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Quick fix for Kheldian ATs


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14 hours ago, Doomrider said:

Agreed. I cannot stress this enough. Especially in the light of the tank buffs. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if we see Tank DPS performance now eclipse that of Khelds.

One of the biggest issues is activation time, not just of Nova Det as you reference above but the ST abilities. Incandescent Strike for example at a 3.3 sec animation time is actually a DPS loss to take and slot over a power pool ability like Cross punch. Especially when you factor in things like damage procs. It makes no sense for your big hitter ST attack to be a DPS loss, that is bad design. This ability and ones like it should at the very least get the same treatment dom's /energy assault got with Total Focus (and likewise other AT versions that share the same animation) in changing that 3.3 sec animation time to 2.5 sec.

Yeah, either the damage needs to go up, or activation times need to go down. It's a clear holdover from pre-IO design, as before global recharge and higher total enhancement values, there was more space in attack chains, so having animation filler mattered less. The game hasn't been in that state in a long time.  

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3 hours ago, Wavicle said:

 No solution that doesn’t include toggle suppression is going to be acceptable to most triform players. 

Disagree, and I think the habit of assuming things like this is questionable, without evidence. Now, if we take a poll and the data reflects this, fine. As it is, I do not want toggle suppression as it has been advocated.

Edited by SwitchFade
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2 hours ago, SwitchFade said:

Disagree, and I think the habit of assuming things like this is questionable, without evidence. Now, if we take a poll and the data reflects this, fine. As it is, I do not want toggle suppression as it has been advocated.

But why be opposed? As is, your stated objections seem to suggest that you don't see the value of toggle suppression for yourself or your playstyle. Other people do. 


The suggested change wouldn't weaken the class or infringe upon your playstyle; toggles would remain optional. Why not let other people play the game the way they want? 


Unless, of course, you can think of something better?

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16 minutes ago, Vooded said:

But why be opposed? As is, your stated objections seem to suggest that you don't see the value of toggle suppression for yourself or your playstyle. Other people do. 


The suggested change wouldn't weaken the class or infringe upon your playstyle; toggles would remain optional. Why not let other people play the game the way they want? 


Unless, of course, you can think of something better?

I respect your viewpoint. Equally as valid is the view that this is not a positive change and a no vote.


So yes, better in my opinion is to spend the limited Dev time fixing Kheldians in a more meaningful way. Toggle supression is lipstick on a pig, *colorful expression for effect, no offense intended* it's far less beneficial than almost any other improvement.


On top of that the previously mentioned end drain. I did have what I consider to be better in previous posts, if you don't mind referring there to answer your inquiry? 😁


The no vote is because, if we get any changes to Kheldians, they should be changes we majority agree on and have the most ROI.


Now, if the community votes in majority for toggle supression, then so be it 😁. But we all get a vote and mine is no.

Edited by SwitchFade
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2 minutes ago, SwitchFade said:

I respect your viewpoint. Equally as valid is the view that this is not a positive change and a no vote.


So yes, better in my opinion is to spend the limited Dev time fixing Kheldians in a more meaningful way. Toggle supression is lipstick on a pig, *colorful expression for effect, no offense intended* it's far less beneficial than almost any other improvement.


On top of that the previously mentioned end drain.


The no vote is because, if we get any changes to Kheldians, they should be changes we majority agree on and have the most ROI.


Now, if the community votes in majority for toggle supression, then so be it 😁. But we all get a vote and mine is no.

I can respect that developer time is a limited resource, and agree that they should focus their efforts. 


I do think, however, that toggle supression has been widely requested. See for example the weekly discussion thread.

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1 minute ago, Vooded said:

I can respect that developer time is a limited resource, and agree that they should focus their efforts. 


I do think, however, that toggle supression has been widely requested. See for example the weekly discussion thread.

Sure, no disagreement. Also, it's been no voted as well. We shall see how it all turns out 😁

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I've never been much of a kheld player so sorry if this has already been implemented or is otherwise useless, but as a stop gap while other things are pursued what if all the human form kheld toggles where set to a 0.00 second activation time? So when you go human you can just set up a toggleon bind or macro and just mash it till all your stuff is up? It'll still probably take up to a second because of server ticks or whatever but if it's not already been done it'd probably be better than nothing.

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Ive been playing my human form PB again lately and part of the issue in putting the finger on the pulse of the problem is to really use a kheldy right you want to be on a big team, but being on a big team also means so many buffs it can be hard to tell how much your actually doing.


I also have to say that imo the change focus if any should be one that helps all khelds, PB and WS, human form, tri form, or form specialist, as much as possible. So changes specific to a sub set feel overly me me me rather then trying to be objective.


My issue for khelds focus around a simple truth. Both PB and WS as form users are meant to be blaster and tanker types, maybe not as good as the real thing but good enough to not be worthless in the role, and to be able to adapt as needed. Now days blasters are pretty beefy, and sentinels are pretty blast tanky full time. So the tri form thing as is feels obsolete, far too much flavor vs effect. Nor am I really sure what the fix is for the forms, as for human form users, again for PB especially sentinel feels a real rival. The fact sents get access to epic pools really gives them a further layer of diversity that makes khelds feel a very restrictive choice taken entirely for the lore and unique story arc at the cost of having a bane foe to worry about.


Something I would kinda think cool but wouldnt make form lovers happy is changing the forms to mutually exclusive toggles, that grant the human form the base benefits of the form, and the abilities, much like how having mystic flight grants teleportation. Basically making the human form go more tanky, or more blastery while preserving and being able to use the actual human build. Id make the old forms travel form toggles like the coyote and carpet and give them as inherents to khelds just so those who love the forms could use them for RP still. Not a perfect fix but imo that would be how to make both sides of the kheld coin remain unique and compete with similar ATs, but would sadly I admit make the actual forms a thing of pure flavor. However I argue they have been for a very long time anyways. I mean blaster, offender, ruptor, dom, stalker, scrapper, sent, all the VEAT branches are all very good at dmg, and sustaining, or ccing enough to negate loads of aggro. So much so that Dwarf is worse then almost any other option for a tank point man, and Nova is def way below any AT with a nuke attack on the aoe dps.


Considering the average team composition I see in pugs, you know what the forms really should be to take on needed roles, a healer form, and a CCer form. Because tanks.scraps. brutes, etc never short supply, dps never short supply, but having some CC when its really needed, or someone to step into support role when things get harry now that is often a need hard to fill when it is actually needed.


My Human Former I recently respecced to go perma light form, and more hybrid rather then melee focus. As such i had a fair few powers free to do different things with, I grabbed the heal other power, as well as sorcery for its buff ally powers, and even stealth for grant invis. Basically in addition to max res to everything but psi, tons of self healing, plenty of dps, I also can help allies, even took barrier for rezzing allies, and vengeance to buff the team when an ally does drop. Funny how much more I get thanked for getting someone up and active then I do for being able to walk into massive groups not die, and nuke leaving only a few scattered bosses barely alive.


Also give khelds bloody epic pools and be able to unlock the vil patron pools, just give them access to blaster and tank pools equally, imo taht would be a good quick fix to start letting khelds diversify a wee bit more.

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You had my vote until the weird inherit power.

On 1/22/2020 at 9:30 AM, Saiyajinzoningen said:

Your fix to an AT that is already so powerful, that the devs created unique random spawning mobs to specifically counter them, is to make them even stronger?.

They are far from OP. This isn't I2 anymore, nor were they ever really that powerful before IOs came along.

Edited by ScarySai
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I have my own topic but wanted to add this here. 


Peacebringers realistic buff. 


Going to use base numbers for the simple fact they are easier to show @ a level 50 toon. 

We also won’t be showing any resistance. I don’t wanna math that. At any time you math wizards out there can help me if I screw up. Thanks!! (also some numbers are rounded up)

DPAT= Damage per activation time which =  base damage / activation time = DPAT


Proposal 1. Change to Incandescent strike.


Melee modifier of 0.85


Current Values. Incandescent Strike. 

3.3 activation time 

168 damage base.

DPAT = 51

672 damage at 400%

DPAT = 204


Dropping Incandescent Strike to 2.5 Activation time

2.5 Activation time

DPAT = 67.2

672 Damage at 400%

DPAT = 268


Even buffing it to 2.5 still doesn’t make it as good as Radiant strike

So lets make some changes


1. 3.3 activation time

300 damage base

DPAT = 91

1200 damage at 400%

DPAT = 364


2. 2.5 activation time

225 damage base

DPAT = 90

900 damage at 400%

DPAT = 360


Radiant Strike

1.07 activation time

92.5 damage base

DPAT = 86.5

370 damage at 400%

DPAT = 345


So to make Incanstrike at least better (as it should be) than Rad strike, I propose one of the two changes above. I lean to number 2 to keep top end down of Incan strike.


To give this all perspective. I am going to show the numbers for a scrapper, stalkers, and brutes doing incan strike  (we don’t want PBers to be over buffed. At least I don’t)


If a scrapper could use these attacks.


Melee Modifier = 1.125


So to get these numbers I had to do this math. Remember I am not using decimal points. But a blaster which melee modifier is 1 does 198 base damage 


So 168.77 * .15 = 25.3155 +168.77 = 194.0855 But because of all the decimals it really is 198

Then you times that by 1.125 (scrapper modifier) = 223

OR real math is 1.125 + .15 = 1.275 over a pber. 

168 * 1.275 = 214 (missing 8 damage due to decimal points which is one reason why I am rounding) But we will go with real number of 223


Scrapper numbers


Incandescent Strike. Current. 

3.3 activation time

223 base damage

DPAT 67.5

1115 damage at 500%

DPAT 338

  • The ability to CRIT.


Stalker numbers Melee Modifier of 1.0 


Incandescent Strike. Current.

3.3 AT

198 base damage


990 damage at 500%

DPAT 300

  • You can make the ability Crit. But I assume since it is so high damage, only extra damage would be applied.  


So my proposed buff makes it so Peacebringers have 1 ability that will do more damage than if scrappers had Incandescent strike in its CURRENT form. All of this just to make it better than Radiant Strike. (Perhaps Rad strike needs a nerf?? Will get more into that later) 

Scrappers have no equivalent attack and Stalkers have Total Focus which is.


Total Focus

3.3 AT

203.5 base damage


1017.5 damage at 500%

DPAT 308

  • Crit but does extra damage and not double damage. 


The closest Scrapper attack is Devastating Blow from RAD but this would be closer to energy transfer. 


And for comparison, we will do a Brute. Brute damage mod is .75 so Incan strike does 198 at 1.0. Then you times that by .75 = 148.5 


Incandescent Strike 

3.3 AT

148.5 base damage


1039 Damage at 700%

DPAT 315


So even the buffs make it better than if a Brute had it in Current form. But let's check a few brute abilities. So total focus is down right = to Incan strike for a brute. But KO blow at 2.23 AT is still way better than Incandescent strike. 


Brute’s KO blow.

2.23 AT

148.5 Base damage

DPAT 66.3

1039 Damage at 700%

DPAT 466


So Phew, that’s a lot of numbers. What does it all mean???? The max damage can never be changed. That is max. Enhancements, Fulcrum Shift, and Incarns can never get that number higher.<- (I think)-> But what can is -res. Perhaps there is something wrong with 3.3 AT abilities. This is probably caused by recharge, IOs and incarns. Another discussion. 


So what do we do? How do we really fix the issue with Peacebringers. 


Proposal 2. Raise the damage cap to 450% What this will do is allow top end damage to be slightly higher than it currently is. I will show here, 400% and 450% at current values and propose change to Incan strike


Current Values. Incandescent Strike. 

3.3 activation time 

168 damage base.

DPAT = 51

672 damage at 400%

DPAT = 204

756 damage at 450%

DPAT = 229


Radiant Strike

1.07 activation time

92.5 damage base

DPAT = 86.5

370 damage at 400%

DPAT = 345

416 damage at 450%

DPAT = 389



Dropping Incandescent Strike to 2.5 Activation time

2.5 Activation time

DPAT = 67.2

672 Damage at 400%

DPAT = 268

756 Damage at 450%

DPAT = 302


So damage cap doesn’t seem to fix the issue of 3.3 activated attacks. Still far from being as good as Rad strike. 

The proposed changes from above.


1.    3.3 activation time

       300 damage base

        DPAT = 91

        1200 damage at 400%

        DPAT = 364

       1350 damage at 450% 

        DPAT = 409

Ok so Incan is getting a little out of control just to make it better than Rad strike if we leave Activation time at 3.3



2.    2.5 activation time

       225 damage base

       DPAT = 90

       900 damage at 400%

       DPAT = 360

       1013 damage at 450%

       DPAT = 405.2

These numbers look a lot better. So this changes to hit as hard as Brutes KO blow with slightly less DPAT but doesn’t come near the stalkers/scrappers numbers and making Incan Strike better than Rad strike. Remember this is with current melee scale of 0.850  


Also note, this will slightly increase all other top end damage as well. So this would not only be a buff across the board, but make melee feel a bit rewarding top end and team play with buffs. Besides incandescent strike, this change really won’t change solo peacebringers at all. It will only change Incan to make it worth using at all. Kinda strange huh. (UNLESS  you eat reds solo. Then yeah, it will change your damage)


Proposal 3 This will include the change to Incan strike and change melee modifier to 1.0 in human form 400% and 450% damage. This is where I am scared of the overbuff coming from. This will change base damage across all melee attacks and top end damage. 


1.0 Melee scaling buff. (with () around .85 melee mod)


Current Values. Incandescent Strike. 

3.3 activation time 

198 damage base. (168)

DPAT = 60 (51)

792 damage at 400% (672)

DPAT = 240 (204)

891 damage at 450% (756)

DPAT = 270 (259)


Radiant Strike

1.07 activation time

109 damage base (92.5)

DPAT = 101 (86.5)

436 damage at 400% (416)

DPAT = 407 (345)

490 damage at 450% (490)

DPAT = 458 (389)



Dropping Incandescent Strike to 2.5 Activation time

2.5 Activation time

198 Base Damage (168)

DPAT = 79.2 (67.2)

792 Damage at 400% (672)

DPAT = 317 

891 Damage at 450%

DPAT = 356


So raising the melee mod helps a bit, but still 100 DPAT higher than incan strike. 

I took out the high base damage from other change because I felt like that was getting out of 

So if we use this from above and keep numbers at 225, you can see with the scale jumping to 1.0, rad strike becomes better than the first proposed change to inc strike. Wow what gives here. What do we do. Now make incan hit harder? It would then blow apart KO blow from Brutes. SO I don’t want that.  


Incandescent Strike

2.5 activation time

225 damage base

DPAT = 90

900 damage at 400%

DPAT = 360

1013 damage at 450%

DPAT = 405.2



So how do we fix this mess we have made ourselves. This is where I propose a slight nerf to Rad strike. Upping the melee made the base higher. In the name of balance and keeping PBer competitive but not over buffing them. I would make incan as above with the 2.5 AT and 225 base damage. This is the change I would make to rad strike under the 1.0 melee scale.


Radiant Strike

1.07 activation time

100 damage base (92.5)

DPAT = 93 (86.5)

400 damage at 400% (416)

DPAT = 373 (345)

450 damage at 450% (490)

DPAT = 421  (389)

To me this looks better. Sure rad strike still does a little better but brings Incandescent strike into competitive numbers. For clarification also. 


Solar Flare (human form) @ 1.0 melee (0.85)

2.1 AT

79 Damage base (67)

DPAT = 38

316 Damage at 400% (268)

DPAT = 150

355 Damage at 450% (301.5)

DPAT = 169


Good solid buff without overdoing anything. 


So I really like this. It’s a solid buff to melee all around. Even cross punch would benefit from this. I would do the buff/nerf to Rad strike. Not give it the full 1.0 melee base damage and change it to 100 which would be up from 92.5. Seeing the math here played out, I would like to see melee scale up to 1 and damage cap up to 450. It keeps them behind the Melee ATs but makes them slightly more competitive in the end. 


****NOTE**** White dwarf form would only receive a buff from 450% damage cap and nothing else. They are already at the 1.0 Melee scale. 


Ranged Damage. Ohh my. Ohh my. 


Ok we got melee fleshed out, but range damage is absolutely garbage. Here is where things will get tricky. We need to buff range damage but keep the AoE down. I think their AoE is in a good spot so things may get tricky here. Base damage buffs is where I think “The buff is needed” for Peacebringers. This includes the inside of Nova form. 


So first we need to decide on what is wrong with ranged damage. The ranged damage modifier for PBer is a little lower than melee in human form, 0.8 but increases to 1.2 inside of Nova. The only attack this makes a difference with is Glinting Eye. I believe the base numbers you see in game/mids is the .8 modifier for the Nova attacks. So this means when you shift, the base goes up. (theory) if not, this is the reason why some attacks feel lackluster in nova. 


These will be the attacks I use for comparison. I understand (besides Glinting eye) the attacks ARE different (kinda).


Gleaming blast

1.67 AT

73 Damage Base

44 DPAT 

292 @ 400% damage cap

175 DPAT

328.5 @ 450% damage cap

197 DPAT


Nova Blast

1.5 AT

96.5 Base number is 67 (in human form**) 


386 @ 400 damage cap

257 DPAT

434.25 @ 450% damage cap

289.5 DPAT

**You find the number this way, or at least I did. (67 * 0.2 = 13.4 then 13.4  + 67 = 80.4 (this would be a 1.0 modifier) then, 80.4 * 1.2 = 96.5) This is correct I think. Math people fix me!!!!!!

Ok so what am I getting at here. To me the two attacks are the same. While the one in nova does good damage, it feels “nerfed” at the base damage to not benefit all of nova’s 1.2 range mod. 


So where does this stack up in terms of ranged damage??? This is the hardest ST punch a Bright Nova can do. It only compares to Power Blast (t2 energy blaster) . It would be slightly better than that attack. I am speaking about the buffed version of Nova Blast that I will be showing. 


This is where the discussion of Theory comes into play. While my melee brings them closer to melee ATs (but still far behind besides incan strike) Should Peacebringers best ST range attack only compared to a blasters starting ability? My answer to this is no. The human form blast I think is absolutely fine. Maybe tug the bottom end up a little bit to 85 damage base. (remember this would also change Nova’s blast base. OR, raising the human ranged modifier to 0.85.  Which would still only make it slightly better than Power Blast. 


In Nova form, their best attack should be somewhere in between blasters starting attack and their best hit outside of snipers. So energy is closest I can compare with this. Power Blast base damage is 102 and Power Burst base damage is 132.6.


Energy Blaster’s Power Burst                                Blaze

2.0 AT                                                                     1.0 AT

132.6 Base damage                                               170.5 Base damage + the DoT

Recharge 10s                                                          Recharge 10s

66.3 DPAT                                                               170.5 DPAT

663 @ 500% damage                                             852.5 @ 500%

331.5 DPAT                                                             852.5 DPAT


Nova Blast Current

1.5 AT

96.5 Base number 

Recharge 4s 


386 @ 400 damage cap

257 DPAT

434.25 @ 450% damage cap

289.5 DPAT


Proposed buff to Nova Blast as follows.

Nova Blast

1.5 AT

105 Damage base (would be 73 in human)

Recharge 4s


420 @ 400% damage cap

280 DPAT

472.5 @ 450% damage cap

315 DPAT


Or slightly more buffed


Nova Blast

1.5 AT

112 Damage base

Recharge 4s


448 @ 400%

299 DPAT

504 @ 450%

336 DPAT (I think this one would be the way to go)


While you can cast 2x the amount of Nova Blast, end game Power Burst and Blaze are going to benefit from +recharge way more than Nova Blast can and those numbers get quite close to each other. I think somewhere around 1.2s for Nova Blast and 2s for Power burst and Blaze. So just a blaster using those abilities will still out do a Peacebringer. So where am I going with all of this?? Every attack inside Bright Nova base damage needs to be adjusted higher. It doesn’t have to be a lot, but Nova lacks the AoE punch and ST punch this form needs. I know I said watch out for AOE damage, that’s in human form. AoE is quite okay in human form. 


So In summary of Ranged damage on a Peacebringer. Since this one is a little harder to show. 


  1. Raise Human form range modifier from 0.80 to 0.85 or 0.90

  2. Raising the damage cap to 450% helps the end game Peacebringer.

  3. Buffing all the base damage by 15% - 20% inside Bright Nova


****Note, this change would make Gleaming Bolt hit slightly harder in White Dwarf form.


What about White Dwarf??


IF human form got buffed from .85 melee modifier to 1.  and .80 ranged modifier to .85, I would adjust White Dwarfs melee modifier to 1.05 or 1.1. So what do you do? I understand that all Peacebringers and Warshades only have 1 ability they take with them to Dwarf or Nova forms. My suggestion for Dwarf is to allow 2 abilities to come to Dwarf form. Gravitic Emanation for Black Dwarf WS, remove to knockback and make it knockdown with a base of 20 make cone wider. And for White dwarf it would be Pulsar and add a  minor DMG PbAOE energy damage base of 20. But this would allow soft control. 


Suggestions to make dwarf forms more rewarding would also be great!!!


SO the overall Proposed buff here for the TLDR crowd. 

  1. Human form Melee Modifier change from 0.85 to 1.0

  2. Raise damage cap from 400% to 425%-450%

  3. Adjust Incandescent strike Activation time from 3.3 to 2.5 and adjust the base damage to be higher to make it comparable to Radiant Strike. (I assume make the animation faster too)

  4. If Melee Modifier changes, I wouldn’t give Radiant Strike the full swap. I would only let it go to  100 not 109. This helps control Incandescent Strike top end damage and making Radiant Strike stronger, but allowing Incan Strike to be competitive with it. 

  5. Buff Ranged modifier from 0.80 to either 0.85 or 0.90

  6. Adjust the base damage attack inside Bright Nova by 15-20%

  7. Add 1 more ability in White Dwarf form

  8. Toggle suppression 

In closing, I think they need all of these buffs. It would still keep them behind Ranged ATs damage and Melee Ats damage but make them a bit more competitive while teamed and slightly better when they are solo.  


I would assume if this was the case for Peacebringers, Warshades would get the same attention. If someone who knows more about WS helps me, I can do something similar. 


Please help me if any area is unclear. Please help me if my math was wrong. And thank you for reading this. 



Some other fun stuff. 


Change Seekers from yet another aoe button to 3 polar lights pets that last 60s. Have high defensives and high resists but can't be healed. When they die, they explode causing light aoe damage around them. 


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Things I want to see based off some of what I read here plus my own thoughts. I don't do peacebringer, I'm a diehard warshade.


1.Toggle suppression.

2. Allow hasten activation while in any form.

3. A proper taunt aura or allow orbiting death or equivalent while in dwarf. or add taunt to dwarf mire.


These three things alone would go a long way.


Wishes, I don't expect to get these, but they would be nice.

1. Being able to summon my pets while in any form.

2. Being able to cast unchain essence in nova form.

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5 minutes ago, tasolth said:

1.Toggle suppression.

2. Allow hasten activation while in any form.

3. A proper taunt aura or allow orbiting death or equivalent while in dwarf. or add taunt to dwarf mire.


These three things alone would go a long way.


Wishes, I don't expect to get these, but they would be nice.

1. Being able to summon my pets while in any form.

2. Being able to cast unchain essence in nova form.

Nova and Dwarf forms offer a lot for taking just 1 power.  The inability to activate other powers is a tradeoff that you must weigh when taking/using said power.  You can work within those confines and still manage a high degree of functionality, however...

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On 2/21/2020 at 1:26 AM, mrfreedom said:



SO the overall Proposed buff here for the TLDR crowd. 

  1. Human form Melee Modifier change from 0.85 to 1.0

  2. Raise damage cap from 400% to 425%-450%

  3. Adjust Incandescent strike Activation time from 3.3 to 2.5 and adjust the base damage to be higher to make it comparable to Radiant Strike. (I assume make the animation faster too)

  4. If Melee Modifier changes, I wouldn’t give Radiant Strike the full swap. I would only let it go to  100 not 109. This helps control Incandescent Strike top end damage and making Radiant Strike stronger, but allowing Incan Strike to be competitive with it. 

  5. Buff Ranged modifier from 0.80 to either 0.85 or 0.90

  6. Adjust the base damage attack inside Bright Nova by 15-20%

  7. Add 1 more ability in White Dwarf form

  8. Toggle suppression 


This. Please this. Some of this. All of this? Any of this.






I adore my human-only PB, but he needs just a little more oomph, especially to put the AT on par with the VEATs and Warshades, I think. Of what's listed, if I had to pick just one, I might opt for the activation time reduction on Incandescent Strike, but all of what's proposed would be immensely beneficial to the AT.

Edited by Midgardian
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