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Red inspiration Macro plz


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What inspirations do you have disabled?  The combine macros work better if you shut off at least a few of them.  

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20 minutes ago, Hops said:

I’m looking for a macro that will turn my inspirations into red ones! 🙏 

 /bind ` "inspexec_name enrage$$inspcombine respite enrage$$inspcombine catch_a_breath enrage$$inspcombine insight enrage$$inspcombine sturdy enrage$$inspcombine luck enrage"


Turn off the insps you don't see in this bind. (i.e. awaken, breakfrees, all tier 2 and 3 and teams inspr, etc.)


Edit: I use the ' key for my insp combine button, but if you want a different key, just replace that.

Edited by Glacier Peak
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2 minutes ago, Hops said:

Didn’t know you could disable inspiration ha

It's an option at the P2W vendor; there's one in Atlas and one in Pocket D; I'm sure there are others but those are the only two I have clicked on myself.  You kind of have to fiddle with which type and size inspirations to keep and which ones to turn off; it will be different for your farming brute than it would be for your controller who occasionally does teams but solos a lot, because the efficacy of the macro is tied to how many inspirations you consume and how many you earn.   

Those of you who continue to profess a belief in the Users will receive the standard, substandard training which will result in your eventual elimination.
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