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Bane Spider/Mace Mastery Weapon Customization: "Classic" Arachnos Maces

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Is there any chance we could be given access to the pre-I12 Arachnos maces for Bane Spider/Mace Mastery weapon customization? Seeing as we get non-colorable versions of the Arachnos Guns, I think it'd be fair if we had access to the old maces as well. While not as pretty or high-def as the colorable ones, they do have a unique look about them.

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When I read this, I thought it was about some special Arachnos Mace only carried by the 1960s Arachnos guys, in which case I was gonna be like "Yes! And let's also make those 1960s outfits available to Arachnos Soldiers!"


I can't remember which one you're talking about, do you have a picture? I'm sure it could be made available if it's still in the files somewhere, though it might have been completely replaced/removed.

Buff Trick Arrows! | Buff Poison!
Powerset Suggestions: Circus Performers | Telepathy | Symphonic Inspiration | Light Affinity | Force Shield
Old Powerset Suggestions:  Probability Distortion | Magnetism | Hyper-Intellect

Some day, the prophecy will be fulfilled; Trick Arrows will be buffed and I will finally be allowed to diehttps://twitter.com/trickshootah

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I think he's talking about the old, low-poly models. I have this old screenshot of one of them:




I had to go to Photobucket to dig that one up, so, you know, I hope you appreciate this. Photobucket's gotten real bad in the past few years.

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I think he's talking about the old, low-poly models. I have this old screenshot of one of them:




I had to go to Photobucket to dig that one up, so, you know, I hope you appreciate this. Photobucket's gotten real bad in the past few years.


Yup, those are the ones. And nice job finding a pic of the Bane Spider Commando/Scout mace.


That said, here's pics of the Tac Ops Mace and Executioner Mace



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