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give INF to a team mate?


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I prefer email. Right click get global, copy and paste after the @ in the to field. Subject and body text required.


Email is poor for inventory transfers though.

Edited by cejmp


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46 minutes ago, Megajoule said:

And you couldn't type in the amount, you had to set it by clicking up and down arrows on a simulated "reel" like a combo bike lock.

Geez, I forgot all about that, that was a pain, we have it so much easier now in lots of ways.

" When it's too tough for everyone else,

it's just right for me..."

( Unless it's Raining, or Cold, or Really Dirty

or there are Sappers, Man I hate those Guys...)

                                                      Marine X

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2 hours ago, Megajoule said:

Yes.  9999, actually.

And you couldn't type in the amount, you had to set it by clicking up and down arrows on a simulated "reel" like a combo bike lock.

I am somewhat ashamed to admit that I used a memory editor to lock the amount to 9999 so make large transfers easier (it didn't give me any inf just made it so you only had to set the amount once).

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