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That friggin backpack...

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So if I understand correctly, if you take any Crab power, it sticks the backpack on you. This is the case even if it's not a power that uses the backpack. Like the summoning power or Omega Maneuver will still stick it on you. Meaning if I want to do a Huntsman that doesn't have extra legs sticking out of his back I need to go Bane. How badly am I gimping myself if I do that? Will anyone even care that my damage is complete pants when I'm providing double leadership buffs?

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Bane Huntsman is a perfectly fine build.  No team will ever be upset with 20% extra defense,  30% extra damage, Venom Grenade, Surveillance and Achilles Procs in your gun attacks.  The damage and support isn't where I feel Bane Huntsman loses out the most; when I tested it, I did however notice that I was more squishy than Crab.  

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  • 2 weeks later

ANY Crab powers taken EVER on the character will add the Crab Backback irrevocably FOREVER on EVERY costume slot on the character.


I'm mystified why this is so hard to understand ... since it is such an absolute.


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

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On 10/15/2019 at 9:28 AM, Redlynne said:

ANY Crab powers taken EVER on the character will add the Crab Backback irrevocably FOREVER on EVERY costume slot on the character.


I'm mystified why this is so hard to understand ... since it is such an absolute.

Yea but... come on, it's 2019. I think we should have the ability to remove the backpack now.

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8 hours ago, 3333053222 said:

Yea but... come on, it's 2019. I think we should have the ability to remove the backpack now.

It's tied to their animations, so it's likely less "they can't" and more "they can't remove it and it not look absolutely terrible or break altogether without serious work". It would involve giving every animation an alternative version, which is possible but low priority. 


You're welcome to download the server code from Ouro, try make the changes yourself and then offer it to the devs and see if you could port it over to HC. I know that's a mean answer, but it's also probably the only way it'd get done. 


Widows can't even select a no-redraw option or customise their weapons in any way, while soldiers can at least dye their backpacks and guns. The VEATS are a bit of a hacked-together mess.

Edited by Gulbasaur
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