powers > Temporary Powers > Duplicity Temporary Powers > Temporary Powers > Hand Clap Temporary Powers > Temporary Powers > Stun Grenade Temporary Powers > Temporary Powers > Stun Grenade Temporary Powers > Temporary Powers > Minor Mutation Temporary Powers > Temporary Powers > Nectar Temporary Powers > Temporary Powers > Power of Scirocco Temporary Powers > Temporary Powers > Atomic Blast Temporary Powers > Temporary Powers > Cosmic Burst Temporary Powers > Temporary Powers > Psionic Activator Temporary Powers > Temporary Powers > Stun Grenade Temporary Powers > Temporary Powers > Stun Grenade Temporary Powers > Temporary Powers > Vanguard Psi-Bomb And the following player pet powers: Pets > PPD Hard Suit > Bone Smasher Pets > PPD Hard Suit > Energy Punch Pets > PPD Sergeant > Force Brawl Pets > Resistance_Rifle > Power Punch Pets > Tech Lab > Explosion Pets > Seeker 1 > FlashPulse Pets > Seeker 1 > FlashPulse Pets > Seeker 2 > FlashPulse Pets > Seeker 2 > FlashPulse Pets > Seeker 3 > FlashPulse Pets > Coral Guardian Warder > Fossilize Pets > Fly Trap > Entangle Pets > Fortunata Mistress > Psychic Wail Pets > Fortunata Mistress > Scramble Thoughts Pets > Mu Adept > EM Pulse Pets > Mu Guardian > EM Pulse Pets > Mu Striker > EM Pulse Pets > Shade > Scare Pets > Seeker 1 > FlashPulse The following powers were ignoring pvp knockback suppression. This has been fixed.: Blaster Ranged > Archery > Explosive Arrow Blaster Ranged > Psychic Blast > Psionic Tornado Blaster Support > Electricity Manipulation > Thunder Strike Blaster Support > Ninja Training > Golden Dragonfly Brute Melee > Katana > Golden Dragonfly Brute Melee > Stone Melee > Fault Controller Control > Electric Control > Jolting Chain Controller Control > Gravity Control > Wormhole Peacebringer Defensive > Luminous Aura > White Dwarf Flare Peacebringer Defensive > Luminous Aura > White Dwarf Smite Peacebringer Defensive > Luminous Aura > White Dwarf Strike Peacebringer Offensive > Luminous Blast > Solar Flare Scrapper Melee > Dual Blades > Typhoon's Edge Staker Melee > Spines > Ripper Warshade Defensive > Umbral Aura > Black Dwarf Smite Warshade Defensive > Umbral Aura > Black Dwarf Strike Warshade Offensive > Umbral Blast > Dark Nova Blast Warshade Offensive > Umbral Blast > Dark Nova Detonation Epic > Field Mastery > Power Blast Epic > Leviathan Mastery > Arctic Breath Epic > Primal Forces Mastery > Power Blast Epic > Psionic Mastery > Psionic Tornado Pool > Fighting > Kick Pool > Leaping > Jump Kick Temporary Powers > Advanced Assault Rifle Slug Temporary Powers > Arachnos Shotgun Blast Temporary Powers > Electron Haze Temporary Powers > Energy Smash Temporary Powers > Focused Burst Temporary Powers > Gabriel's Hammer Temporary Powers > Holy Shotgun Shells Temporary Powers > Laser Beam Eyes Temporary Powers > Nictus Gravitic Emanation Temporary Powers > Plasmatic Taser Temporary Powers > PPD Grenade Launcher Temporary Powers > Rikti Rifle Temporary Powers > Sawed-off Shotgun Temporary Powers > Shivan Haze Temporary Powers > Shivan Smash Temporary Powers > Shivan Strike Temporary Powers > Shotgun Launched Frag Grenade Temporary Powers > St > Louis Slammer Temporary Powers > Synaptic Whirlwind Pets > Arachnobot Blaster > Energy Blast Pets > Bomb > Time Bomb Pets > High Explosives > High Explosives Pets > High Explosives Tech > High Explosives Pets > LightningStorm_NPC > Lightning Pets > Longbow Heavy > Energy Barrage Pets > Longbow Heavy > Grenade Pets > Longbow Heavy > Plasma Blast Pets > Mine > Trip Mine Pets > Phantasm > Energy Torrent Pets > Phantasm > Power Bolt Pets > Singularity > Lift Pets > Stone > Hurl Boulder Pets > Tech Lab > Explosion Pets > Thug Minion > Dual Wield The following enhancement procs were ignoring PvP knockback suppression, that has been fixed: Avalanche: Recharge/Chance for Knockdown Kinetic Combat: Chance for Knockdown Overwhelming Force: Damage/Chance for Knockdown/Knockback to Knockdown Stupefy: Chance for Knockback Kinetic Combat: Chance for Knockdown Ragnarok: Chance for Knockdown Stupefy: Chance for Knockback Might of the Empire: Damage/Recharge/Chance for Knockdown Superior Avalanche: Recharge/Chance for Knockdown Ragnarok: Chance for Knockdown
  22. The current weakened message is there only for testing timing issues. It will be gone on the final version if any of this goes through.
  23. Mentioned this in the tanker thread but putting it here also: The Radius boost only applies to sphere powers. The Arc boost only applies to cones. Side note: Cone powers radius cant be modified directly, it gets modified by buffing range, and almost all Melee powers are flagged to ignore range buffs or debuffs.
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