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I love MM's until I meet damage patches


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I absolutely love to play MM's, but once I start to run into things like caltrops and burn patches (where pets go absolutely bonkers) I quickly get frustrated.  I know I can command my pets to "stay", but that breaks bodyguard and is problematic with melee pets of a mob moves out of melee range.  Is there any trick or suggestion on how to deal with these types of attacks?  I know that some secondary's have things like a hold that could help (assuming there's only one MOB to lock down), but maybe I'm missing some approach that isn't obvious.


Am I missing a good compensating strategy at higher levels?

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34 minutes ago, StrikerFox said:

Team TP or Group Fly to help with patches, but would probably annoy some teammates. Also"Stay" doesn't break Bodyguard mode. When in Defensive, Bodyguard is active with all commands except "Attack My Target." 


Oh?  I didn't know that.  I thought if it was anything but DEF+Follow it would break.  I'll give that a try!

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5 hours ago, StrikerFox said:

Team TP or Group Fly to help with patches, but would probably annoy some teammates. Also"Stay" doesn't break Bodyguard mode. When in Defensive, Bodyguard is active with all commands except "Attack My Target." 

Not attacking StrikeFox comment. 


Just striking down the Group Fly.. PERSONALLY.. I tried really hard to make a Flying Fortress build and Group Fly was just too clunky.. Looks great flying across the sky to a mission. But MANY missions ceiling heights are just so LOW that it is useless.  Pets get stuck in the Stalagmites on caves or some indentation.  They don't teleport.. 


I can tell you once you get to IO builds you won't worry too much about bodyguard mode.  I play with 1 pet on some builds and put it on aggressive, NOT to have it on bodyguard mode. Otherwise it will die fast.. 


Again all depends on the build. But I can say reverting the pet commands back to the way they used to be is much better then it was..   

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On 8/15/2021 at 12:45 PM, evetsleep said:

I absolutely love to play MM's, but once I start to run into things like caltrops and burn patches (where pets go absolutely bonkers) I quickly get frustrated.  I know I can command my pets to "stay", but that breaks bodyguard and is problematic with melee pets of a mob moves out of melee range.  Is there any trick or suggestion on how to deal with these types of attacks?  I know that some secondary's have things like a hold that could help (assuming there's only one MOB to lock down), but maybe I'm missing some approach that isn't obvious.


Am I missing a good compensating strategy at higher levels?

You may be missing the most obvious approach. Two of them. Teammates and autocomplete.


Almost anything is easy with a good team. There won't be much time for your pets to head for the hills when an entire team of actual players bringing the pain. And when you don't have teammates handy, well...


Some enemies and enemy groups are just not fun to fight with certain characters. Just avoid them. You have 1000 character slots per server per account. Autocomplete your way through the missions you can't avoid, and come back to actually *EXPERIENCE* them with characters who are properly equipped to handle them. No reason Superman should fight Kryptonite Midas when he can avoid it and let the Flash or Green Lantern do it.

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On 8/15/2021 at 12:59 PM, StrikerFox said:

Team TP or Group Fly to help with patches, but would probably annoy some teammates.

I have a topic i started in suggestions and feedback about this very problem.  Unfortunately although ive had 0 responses.  I do not understand why this has been overlooked.  Team tp is fringin awesome for mm travel.  And horrible for leagumates, teamates and incarnates.  


Imho add another account or two, build two more mms.  Level as a triad and team tp to your hearts content.  3 mms even just SOd out will wreck this game.


So the answer, team tp and build your own team 😀

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I played a lot of masterminds but I am still unclear why in some instances caltrops are little more than an annoyance while in some cases caltrops cause total chaos in my pets. I don't if this is true, but I think my Resistance-based pets have it worst than Defence based ones.


The very worst outcome I saw was with my Necro/Sonic character though. A few caltrops and my zombies wnet nuts. up running wild in random directions, even different rooms. I had not taken the Leadership powers on that character yet.  @Decaying Rose explained the reason to me:


"Zombies and Grave Knights are explicitly immune to Slow effects, so when they step on some Caltrops, they get the 50 Magnitude Fear/Run Away effects like normal, but since they ignore the slow, they take off at full speed. "





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