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A Very Rikti Christmas 2020


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A Very Rikti Christmas 2020


When: Thursday, December 17th, 2020

Time: 8:30 P.M. ET/5:30 P.M. PT

Where: Instanced Rikti Mothership Raid Trial



Hello, Excelsior.  Christmas is coming.  What is a better way to celebrate the holidays than to smash Rikti with loved ones?


Everyone will gather in the instanced Rikti Mothership Raid trial on Thursday, December 17th, at 8:30 P.M. ET / 5:30 P.M. PT.  We will then proceed to raid the Rikti mothership.  All level 35+ characters with the Member of Vanguard badge are welcome.  However, I request that you wear a winter holiday themed costume, and use of the Build Snow Beast temporary power during the mothership raid is encouraged.  Whomever gets the kill shot on U'Kon Gr'ai will win an one billion INF prize.  Whomever gets the kill shot on the Rikti drop ship will also win an one billion INF prize.  That's two billion INF in prizes!


I hope to see y'all there!

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  • 2 weeks later
19 minutes ago, EmperorSteele said:

Uhm, don't we have to gather somewhere first BEFORE we enter the raid-zone?






I've begun forming instanced MSRs from the inside.  I queue for an instanced MSR by myself.  Then once inside, I can invite others inside, so I just ask for people to send me a tell.

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  • 2 weeks later
On 11/27/2020 at 10:35 PM, Apparition said:






I've begun forming instanced MSRs from the inside.  I queue for an instanced MSR by myself.  Then once inside, I can invite others inside, so I just ask for people to send me a tell.

You can gather on the either of the Rikti ships outside Pocket D as well! 



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22 minutes ago, iBot said:

Thanks for hosting this.  Was good fun and shocking actually launched on time without any glitches other than the no report kill.

Yep!  It went very, very well.  Thank you for coming, and thank you to everyone else that came as well.


Last night was my fourth A Very Rikti Christmas, and the first time that no one saw who landed the kill shot on U’kon Gr’ai.  It was most likely a DoT that killed him.  I will have to think of an alternative for next year.

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That was my thought too since so many DoTs were going off that the final hp was taken by one of those but I would still have thought it would have registered by the person who used it.  Though I wonder if maybe a pet got the kill.  I wasn't watching the pet combat listing since I didn't have any out at that time.  I think awarding it to the kill shot on the drop ship was a decent enough compromise.

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