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Working off inspiration from Gronbek's post about a permadeath SG, I've decided to create a sorta permadeath character.  Like the Resurrection Man from DC Comics (a fun read if you've never read them), I've created a character that upon defeat, will be deleted and rebuilt. My rules are as follows:

*upon defeat, new character becomes a new AT, going down the list of ATs in order

*said AT will be the first primary and secondary in the lists--if/when I round back to an AT again, the 2nd primary and secondary, etc...

*he will keep the same name and costume for each "reincarnation"

*ninja run, jump pack, sands of mu, ghost axe and blackwand are allowable...no double xp or other perks from the pay to win vendor

*new rule addition: no travel powers til lvl 14...run it old school

*solo play only, no teams

*no influence, salvage, recipes, enhancements or inspirations filtered down from my other characters...must be self sufficient

*i will play at 0/0..no ups or downs

*whatever the character dies with is lost to void...no hoarding up influence or anything in emails or the auction house...let's say he gets mugged as soon as he drops...it happens

*no eventually wanting to punch Mathew Habershy in the face after the 5th resurrection on...it's not his fault


If one actually makes it to 50, he gets to stay and move on to Incarnate stuff even if he gets defeated afterwards.  His "reward" if you will.

Phase 1: Archery/Atomic Manipulation Blaster




Edited by Skyhawke
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Sky-Hawke: Rad/WP Brute

Alts galore. So...soooo many alts.

Originally Pinnacle Server, then Indomitable and now Excelsior


That sounds like fun!  I might even be tempted to give it a try sometime, although I think I'd probably randomize the AT/Primary/Secondary, just so I didn't know what was coming next.


Good luck with it!

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Reunion player, ex-Defiant.

AE SFMA: Zombie Ninja Pirates! (#18051)


Regeneratio delenda est!


I enjoy may punny names and costumes too much.  If I were to make a permadeath character I could reuse my old main name from live but I would have to just pick a random costume because once I invest 30 min in making it pretty or right I can't delete it.

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16 minutes ago, EmmySky said:

I enjoy may punny names and costumes too much.  If I were to make a permadeath character I could reuse my old main name from live but I would have to just pick a random costume because once I invest 30 min in making it pretty or right I can't delete it.

I saved the costume. 😁 I knew I'd flip my gibblets trying to remake it over and over. 

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Sky-Hawke: Rad/WP Brute

Alts galore. So...soooo many alts.

Originally Pinnacle Server, then Indomitable and now Excelsior


This sounds like a fun idea and it may spark me to try some ATs that I never would have tried and also bring some interest back to the game. I find with this game I either love it or I’m bored of it and it just keeps going up and down up and down Like a kiddy roller coaster. I will do everything exactly as you said it but I will randomize the primary and secondary by pulling out of a hat and just eliminating when I’ve used one up. 

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I also like the idea of keeping the same "character" and rolling it as a new AT each death. I may have to give it whirl as well. Thanks for sharing the idea!


Well, I was plugging along fine until I got sent waaaaay out into the backside of the Hollows at lvl 8 (thanks Flux) and while bounding along, landed in the middle of purple Pumicites. 

Death one: lvl 8



Sky-Hawke: Rad/WP Brute

Alts galore. So...soooo many alts.

Originally Pinnacle Server, then Indomitable and now Excelsior


Life 2: Dark/Ice Controller...not super sure about this combo



Mr R 2.jpg

Sky-Hawke: Rad/WP Brute

Alts galore. So...soooo many alts.

Originally Pinnacle Server, then Indomitable and now Excelsior

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