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New Regen Powerset - What could it look like?


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@Koopak I get what you mean.

However, it doesn't seem to have any effect on Ninjitsu/Ninja Training. I have several toons with those power sets that are not Ninjas, Japanese nor remotely Asian. I think the players are old enough to wrap their heads around it despite the monicker. Also, dropping the "Viking" won't make a Berserker any less Viking much like dropping French makes them less Fries (which are Belgian by the way).


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I tried to think about Regeneration as a "one trick pony" like some say Super Reflexes is, and so I built something as a thought experiment along the same framework.  Where SR uses +Def to Melee, Ranged, and AOE, with one toggle and one passive for each, I used Regeneration, Absorb, and +Max HP instead.  I tried to use powers that already exist or with minor alterations to fit the theme I went with.  I don't like lots of clicks for "armor" sets because I'm busy attacking, so this is designed to be set it and forget it for the most part.


1  Rise to the Challenge.  This is your +Regen toggle.  It works better the more trouble you are in.


2 Ignore Pain.  Basically Dull Pain, but a toggle.  This is your +Max HP Toggle.  Maybe it could go over the Hit Point cap?


4 Fast Healing.  This is your +Regen passive.


10 Integration.  This is your Mez resistance Toggle, with more +Regen.


16  I Can Take It:  This is like Spirit Ward on yourself.  This is your Absorb Over Time passive.


20 Inexhaustible.  This is your + Max HP, + Regen, + Recovery Passive.


28 Warrior Spirit.  This is basically Spirit Ward you can use on yourself.  This is your Absorb Over Time toggle.


35 Second Wind:  This is your click heal AND your self rez.  It should recharge fairly quickly, and it could have a PBAOE Fear effect when used.  (He got up.  Cue "Oh Crap" face by the bad guys)  


38  Moment of Glory.  This is your T9.  For better or for worse.   


I believe that +Regen should have a resist -Regen component attached to it, sort of how Resistance resists -Resistance.  


I also think that the Regen passives should have a scaling secondary component, but maybe it should be something like a scaling +To Hit and +Damage bonus that sort of signifies a "I can take it, and dish it back out" aspect along the berserker lines some of you have written about.  Basically the lower the Hit Points, the harder you fight.  Or am I thinking of the old old Blaster Defiance?


I've purposefully left numbers out of my design because it would need to be balanced and argued about to fine tune, but I feel like that the basic idea is to cruise at the Hit Point Cap, with Absorb Over Time running, and should be able to get close to the Regen cap (Basically, If SR can get to the soft cap on its own, Regen should be able to get to its cap too.)

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So the problem with treating Regen as a one trick pony set like super reflexes is that you quickly hit the issue of being unkillable or squishy. This is because the other armors are not playing the same game.


All resist and even defense armors are build on the idea of reducing incoming damage enough to make your effective health high enough to survive periods of taking more damage than their effective regeneration. To put it simply they emphasise dying slowly enough for your to remove the threat.


The health cap prevents regeneration from playing this same game to such a degree that attacks intended to significantly threaten other armors risks one shotting Regen. 


I don't know if it is possible for a power to bypass the HP cap, but if it did you run into issues with regen rates scaling with Max hp. Absorb could solve this but runs into the issue sentinels have where the absorb doesn't scale throwing off the whole synergy. The ideal solution would be an absorb barrier that scales its generation rate with regeneration while keeping the existing dull pain hp cap. This is where the idea of an over heal power that builds absorb with a cap controlled by the power and its enhancement value but that fills at a rate determined by your regeneration rate.


This gives you the bigger effective health values needed to fit the systems made for other armors and thus gives you the room to then pursue a low resist low defense design.


That said I don't know if this is even possible code wise. An alternative would be the ability to sacrifice health to make an absorb barrier, say 33% of your health for a 50% of your health absorb. This would allow you to heal that damage while the absorb takes the hits and raise your effective Max hp. WoW druids have done something similar before and it adds alot of potential skill expression while being within existing code limits.


Edited by Koopak
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