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Wider range of body sliders

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It would be great to have the body sliders provide a wider range of body types. Right now, if you want to make someone skinny, or fat, or with less than C cups, you can't. It would be great to have more representative bodies, particularly for characters who are supposed to be younger.

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I like the idea of more body types - I think we would see quite a few Blobs and Fat Thors - but I could see some of it possibly breaking the costumes if you start to bulge or contract where it was never designed for it; there is already some serious clipping on some costume pieces if you really go HUGE!


But I am all for it if possible - would be nice with even more variety.

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I've really had to do a lot of fiddling with the sliders to mitigate one "feature" that I don't care for. The female "run" animation was designed to provide a "sexy" hip-sway by having the animation place the feet one in front of the other while in motion. Unfortunately, on a slimmer female model, this produces an exaggerated "thigh gap" that, to me, makes them look almost bow-legged while running, particularly if you want the hips to be wide enough for an "average" woman.


The best solution I've found is to drag the Hips slider all the way down, and then increase the Physique slider to make the model a bit "thick". That simultaneously widens the hips/butt and beefs up the thighs proportionally and results in a more pleasing (to me) run animation.

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Would be nice to have a head size slider. If you make a short, slim character the head looks far too large.


There used to be sliders for the head (e.g. brow, eye width, nose length). At least, I could have sworn the live game had these. I don't see them now. Would love to have them back though.

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The first thing I do on every girl toon I've ever made is boobs-small, waist-large, legs-shorten a little, then I decide what she's actually going to look like. Oddly enough I usually find the heads on all the models male and female (unless you make the body very small-thin) are much too small in terms of classic proportions. I suspect they did that to compensate for the look of helmets and such.


Anyway this isn't some sort of modesty or commentary on girl bodies in society thing, it is a that doesn't even look aesthetically balanced, EVEN for comic characters. It's like the existing "middle" is already at the extreme end. If you put on any torso decoration, the poor girl can't even execute her powers without clipping her own costume.


But then this is a very old topic and has always been a thing in this game or any other that let you fiddle with your character's particulars (Elder Scrolls Online has the same problem and they add to that huge feet for some reason... I think one of their design people must have been a foot fetishist). 

Svengjuk, Formerly Alice, Empty Man, EM Riptide, Silver Mouse, and many more... SG: Hero Dawn

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Would be nice to have a head size slider. If you make a short, slim character the head looks far too large.


There used to be sliders for the head (e.g. brow, eye width, nose length). At least, I could have sworn the live game had these. I don't see them now. Would love to have them back though.


They're still there. You have to click on the Scales button in the character creator which will expand it. There you can readjust the character's body scaling and the head scaling.

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I know at one point during the live game, we could make very short people with proportionately large heads (e.g. "normal" sized heads on smaller bodies). For some reason they toned that down, but it was a great way to make Hobbits and whatnot.

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