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Posted (edited)

Master Perusalist is currently a level 12 illusion/time controller.  This is the first of 90 characters to take powers from the Experimentation Pool.  Let's just say he won't be "damage forward".  Be that as it may, perhaps he could eventually become a powerful asset to most teams.  What do you think?  I'll post a preliminary build below for anyone wanting to examine the down&dirty, but here is a summary of some of my design decisions.

  1. bypass Spectral Wounds and take Toxic Dart instead.  It does 25% more damage, and its damage doesn't vanish after 10 seconds.
  2. bypass Maneuvers and Tactics, instead depending on Farsight to buff our defense, toHit, and perception.  An upside is that its defense is significantly stronger than Maneuvers.  This choice also removes the end load of those two toggles.  Downside is that not allies will always be buffed; just those within 25 feet of me when it goes off every two minutes.
  3. bypass Time's Juncture.  This is an expensive debuff aura toggle, but between Phantom Army and Spectral Terror, my hope is that it won't matter that foes have their normal recharge, toHit, and damage.  They'll be too busy either shaking in their boots or shooting at foes they can't hurt.
  4. buffing an ally with Temporal Selection and Experimental Injection should make even a squishy into a frontline power-house
  5. buff self recharge with Hasten, Adrenal Booster, and Chrono Shift, as well as various procs and set bonuses
  6. buff ally recharge with Temporal Selection and Chrono Shift
  7. minimize end load by only having the battle toggles of Hover, Superior Invisibility, and Mind Over Body
  8. self protection via Mind Over Body, Indomitable Will, Farsight, and Superior Invisibility, as well as the procs for extra global defense (6% extra) and global resistance (8-18% extra, depending on current health)

Any suggestions and contrary ideas welcome.


| Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |

Edited by cohRock

-- Rock

Posted (edited)

Is ill/time so unpopular that no one is interested?  Have I mastered a perfect build, and everyone is too awed to respond? 😉 Or is my post too odd to bother with?


BTW, I didn't mention Superior Invisibility before.  It is awesome.  He took it at level 8, and his nominal 200-foot stealth radius was capped at 80 feet.  The cap has been growing by 5 feet/level, and at level 22, it is now 150 feet.  I haven't tested it yet, but I've been told that's enough that even snipers won't see him.

Edited by cohRock

-- Rock


Superior Invisibility is indeed Superior.  Now you really only need to worry foes that ignore perception (and attacks that don't target you but otherwise effect you, primarily AoEs aimed at someone nearby or various patches).  The short not necessarily exhaustive list of foes who ignore stealth are Rikti Drones (of all sorts), KoA, and Rularuu Sentries (the various Eyeball sorts).  Fairly certain the Drones and KoA have 'normal' perception values for their rank.  No longer recall with certainty if the Rularuu base values are buffed or essentially normal for their rank as well.

  • 6 months later
Posted (edited)
On 1/13/2022 at 12:03 PM, arcane said:

It’s two of the most OP sets in the game. I don’t think you have any cause  for concern.


Never felt Time was OP.  It had good defense, but offense wise, it never felt like it was in the top for that.  Take note, we're not seeing Time mentioned in the AV/GM killer thread.

Edited by BrandX
On 7/27/2022 at 10:39 AM, BrandX said:

Take note, we're not seeing Time mentioned in the AV/GM killer thread.


That's really only due to the lack of good -regen options in Time. Outside of that, it is a very very strong buff set (Farsight, especially when paired with powerboost is amazing...plus chronoshift giving permeable +rech), and a strong debuffer as well.




Ranger Parker? - Peacebringer

Ranger Parker - Demons/Marine

Mayday Man - Necro/Marine

Pulp Noir - Illusion/Psychic Dominator


Well old thread, but also wanted to point out the numbers for spectral wounds vs. toxic dart as posted are very wrong.  Not sure where they got that toxic dart does more, it very much does not.  Toxic dart does just about 30 damage base at level 50 and with containment does 60.  Spectral wounds does 50 damage base and with containment does 80.  One of the few that doesn't do full double damage because I assume it takes the post healed back amount as the base for containment.  But still clearly more than toxic dart.


Also it is a flat heal back amount unaffected by enhancements, so at level 50 only 20 of it ever heals back.  Once fully enhanced and with containment even if something does live long enough for it to heal back, spectral wounds is still easily outdamaging toxic dart.  60 x 1.95=117 vs. (80 x 1.95) -20 = 136


Maybe close enough if you are tight on powers and really want to open up further things in the pool, but definitely not better.

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