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Return to Battle does not work properly with Kheldian shapeshifting.


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Bug: Inspiration buffs from the Return to Battle prestige self-rez do not apply when shapeshifted as a kheldian. They will continue to work if you go back to human form after a small delay.


Steps to reproduce:


1: Die as a kheldian


2: Activate return to battle


3: Monitor attributes while shapeshifting.

Edited by ScarySai
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  • ScarySai changed the title to Return to Battle does not work properly with Kheldian shapeshifting.

It may have something to do with the fact that RTB's inspirations aren't actually inspirations.  You can see this if you level up while RTB is still in effect, the level up inspirations and RTB's inspirations don't stack in the UI.


It should still be looked at for sure though.

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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Yep, was just looking at this due to another report of the same. It grants temp powers, and those temp powers are flagged  with "disable_temp" as a disable mode.


I think they should probably have that removed. Admittedly, that means you could rez and then zone into a context where temps are disallowed, but I really don't think that would be an issue, since most of the effects last 60s and the mez protection lasts 90.


An alternative might be to change the base power to use ExecPower instead of GrantPower. I think if it did that it could point to the regular inspiration powers - if so the temporary versions could be dispensed with entirely. (I was thinking an Emerge lasted longer than the equivalent granted by RtB, but they're the same.)

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