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Ice Armor


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Hello all  :)


Is Ice Armor viable on a scrapper? I had a few Ice Tankers back in the day. I loved the look. Never the toughest tanks though, unfortunately. Does it play ok as a scrapper set? I can't imagine Ice Melee performing well on a scrapper, but do correct me if I'm wrong. What does/can work well with Ice Armor?  Thanks.

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I think the scrapper version is a port of the stalker version trading hide for a damage aura. The stalker version on So's was ok but not the toughest. On IOs it was a monster. It has very layered damage mitigation and an excellent t9 in icy bastion. It has end recovery and some small sapping potential too. My favorite armor set for sure on live. The only time I would have skipped over it for an IO build would be to get elec for the +rech if I needed for the primary I was using.

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Ice armor seems very viable for the quick numbers I ran on it.  Definite advantage to me over the tank or brute version is getting icy bastion instead of hibernate.  If you really want you could still get hibernate on top of it as well, it is there in one of the epic pools.


Ice melee isn't actually bad since they added damage to Frozen Aura.  Freezing touch is a DPA monster.  Frozen fists is the real stinker of the set, but I don't see how you make an attack chain without it unfortunately.


Psi melee would be another interesting choice, you could really stack the -recharges with it.


Dark melee is always a winner and the -tohit and having an extra heal of course helps your survival a lot.

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Running a Spines/Ice, gotten up to lvl 35.


It is an Endurance HOG, not even a Pig, but Energy Absorption helps. The Fire Res/Def hole is kinda noticeable. Working on making an IO build for him, but it's not a very common combo, so I've gotten no feedback on what I made and posted here.


It is, however, DELICIOUSLY fun... All the fun of Spines/Fire, with less running.

Death is the best debuff.

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I've never really enjoyed Ice Armor because it's so uneven.  You have to fix the f/c defense hole or you end up eating too many debuffs, and then on top of that figure out some kind of mitigation for psionic.  Even though Energy Absorption, Chilling Embrace, and Icicles are very nice powers, Ice often feels like "worse invuln" to me.


Does the Scrapper version of Ice Armor's Chilling Embrace and/or Icicles have a built-in taunt component?


No direct taunt like the Taunt or Brute versions, but they still have the heightened melee threat IIRC.

No-Set Builds: Tanker Scrapper Brute Stalker

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