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Posted (edited)

So I got an HP Victus laptop with a GeForce 2050... Downgraded from Windows 11 to 10, because other software refuses to work... Now after updating the sound drivers (via CCleaner) the speakers and microphone don't exist. But I also installed Ubuntu dual boot, so, I decided just to try there because why not. I download the installer, put it into the .wine/drive_c then ran WINETRICKS and used the default config to run explorer, double-click on the installer, and viola (or cello?), all working pretty great! But City Modder doesn't work so no masking of obnoxious sounds and no vidiot maps. I can live with that for a while.


Note that I have previously run this way on a $250 laptop with a basic Windows 11 capable graphics "Intel HD" something-or-other. Windows 11 wouldn't run the game, but dual booting the thing into Ubuntu and running WINETRICKS like above works with basic graphics settings. I guess it's just way less bloated? Or it reports graphics capabilities differently? Either way, the game was quite playable. Linux for the win! 


My point is that Ubuntu in particular doesn't require tons of technical chops. Install WineTricks, turn on hidden files in Ubuntu File Explorer (a.k.a. nautilus), so you can download hcinstall.exe and put it into .wine/drive_c, then tell WineTricks to run explorer, and run hcinstall.exe from windows explorer.

Edited by chuckv3
  • Finland 1

TINKERERS and LEOTARDED personal supergroups on Reunion; open bases! codes TB-9014 and LT-1051

TinkerBell (MAIN) super reflexes / martial arts tanker & badge hunter; Sarabraxus, energy / energy blaster; Sarathustra, fire / therm corruptor

Scotch Bonnie / Caroline Reaper, fire/ss brutes & fire farmers; Granny Fix It / Green Granny / Great Granny, empathy/psi defenders; plus a few others.

@Xarah formerly on Champion, Triumph, Victory, now @chuckv2 / @chuckv3 / @chuckv4 on Reunion

40 minutes ago, chuckv3 said:

So I got an HP Victus laptop with a GeForce 2050... Downgraded from Windows 11 to 10, because other software refuses to work... Now after updating the sound drivers (via CCleaner) the speakers and microphone don't exist. But I also installed Ubuntu dual boot, so, I decided just to try there because why not. I download the installer, put it into the .wine/drive_c then ran WINETRICKS and used the default config to run explorer, double-click on the installer, and viola (or cello?), all working pretty great! But City Modder doesn't work so no masking of obnoxious sounds and no vidiot maps. I can live with that for a while.


Note that I have previously run this way on a $250 laptop with a basic Windows 11 capable graphics "Intel HD" something-or-other. Windows 11 wouldn't run the game, but dual booting the thing into Ubuntu and running WINETRICKS like above works with basic graphics settings. I guess it's just way less bloated? Or it reports graphics capabilities differently? Either way, the game was quite playable. Linux for the win! 


My point is that Ubuntu in particular doesn't require tons of technical chops. Install WineTricks, turn on hidden files in Ubuntu File Explorer (a.k.a. nautilus), so you can download hcinstall.exe and put it into .wine/drive_c, then tell WineTricks to run explorer, and run hcinstall.exe from windows explorer.

I just use Lutris now, soo easy and flexible .

  • Finland 1
2 hours ago, chuckv3 said:

So I got an HP Victus laptop with a GeForce 2050... Downgraded from Windows 11 to 10, because other software refuses to work... Now after updating the sound drivers (via CCleaner) the speakers and microphone don't exist. But I also installed Ubuntu dual boot, so, I decided just to try there because why not. I download the installer, put it into the .wine/drive_c then ran WINETRICKS and used the default config to run explorer, double-click on the installer, and viola (or cello?), all working pretty great! But City Modder doesn't work so no masking of obnoxious sounds and no vidiot maps. I can live with that for a while.


Note that I have previously run this way on a $250 laptop with a basic Windows 11 capable graphics "Intel HD" something-or-other. Windows 11 wouldn't run the game, but dual booting the thing into Ubuntu and running WINETRICKS like above works with basic graphics settings. I guess it's just way less bloated? Or it reports graphics capabilities differently? Either way, the game was quite playable. Linux for the win! 


My point is that Ubuntu in particular doesn't require tons of technical chops. Install WineTricks, turn on hidden files in Ubuntu File Explorer (a.k.a. nautilus), so you can download hcinstall.exe and put it into .wine/drive_c, then tell WineTricks to run explorer, and run hcinstall.exe from windows explorer.

It's a small extra step to get City Modder working.    One of the Monos iirc.   It's easy to get running.  Mids is a pain, but doable.

  • Finland 1
  • City Council
14 hours ago, chuckv3 said:

But City Modder doesn't work so no masking of obnoxious sounds and no vidiot maps. I can live with that for a while.



"winetricks dotnet48", should get the mod installer working.

  • Like 1
  • Finland 1
19 hours ago, Michiyo said:


"winetricks dotnet48", should get the mod installer working.

indeed! thanks.  lots of weird noise doing these but it is all working

  • Like 1
  • Finland 1

TINKERERS and LEOTARDED personal supergroups on Reunion; open bases! codes TB-9014 and LT-1051

TinkerBell (MAIN) super reflexes / martial arts tanker & badge hunter; Sarabraxus, energy / energy blaster; Sarathustra, fire / therm corruptor

Scotch Bonnie / Caroline Reaper, fire/ss brutes & fire farmers; Granny Fix It / Green Granny / Great Granny, empathy/psi defenders; plus a few others.

@Xarah formerly on Champion, Triumph, Victory, now @chuckv2 / @chuckv3 / @chuckv4 on Reunion

Posted (edited)

And this is the $249 laptop I also run the game on (but only via Ubuntu/WINE -- pre-installed windows 11 went straight to the trash!)



Edited by chuckv3
  • Finland 1

TINKERERS and LEOTARDED personal supergroups on Reunion; open bases! codes TB-9014 and LT-1051

TinkerBell (MAIN) super reflexes / martial arts tanker & badge hunter; Sarabraxus, energy / energy blaster; Sarathustra, fire / therm corruptor

Scotch Bonnie / Caroline Reaper, fire/ss brutes & fire farmers; Granny Fix It / Green Granny / Great Granny, empathy/psi defenders; plus a few others.

@Xarah formerly on Champion, Triumph, Victory, now @chuckv2 / @chuckv3 / @chuckv4 on Reunion

  • 1 month later

I was previously using penguin on the rocks to update and run homecoming. Since I have transitioned to the homecoming launcher, I've been wanting to use a hud as i was using to previously. Is there an config file location to modify the command ran to start COH or should I be using the addition commands section in the launcher? If the addition commands section, what is the command format to run something like mangohud? I have used steams additional commands section to add the environment variable like MANGO_CONFIG="location" mangohud %command% previously and I'm also fairly comfortable with custom commands and their syntax.


This is my current launcher command for the launcher.

cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Games/Homecoming/bin/win64/ && proton launcher.exe &>/dev/null &disown && cd


3 hours ago, xaix1999 said:

I was previously using penguin on the rocks to update and run homecoming. Since I have transitioned to the homecoming launcher, I've been wanting to use a hud as i was using to previously. Is there an config file location to modify the command ran to start COH or should I be using the addition commands section in the launcher? If the addition commands section, what is the command format to run something like mangohud? I have used steams additional commands section to add the environment variable like MANGO_CONFIG="location" mangohud %command% previously and I'm also fairly comfortable with custom commands and their syntax.


This is my current launcher command for the launcher.

cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Games/Homecoming/bin/win64/ && proton launcher.exe &>/dev/null &disown && cd


This is the command I use inside a hclaunch.sh

wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Games/Homecoming/bin/win64/launcher.exe > ~/down/hclaunch.log 2> ~/down/hclaunch.err &


I'm unfamiliar with mangohud, but looks useful.  I'd have to poke at stuff to figure out how, but I'd first have it launch the launcher and see if it inherits children.

Might be as simple as in my example, just calling wine from mangohud.  (you'll get the wine overhead too I assume)

Posted (edited)

im checking the github for options and the error logs.

i can get mangohud to show with "mangohud glxgears" so it does support some kind of opengl.
will have to get more info on the opengl version COH uses.
should be simple but more to follow.

Edited by xaix1999
Posted (edited)

with the following command i was able to launch directly into the game and login while able to access the character selection screen.

cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Games/Homecoming/bin/win64/ && MANGOHUD_CONFIGFILE=~/.config/MangoHud.conf mangohud proton run launchercli.exe launch live


mangohud did not show though. while in fullscreen at the login screen, mangohud will show for a moment and then i get an error. looks like mangohud is failing.

[%time%] [MANGOHUD] [error] [battery.cpp:29] No battery found


Edited by xaix1999
  • 1 month later

I run Gentoo and the game runs smoothly. Only problem seems to be occasionally textures will be a little slow to load especially in zones.


I run an amd64, multilib enabled, open-rc plasma profile. While multilib is enabled, I do not have any packages installed with the abi_x86_32 use flag, so I do not have all that 32 bit clutter.

When I went to emerge wine, it wanted to pull in a bunch of 32 bit packages so I updated some use flags to block those and only use 64 bit wine with wow64. I use wine-vanilla (as opposed to proton or experimental). It's also unnecessary to install the mono, gecko, etc bloat. Necessary use flags for virtual/wine and app-emulation/wine-vanilla are:

 * Found these USE flags for virtual/wine-0-r10:
 U I
 - - abi_x86_32 : 32-bit (x86) libraries
 + + abi_x86_64 : 64-bit (amd64) libraries
 - - proton     : Enable Valve Software's fork of Wine



 * Found these USE flags for app-emulation/wine-vanilla-9.0:
 U I
 + + X              : Add support for X11
 - - abi_x86_32     : 32-bit (x86) libraries
 + + abi_x86_64     : 64-bit (amd64) libraries
 + + alsa           : Add support for media-libs/alsa-lib (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture)
 - - capi           : Enable ISDN support using net-libs/libcapi
 - - crossdev-mingw : Use sys-devel/crossdev for the toolchain rather than dev-util/mingw64-toolchain (requires manual setting up)
 + + cups           : Add support for CUPS (Common Unix Printing System)
 - - custom-cflags  : Build with user-specified CFLAGS (unsupported)
 - - dos            : Pull in games-emulation/dosbox to run DOS applications
 + + fontconfig     : Support for configuring and customizing font access via media-libs/fontconfig
 - - gecko          : Enable mshtml support using app-emulation/wine-gecko
 + + gphoto2        : Add digital camera support
 - - gstreamer      : Add support for media-libs/gstreamer (Streaming media)
 - - kerberos       : Add kerberos support
 - - llvm-libunwind : Use sys-libs/llvm-libunwind instead of sys-libs/libunwind
 + + mingw          : Build PE files using a MinGW toolchain for better compatibility
 - - mono           : Enable .NET support using app-emulation/wine-mono
 - - netapi         : Enable support for configuring remote shares using net-fs/samba
 + + nls            : Add Native Language Support (using gettext - GNU locale utilities)
 - - odbc           : Add ODBC Support (Open DataBase Connectivity)
 + + opencl         : Enable OpenCL support (computation on GPU)
 + + opengl         : Add support for OpenGL (3D graphics)
 - - osmesa         : Enable off-screen rendering (OpenGL in bitmaps) support
 - - pcap           : Support packet capture software (e.g. wireshark)
 + + perl           : Install helpers that require perl (winedump/winemaker)
 + + pulseaudio     : Add sound server support via media-libs/libpulse (may be PulseAudio or PipeWire)
 - - samba          : Pull in net-fs/samba with winbind for NTLM auth support
 + + scanner        : Add support for scanner hardware (e.g. build the sane frontend in kdegraphics)
 + + sdl            : Enable gamepad support using media-libs/libsdl2
 - - smartcard      : Enable smartcard support
 + + ssl            : Add support for SSL/TLS connections (Secure Socket Layer / Transport Layer Security)
 + + strip          : Allow symbol stripping to be performed by the ebuild for special files
 + + truetype       : Add support for FreeType and/or FreeType2 fonts
 + + udev           : Enable virtual/udev integration (device discovery, power and storage device support, etc)
 + + udisks         : Enable storage management support (automounting, volume monitoring, etc)
 + + unwind         : Add support for call stack unwinding and function name resolution
 + + usb            : Add USB support to applications that have optional USB support (e.g. cups)
 - - v4l            : Enable support for video4linux (using linux-headers or userspace libv4l libraries)
 + + vulkan         : Add support for 3D graphics and computing via the Vulkan cross-platform API
 + + wayland        : Enable dev-libs/wayland backend
 + + wow64          : Enable running 32bit applications without 32bit ELF multilib by mapping to 64bit calls (experimental, *may*
                      have worse/unusable OpenGL performance or other issues compared to USE=abi_x86_32, also lacks 16bit support)
                      -- still need dev-util/mingw64-toolchain with abi_x86_32 which itself does not need multilib 
 + + xcomposite     : Enable support for the Xorg composite extension
 + + xinerama       : Add support for querying multi-monitor screen geometry through the Xinerama API



I have wayland enabled but use Xorg.

Then just emerge virtual/wine


After that I ran winecfg (but didn't change anything), then I ran

wine64 Downloads/hcinstall.exe

and finally to run the game I run

wine64 .wine/drive_c/Games/Homecoming/bin/win64/launcher.exe


I use an modern AMD video card and an AMD Ryzen cpu.

  • 1 month later

I just installed Homecoming on my new Linux Mint 22.1 rig, using Lutris and it was trivial to do so.

I chose "Add Games" from the burger menu button, then used the "Install a Windows game from an executable" wizard with hcinstall.exe

Boom, done.

  • 2 months later
  • City Council
On 3/20/2025 at 6:14 PM, Doctor Thunder said:

Anyone running Homecoming on Linux had any success with add-ons/mods?


I got Vidiotmsps working, but am having no luck finding the mods I want -- especially the Teleport Beacon labels one 

What issues are you having? The tool should work fine under Wine, even more so now that I removed the browser control.


I am very new to Linux, so it's almost certainly user error. Just can't get it to run.


However, I did find the link to all the mids CityMod installs, and manually downloaded the crucial ones for me--Vidiotmaps and the Teleport Beacon Labels. 


That's absolutely good enough for me. If I want to fiddle with other mods, I know how to do it now. 


And thanks!

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