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Which Clarion for Underground?


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Hey, I'm buying up my 2nd and 3rd Destiny powers.

I remember that we need Clarion for the Underground trial - WHICH Clarion power is best for the trial?


P.S.  I have my favorite Lore pets (Seers for psi damage and the Fortitude), but which one is best for pure damage output?  I want to get a good DPS pet also.

Edited by Ironblade

Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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I can stir the pot lol. But personally i jusr remembered from before the snap to get a Clarion. With enough League members dropping them in a semi coordinated fashion things go smooth. The one time i was forced to lead a Underground ( the leaser quit) i gave very strict instructions to the people with clarions. Timed out when to drop them recycle. Took a while in char.  Then we dropped the final room in like 30 seconds.  But i had the tanks and Brutes organized on where to face the beast etc. (i had just read a looong guide on the forums and none of the strategy was my own)


But i have not run one since return. I do have a clarion t4 backup on my main in case and on my new 50 i will eventually get one as well. 

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13 hours ago, Ironblade said:

Okay.  1 reply and 93 views.

Since I checked a few times, I guess that's about 88 people who read that reply and didn't disagree.  🙂

It also is not critically important which one you choose.

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Active on Excelsior:

Prismatic Monkey - Seismic / Martial Blaster, Shadow Dragon Monkey - Staff / Dark Brute, Murder Robot Monkey - Arachnos Night Widow


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7 hours ago, Shred Monkey said:

It also is not critically important which one you choose.

I kind of figured that, since I'm taking it to tier 4, but wanted to ask.

Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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If I'm reading the descriptions properly the difference between core and radial is 120s duration vs 90s duration plus range/secondary effect buff.

Uunderdog - Rad/Rad Scrapper | Uundertaker - Rad/Dark Corruptor | Uun - MA/Inv Scrapper | Uunison - Grav/Storm Controller | Uuncola - Ice/Temp Blaster | Uundergrowth - Plant/Martial Dominator | Uunstable - SR/Staff Tank

Uunreal - Fire/Time Corruptor | Uunrest - Dark/TA Blaster | Uunseen - Ill/Poison Controller | Uuncool - Cold/Beam Defender | Uunderground - Earth/Earth Dominator | Uunknown - Mind/Psi Dominator | Uunplugged - Stone/Elec Brute

Uunfair - Archery/TA Corruptor | Uunsung - DP/Ninja Blaster | Uunflammable - Fire/Nature Controller | Uunflappable - WM/WP Brute | Uundead - Dark/Dark Tank | Uunfit - Water/Martial Blaster  | Uunwrapped - Dark/Dark Dominator

Uunchill - Ice/Kinetics Corruptor | Uunpleasant - En/En Stalker | Uunbrella - Rad/Rad Sentinel | Uunsafari - Beasts/Traps MM | Uungnome - Nature/Seismic Defender | Uunsavory - Poson/Sonic Defender | Uunicycle - BS/Shield Scrapper

Uuntouchable - Ill/Time Controller | Uunferno - Fire/Fire Tank | Uunthinkable - Psi/SR Scrapper | Uuncivil - Thugs/Elec MM | Uunnatural - Ice/Savage Dominator | Uunshockable - Elec/Bio Sentinel | Uunfathomable - Elec/Dark Controller

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The Clarions, like many of the League buffs, lose power over time.  Therefore it is more important on a job like the boss fight in UG to have a “bucket brigade” of players dropping Clarions at intervals than it is which Clarion they have.  All of the buckets are leaking water.  Get a steady stream of them to keep the League covered as you battle

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1 hour ago, Snarky said:

The Clarions, like many of the League buffs, lose power over time.  Therefore it is more important on a job like the boss fight in UG to have a “bucket brigade” of players dropping Clarions at intervals than it is which Clarion they have.  All of the buckets are leaking water.  Get a steady stream of them to keep the League covered as you battle


This is true, but Clarion Core leaks less than Clarion Radial.

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