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What is hell is a cofender? Controller/Offender


She's only level 44, but it's starting to gel into a good build.


Strong fast recharging def and resist debuffs. I can easily get -85% resists before procs  with Envenom and VG.

1 stun, 2 proc'ed out holds , proc'ed poison trap, and neurotoxic breath for CC and damage

Range def only 41%, but weaken provides -28% to hit and venomous gas another -18%.




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Above is a build a buddy of mine used. 

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@Vea/@Vae/@Vew - You can call me V.


It's not the direction I'd have gone, but it looks like a solid build.


I lvl'd poison/rad for awhile, but ultimately switched to poison/fire. I don't see a huge difference between the two blast sets other than fire does a bit faster damage and rad offers quite a bit more control.


That said, rad blast really needs procs to put out good damage. Rad can take a lot of good procs in each attack. I'd take a fairly significant hit to ranged def to get those procs in as they make a very large difference. In particular cosmic burst and proton volley turn into a very heavy 1-2 punch and really become the workhorse of your attacks along with proc'd char.


Paralytic poison is ok, it does ok damage with procs, but I'd focus on getting proton volley and char fully slotted out before I look to paralytic as it is quite slow.


On the note of char, if you aren't married to the epic choice I'd look at /psy. World of confusion w/ purple proc is actually really good on a poison.


I know the defender ATO's "seem" like throw aways but for poison they are actually fantastic. I have one in blaze and one in blazing bolt (ie cosmic burst and proton volley). They help massively with keeping you healed up.

My build made a lot of sacrifices and only has 28% ranged (15% ish everything else), but poison + the 2 ATO's have me breezing through the Maria Jenkins AV's (set to 50) without insp. I usually have 300+ absorb and heal every attack rotation (I have entomb in dominate as well). 


Last but not least, you may want to consider some sort of mez protection. When my poison gets mezzed in a group I usually die. Vs a couple targets it isn't so bad as weaken keeps the duration super short, so other than the detoggle it is ok. I alternate between rune of protection and melee hybrid. That isn't 100% uptime, but most of the time is covered. They both add good resistances so mix well with poison.

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I decided to forgo tough/weave so that helps. The only area I struggle is the range that I have access to my epics, but no incarnates. They suck down end a fair amount (dominate, armor, wold of confusion). Below that is fine, above that is generally fine.


I went musculature radial as that benefits most of what poison does and helps a bit with recovery.

I have ageless, but I don't really need it and may switch to barrier for better survival. 


With ageless you can fight indefinitely of course. Without I'm good for 2-3 min.


It took me a bit to get over the notion that I needed high defense to make this build work. But layering good resistances, with good -damage debuffs,  moderate defenses+tohit debuffing and a bit of absorb/healing has proven surprisingly robust*. With poison trap briefly holding spawns until world of confusion does it's magic I actually feel pretty safe in most situations. 


*I just dropped lvl 50 silver mantis AV (found in the nemesis arc) and my health never dropped below 95%.


It's a very layered approach and you need to stay aggressive to keep it flowing.  That said, the issue starts to arise when facing +3 or higher AV's as the debuffs start to drastically lose effectiveness due to the purple patch. Solo'ing them gets progressively harder than a pure defense approach which is less impacted by the purple patch.

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I play dark not rad but the build is basically the same. You sacrifice some sustain and some debuff potential by going rad but gain a little more damage.


I sit at softcap for ranged and at just under 25% everywhere else but the debuffs cover the gaps.


For incarnates I've gone with Nerve Core, Melee Core, and Ageless Core. Nerve give Acc, Hold and Def which allows you to skip accuracy in powers where possible for more procs or less slots and the +Def means I get about 18% Def from Weave, Stealth, and Maneuvers while still only having 2 or 3 slots in them. Melee Core is there to shore up resistances (55% S/L base) and provide some sustain and mezz protection. Ageless is basically required, running out of end was a pretty regular occurrence until I got it. The +recharge on it also means I can get Poison Trap out every 15 seconds which is a huge bonus.


I've posted a rad version of the build below. I just did a straight swap from the dark powers to the rad powers and changed to appropriate procs.


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  • (A) Empty
  • (A) Numina's Convalesence - +Regeneration/+Recovery
  • (15) Miracle - +Recovery
  • (15) Panacea - +Hit Points/Endurance
  • (A) Jumping IO
  • (A) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End
  • (17) Performance Shifter - EndMod
  • (17) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod
  • (A) Run Speed IO

Level 50: Degenerative Core Flawless Interface 
Level 50: Nerve Core Paragon 
Level 50: Melee Core Embodiment 
Level 50: Ion Radial Final Judgement 
Level 4: Ninja Run 
Level 0: Portal Jockey 
Level 0: Freedom Phalanx Reserve 
Level 1: Quick Form 
Level 0: Task Force Commander 
Level 0: The Atlas Medallion 



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Status update.... fun!


I went Frosticus's route of heavy -tohit over def. Respec'ed to something close to what he was suggesting. It works well.


I live in melee. Ran the entire Maria Jenkin's arc at 53 w/ a group and only died once due to carelessness. That is playing very aggressive.


At 50+3, I soloed the Heather Townsound arc in DA at +3. I did pop a big purple, but killed all 5 of the orange boss in melee range.


I am not even close to proc'ed out or IO'ed. I am running with 13% range which is my best def.


Side note, Mighty judgement is more fun than Ion when you live in melee range.

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