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Are there any Door Missions in Ouroboros...

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...that one could utilize to bring a team to Ouroboros with the Team Transporter power? The reason I'm asking, is I'm creating a character that is going to offer guided Exploration Badge runs in Echo: Galaxy City and Echo: Atlas Park, and I was looking for a more fun, snappier, and elegant way to get started then using a SG base teleporter.

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Apparently there are, since the wiki page (https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Ouroboros) indicates it as a way there.  I think the only ones are the missions the Menders give, which you enter from the crystals.  The earliest contact is The Pilgrim (level 25+).


I wonder if you can trigger a Tip mission to spawn in Echo: Galaxy City, or if it's "outside the city".  That is, go to E:GC and open your Tip missions there, then use it later for a TT destination.  EDIT:  I tried it for the two tips I had:  Go to E:GC, open the Tips tab under Missions, and it at least allows me to look at them (unlike when I'm outside the city).  However, it dropped the two missions into other zones (Skyway and FF).

Edited by FrauleinMental
Including results for first try
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Cool, FrauleinMental. Thank you!


Hey Psyonico, thanks for responding. My character is 25+ but the "concept" is she is taking lower 'beginner' team mates on a guided super-fast exploration badge run of Galaxy City and Echo: AP for the 10 reward merits. Maybe right after they finish their DFB runs.  (Plus the 5 from regular AP if they want) I've got the 3 zone run down to about 9-10 minutes total. Just a concept for fun: "Galaxy City Tours" EDIT: But now that I think about it, Exemplaring wont work if Ouroboros missions are considered a taskforce, right?


Edited by D0C_MID4S
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1 hour ago, D0C_MID4S said:

Exemplaring wont work if Ouroboros missions are considered a taskforce, right?



Plus, if I remember correctly, everyone would need to be in Ouroboros to start the mission anyway.

What this team needs is more Defenders

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How weird. I experimented with this earlier today.


I had one character on one account with the Mender Tessaract mission to get the Outbreak stuff. (The same tutorial mission in which you can get the Isolator badge.)


I had another character on another account who wanted to tag along for that badge. However, this character was only level 10 and would not normally be allowed into Ouroboros. 


My first thought was to use the backdoor entrance through Echo Galaxy.  But an experiment occurred to me. I had the two form a team and I set the mission. Then I had the level 10 guy use the mission teleporter power you can get from the P2W...


and straight to Ouroboros he went.

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Mender Silos should work too. Basically any of the Ouroboros contacts who are standing right be a crystal will have what are essentially door missions at those crystals.


The issue being that you need to not do the missions for those contacts and just keep those missions open, because it won't work doing them as a task force through Ouroboros.

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