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How to Staff / Energy Better?


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Hi all Scrappers


I recently started a Staff Fighting / Energy Aura scrapper, just got to level 27, and I am enjoying it, but it doesn't feel great yet.


Staff Fighting is filling out as I have gotten more of the attacks, but the lack of burst damage makes it feel un-scrappery.


Energy Aura so far I can only say feels very lack luster.


Any one got any tips or assistance they can give me to make me a better Staff / Energy scrapper.


regards, Screwloose.

"I am not young enough to know everything."



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Energy is a late bloomer but later in the levels it will get a lot better as far as staff have never played it so sorry can't help there but i can tell you my son runs a dark melee  / energy Aura stalker and has solo's ITF

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Hi! I have a Staff/Rad Scrapp Full IOs Lvl 50+. You are correct sadly SF lacks of dps burts. Not having Build Up or something similar hurts the set somehow. 

Here a few things you can try in order to get some burst or increase dps a little. 

Slot Decimation chance for build up in Serpents Reach. 

When hit 50 go alpha incarnate Musculature and Hybrid Assault. 

Thats would help to get your DPS decent.


You are lvl 27. When you hit 32 and get Skysplitter it will make a difference. 

Just keep going it will get better after 32.


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I've a Brute version in my Sig. But it took til level 36ish - 38 before it really started clicking : Started being able to slot enough bonuses to get mid 30s+ in defenses. Getting End Recovery at 28, Skysplitter at 32 and a self-heal / regen / power discounter at 35 and finally shoring up defenses with Weave at 38.


Before that he felt squishy. But yes Staff is more about an AOE rain of orange numbers rather than huge single target. 

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On 4/2/2020 at 8:53 PM, ScrewlooseCohh said:

Energy Aura so far I can only say feels very lack luster.

oof. EnA is definitely top 2 or 3 in durability for Scraps. stick with it, keep messin around with builds in Mids/Pine, & learn what Mobs give you the most trouble & why.

as for the combo with Staff, it's fantastic & can be built to do pretty impressive stuff. that said, the long animations drove me to retire it & build a new /EnA. i get what you're saying about lack of burst dmg... it's a great set combo for solo more than teamed.


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Thanks all


Now level 37 and still enjoying my Staff / Energy.


Staff certainly has no difficulty dealing the damage and lot of very generous AEs so good in a team.  But I still miss my build up, even hit my build up key occasionally just in case.


Energy Aura working, but not going to be as good as some of my other melees, just because of the lack of synergy with IO sets.  Got my Smash and Lethal Def to 39.95% now I have slotted the +Def Steadfast and Gladiators.


regards Screwloose

"I am not young enough to know everything."


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I honestly don't see a lack of IO set synergy, at least on my StJ/Energy scrapper. It's fairly easy to softcap defense to all but psi and maybe negative, you have some decent resistances, and a nice little self-heal and great end recovery power.  There are slightly fewer s/l def sets than say melee sets but not that big a difference. Would be nice if so many of the sets with S/L defense didn't stop at 35 but having the scrapper ATO set give more s/l than melee helps cover that problem.

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Stalker would be an option, I teamed with a Staff Stalker while back and it looked good,although this character was always going to be a Scrapper or a Tanker.  If I do Staff again then Stalker could be it.


Maybe I just need to get the powers slotted and reconsider stuff other than my usual IO sets.  Certainly I am softcapped on Smash and Lethal so that is a good start.

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