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About nightroarer

  • Birthday 04/09/1967

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  1. Or else all 50 will be disappointed that the name is still in use by an active player. πŸ™‚
  2. Usually when I'm asked "Can I ask a stupid question?", I reply "Why not? I'm loaded with stupid answers."
  3. As a side note to Snarky's post, if you haven't watched the Monster Mash video he linked, you ought to. That's one of my favorite Geoff Castellucci covers. πŸ™‚
  4. Yep. I understood that as well. πŸ™‚
  5. I would absolutely hate this--so would my wife and daughter, who have spent a lot of time creatively building and populating our SG bases. The prestige grind on the old servers might have worked for large groups, but it was horrible for small groups. I'd vote to never go back to that grind again.
  6. It's funny, but I've never joined a supergroup for any of the reasons you listed. For me, the prestige grind and cost of a base were annoying, not fun. The reason I join a SG is to enjoy running missions and spending time with friends and family in game. That is the ONLY reason I ever joined a SG, so there is "literally" a great reason for supergroups to exist. πŸ™‚ My wife and daughter and I have several groups and bases (different themes). I'd say the current SG structure is amazing and a lot more fun than the old one. We can create the bases we want for the themes we enjoy. I also have a solo SG (for my solo characters) that is set up for their backstories. It's a lot of fun, and well worth it.
  7. My family says I'm fluent in Gibberish.
  8. Can't say I won't use silly names. I already have Jester Notherguy and Artie Choke.
  9. My character Milford Whimple's battle cry is "Behave, you hooligans!" His bio: Milford Whimple is a chemist at the Paragon Potty Paper Emporium. One night, as he was working on a new sensitive skin formula, members of the Skulls broke in and tossed him in a vat of chemicals. When Whimple emerged, he found he had been endowed with super strength and invulnerability--and a nice lilac scent. He has dedicated his life to safeguarding the people of Paragon City from evil-doers and developing the softest yet toughest potty paper to protect Paragon's posteriors.
  10. I don't have any alts. Just 90+ mains. In CoH. Doesn't count all my mains in LOTRO and STO. Someone once asked me how much time I have to spend in games to play all of those characters. My response is that it doesn't take any more time to play 100 characters than it takes to play 1. It just gives me variety in how I spend that time. πŸ™‚ That may be why I don't have any characters at the level cap in LOTRO (and I'm a Founder/Life-timer). By the time one of my characters gets there, some smart aleck has moved the cap.
  11. I had several characters on Live that I was very slowly leveling up entirely via the AE, so XP was part of the AE on Live. I didn't do any farms, just story arcs. No insta-max levels for me. To me, the AE offered a change of pace and the opportunity to play a bunch of new content, which gave a much more varied leveling experience. While I only designed one active story arc of my own, I was working on a number of concepts, so the creative side was also a blast. The AE was never an holographic simulator for my characters. From my perspective, the missions my characters took were every bit as "real" as any of the official story arcs. Frankly, the only major issue I really had with the AE--on Live or Homecoming--was that I couldn't filter farms out of my searches.
  12. For me, auras yes, capes no. It always seemed silly to me to have to wait until such a late level to add a cape to your costume. Capes are a staple of superhero costumes and should be available at character creation. Unless you're Mr. Incredible, of course. Then "no capes!" I still run the cape missions on occasion (even on caped characters) just as a change of pace. πŸ™‚
  13. I'm not talking about door sitters. I'm talking about the rest of us. The problem with your "solution" is that it hurts everyone, not just door sitters.
  14. It's not; I never said or even implied that it was. I don't door sit, I play missions.
  15. Holy cow! Why would the devs want to destroy a fun part of the game for their players? I never PL or farm in the AE. Never have, on Live or on HC. But I enjoy playing AE story missions at various levels so that I'm not just doing the same mission arcs over and over again, with little variation. They are a fantastic change of pace and add to the enjoyment of the game. On live, I even had a few characters that ONLY did AE missions--and they leveled very, very slowly (because I didn't do farms). It was a lot of fun. I even wrote a story mission myself and have been considering designing new missions here as well. It's great, creative fun. If I level characters through the AE (slow or fast), it has absolutely no effect on others' ability to enjoy the game. I don't do ITFs or PVP (on HC or NCSOFT servers), I mostly solo or play story content with my family/friends. If the AE had never existed, I still wouldn't be raiding. The AE changed nothing in that regard for a lot of players. It just gave us other options to play the type of content we enjoy most.
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