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Wow, I actually need help for myself for a change! I guess all of the slash command testing I've been doing lately has messed things up. I can select a base item but as soon as I try to drag it, it deselects. 


The editor itself also seems sluggish. 


I tested it out an a different computer, and I get the same results. So it seems like it's somehow account-wide.


Even so, I did reset my binds to no avail. I loaded another player's binds... while both outside and inside the base editor. Nothing. Any ideas?



Posted (edited)

I'm sure you're familiar enough with the actual game files, but here is what I've got in the following files. I don't modify things much, so they're nearly vanilla. Alternatively, you Could backup your current file, load the defaults, save them, and then compare to what you have now.




' "quickchat"
- "prev_tray"
ALT+- "prev_tray_alt"
/ "show chat$$slashchat"
0 "powexec_slot 10"
CTRL+0 "powexec_alt2slot 10"
ALT+0 "powexec_altslot 10"
1 "powexec_slot 1"
CTRL+1 "powexec_alt2slot 1"
SHIFT+1 "team_select 1"
ALT+1 "powexec_altslot 1"
2 "powexec_slot 2"
CTRL+2 "powexec_alt2slot 2"
SHIFT+2 "team_select 2"
ALT+2 "powexec_altslot 2"
3 "powexec_slot 3"
CTRL+3 "powexec_alt2slot 3"
SHIFT+3 "team_select 3"
ALT+3 "powexec_altslot 3"
4 "powexec_slot 4"
CTRL+4 "powexec_alt2slot 4"
SHIFT+4 "team_select 4"
ALT+4 "powexec_altslot 4"
5 "powexec_slot 5"
CTRL+5 "powexec_alt2slot 5"
SHIFT+5 "team_select 5"
ALT+5 "powexec_altslot 5"
6 "powexec_slot 6"
CTRL+6 "powexec_alt2slot 6"
SHIFT+6 "team_select 6"
ALT+6 "powexec_altslot 6"
7 "powexec_slot 7"
CTRL+7 "powexec_alt2slot 7"
SHIFT+7 "team_select 7"
ALT+7 "powexec_altslot 7"
8 "powexec_slot 8"
CTRL+8 "powexec_alt2slot 8"
SHIFT+8 "team_select 8"
ALT+8 "powexec_altslot 8"
9 "powexec_slot 9"
CTRL+9 "powexec_alt2slot 9"
ALT+9 "powexec_altslot 9"
; "show chat$$beginchat ;"
\ "beginchat /send "PinnBadges" "
] "beginchat /send "Lethal Ladies" "
A "+left"
ADD "+zoomin"
B "++first"
BACKSPACE "autoreply"
C "chat"
COMMA "show chat$$beginchat /tell $target, "
D "+right"
DELETE "nop"
DOWN "+lookdown"
DOWNARROW "+lookdown"
E "+turnright"
END "nop"
ENTER "show chat$$startchat"
EQUALS "next_tray"
ALT+EQUALS "next_tray_alt"
ESC "unselect"
F "follow"
F1 "inspexec_slot 1"
F10 "say $battlecry $$ emote attack"
F2 "inspexec_slot 2"
F3 "inspexec_slot 3"
F4 "inspexec_slot 4"
F5 "inspexec_slot 5"
F6 "local <color white><bgcolor red>RUN!"
F7 "say <color black><bgcolor #22aa22>Ready! $$ emote thumbsup"
F8 "local <color black><bgcolor #aaaa22>HELP! $$ emote whistle"
F9 "local <color white><bgcolor #2222aa><scale .75>level $level $archetype$$local <color white><bgcolor #2222aa>Looking for team"
G "map"
H "nop"
HOME "nop"
INSERT "nop"
K "nop"
LALT "+alttray"
LCONTROL "+alt2tray"
LCTRL "+alt2tray"
LEFT "+turnleft"
LEFTARROW "+turnleft"
M "nop"
MBUTTON "+camrotate"
MouseChord "+forward_mouse"
MOUSEWHEEL "+camdistadjust"
N "nop"
NUMPAD2 "+lookdown"
NUMPAD5 "camreset"
NUMPAD8 "+lookup"
P "powers"
PAGEUP "+camrotate"
Q "+turnleft"
R "++autorun"
RALT "alttraysticky"
RBUTTON "+mouse_look"
RIGHT "+turnright"
RIGHTARROW "+turnright"
S "+backward"
SPACE "+up"
SUBTRACT "+zoomout"
SYSRQ "screenshot"
T "nop"
TAB "target_enemy_next"
CTRL+TAB "face"
SHIFT+TAB "target_enemy_prev"
UP "+lookup"
UPARROW "+lookup"
V "+ctm_invert"
W "+forward"
X "+down"
Z "powexec_abort"




MouseSpeed 1.000000
SpeedTurn 3.000000
MouseInvert 1
ChatFade 0
Chat1Fade 0
Chat2Fade 0
Chat3Fade 0
Chat4Fade 0
CompassFade 0
UseToolTips 1
AllowProfanity 1
ShowBallons 1
DeclineGifts 0
DeclineGiftsFromTeammates 0
PromptTeleportFromTeammates 1
ShowPets 1
HideContactIcons 0
ShowAllStoreBoosts 0
WebHideBadges 0
WebHideFriends 0
WindowFade 0
EnableChatLog 0
HideHeader 0
HideButtons 0
EnableClickToMove 0
DisableDrag 0
gShowPetBuffs 0
PreventPetIconDrag 0
ShowPetControls 0
AdvancedPetControls 0
ChatDisablePetSay 0
ChatEnablePetTeamSay 0
TeamComplete 0
HidePetNames 0
HidePromptPlaceEnhancement 1
HidePromptDeleteEnhancement 0
HidePromptDeleteSalvage 0
HidePromptDeleteRecipe 0
HideInspirationFullMsg 0
HideSalvageFullMsg 0
HideRecipeFullMsg 0
HideEnhancementFullMsg 0
ShowEnemyTells 1
SeeEnemyBroadcast 1
DoNotSeeEnemyLocal 0
HidePromptCoop 0
StaticColorsPerName 1
ContactSort 2
RecipeHideMissingParts 0
RecipeHideUnowned 0
RecipeHideMissingPartsBench 0
RecipeHideUnownedBench 0
AutoDeclineSuperGroupInvite 0
AutoDeclineTradeInvite 0
CamFree 1
ToolTipDelaySec 0.600000
ShowArchetype 2
ShowSupergroup 2
ShowPlayerName 1
ShowPlayerBars 6
ShowVillainName 6
ShowVillainBars 6
ShowPlayerReticles 6
ShowVillainReticles 6
ShowAssistReticles 6
ShowOwnerName 0
MousePitchSetting 0
MapOptions bffffeff
BuffSettings 0
ChatBubbleColor1 10101ff
ChatBubbleColor2 ffffffff
DefaultChatFontSize 14
MouseButtonReverse 0
DisableCameraShake 0
DisableMouseScroll 0
LogPrivateMessages 0
ShowPlayerRating 6
DisableLoadingTips 0
MouseScrollSpeed 20.000000
EnableJoystick 1
FadeExtraTrays 0
ArchitectNav 1
ArchitectToolTips 1
ArchitectAutoSave 1
NoXP 0
ArchitectBlockComment 0
AutoAcceptTeamLevelAbove 0
AutoAcceptTeamLevelBelow 0
DisableEmail 0
FriendSGEmailOnly 0
NoXPExemplar 0
HideFee 1
HideSalvageWarning 1
GmailFriendOnly 0
UseOldTeamUI 0
HideUnclaimableCert 0
BlinkCertifications 1
VoucherPrompt 0
NewCertPrompt 0
HidePromptUnslotEnhancement 0
MapOptionRevision 4
MapOptions2 f
OpenSalvageWarning 0
LoyaltyTreeAccessButton 0
StoreAccessButton 0
AutoFlipSuperPackCards 0
HideConvertConfirmPrompt 0
HideStorePiecesState 0
CursorScale 1.000000


Oh and IIRC, you may need to remember to save your changes per existing character, but I'm not 100% on that.

Edited by WanderingAries

OG Server: Pinnacle  <||>  Current Primary Server: Torchbearer  ||  Also found on the others if desired  <||> Generally Inactive

Installing CoX:  Windows  ||  MacOS  ||  MacOS for M1  <||>  Migrating Data from an Older Installation

Clubs: Mid's Hero Designer  ||  PC Builders  ||  HC Wiki  ||  Jerk Hackers

Old Forums  <||>  Titan Network  <||>  Heroica! (by @Shenanigunner)


  • Game Master

Does a clean install do anything? The problem with a lot of the slash commands and the reason only certain ones are public is that they can do very odd things behind the scenes. To compound the problem commands that worked fine on live may bork all sorts of things now we are years of fixes and updates past where live was.


Just wanted to say thanks. I got it working. 


Right before I was going to reinstall the game, I decided to look over on a 3rd computer I have, a windows laptop. That copy of COH seemed to work fine. So, definitely not an account issue. So I decided to save wdw, options, chat, and binds. Then I copied ALL of the files in my "live" folder to my other computer and replaced its files with these new ones from my laptop. gfx.json, client.json, keybinds.txt, options.txt, wdw.txt, and chat.txt. Loaded them all in, and then restarted the game. Magic. Everything was A-OK!  


I still don't know exactly what the problem was, but I'll try to figure that out in a couple weeks when I have time. I've saved all the old files so I can compare them. 


For the record, a reinstall of the game would have definitely worked. And @wanderingaries, your files should probably have worked too (not sure why they didn't yet). Thanks for trying to help. 🙂


13 hours ago, BlackSpectre said:

Then I copied ALL of the files in my "live" folder to my other computer and replaced its files with these new ones from my laptop. gfx.json, client.json, keybinds.txt, options.txt, wdw.txt, and chat.txt.


If the txts didn't do it, then it was probably the jsons.

OG Server: Pinnacle  <||>  Current Primary Server: Torchbearer  ||  Also found on the others if desired  <||> Generally Inactive

Installing CoX:  Windows  ||  MacOS  ||  MacOS for M1  <||>  Migrating Data from an Older Installation

Clubs: Mid's Hero Designer  ||  PC Builders  ||  HC Wiki  ||  Jerk Hackers

Old Forums  <||>  Titan Network  <||>  Heroica! (by @Shenanigunner)


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