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Team Size

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Thought I would put this one in here.  Ran into an issue the other night...had more friends on than allowed in a team (8 is the max).  Now not talking about leagues, TFs, etc.  Just regular teams for doing missions and radio. 
I posted about it in COH Survivors on FB and it was suggested I bring it up here.  Would it be possible to up the max allowed on a regular team to something like 10 or 12?

Not sure what that would entail...just wondering.

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Just break into two groups.  Five and four, or six and six, or something.  The game has been designed for a maximum encounter of eight people for over a decade.  Changing that balance would fundamentally break the game unless you re-balanced everything, which would not be justifiable for any development team besides ones working for EA or Blizzard perhaps.



9 minutes ago, SeraphimKensai said:

The game is already too easy, if they adjusted anything relating to team size, lowering the max team size would be better as many of mine, and everyone else's toons can easily carry a team of 8 with just 1 toon.


What challenge would there be with 10 or 12 ppl fighting an AV?


Uh... not everyone's toons can easily carry seven other people.  That's a concept that a lot of AE babies have, and why so many ITFs are slogs.  "That one level 50 Fire/Rad Tanker powerleveled all of us to level 35, so we should be able to easily do a +4x8 kill all ITF if there's one level 50 on the team!"  I was on a steamroll ITF on a level 50 Beam Rifle/Sonic Corruptor.  Everyone else was level 42 or below.  A couple of them insisted on running it at +4 because "there was a level 50 on the team!"  It took about two and a half hours, and there were many, many team wipes.  My level 50 Beam Rifle/Sonic Corruptor kicks butt... but not enough to carry 7 lowbies.

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I've run into this situation in multiple SG nights where we end up with 9 or 10. Just run as two groups. You can be in a league and run different missions, if you want to have everyone talking back and forth (assuming they're not in the same SG, keeping SG chat available.)

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