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53 minutes ago, Leogunner said:



As for the prospect of a draw-in power, I believe it might have a chance to be implemented with the new tools they have.  However, it will NOT be put in Hurricane.  Hurricane is too good of a power to make it a face-roll for elitist people whose only concern is getting mobs as tightly packed to AoE them down.  Maybe in a more situational and longer recharging power would you get that.

A replacement for Detention Field or Repulsion Field perhaps.



5 hours ago, Roderick said:

Make up your mind. First you say Hurricane blows, and you want it to suck. Now you're saying that it already does suck, when we all already know that it doesn't suck, it blows. But not as much as Gale blows. Do you also want Gale to suck, or is it OK that Gale blows?

hey, whats this Gale's phone number?


It's my Oeuvre baby!

5 hours ago, Outrider_01 said:

Please tell me there is not an innuendo joke in there towards the end 😂


relax, I jumped on it hard!


It's my Oeuvre baby!

3 hours ago, Leogunner said:

Or you can use some geometry and throw the grenade behind the guy in the back of the mob or the guy in the front of the mob.


As for the prospect of a draw-in power, I believe it might have a chance to be implemented with the new tools they have.  However, it will NOT be put in Hurricane.  Hurricane is too good of a power to make it a face-roll for elitist people whose only concern is getting mobs as tightly packed to AoE them down.  Maybe in a more situational and longer recharging power would you get that.


EDIT: I think it might be time for us to start rolling up them Hurricane-using characters.  Show him how its done.

I've already rolled a Kin/Storm 'troller


It's my Oeuvre baby!

2 hours ago, Lines said:



Replacing it with an activated power that sucks in enemies, debuffs them and has a fairly large cooldown could be a fun idea. But then we'd be missing out on the defence bonus from Hurricane. There are other powers that could do that.

would be a cool effect for black hole though


It's my Oeuvre baby!

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Well, this thread will only continue to go downhill in my view, and regrettably so, since the topic is fairly interesting. In any case, per the OP's request, I'll close it now.

Community Manager, Homecoming City Council
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