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New Power Pool: Cyberware


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So, as I was thinking what we needed was a Ninja Run Power that can be enhanced but doesn't come with Stealth attached to it, to detoggle other stealth powers.  Then I thought why not go with the idea of passive cyberware.  Really, any of these powers can be replaced or lowered if thought to be OP (I didn't see them as such), for me, it's really about getting the Ninja Run (or Athletic Run) style travel power without the Stealth.


Subdermal Armor (Passive): +3% Resist
Smart Link (Passive): +3% +To-Hit
Solo Runner (Toggle Travel): Like Ninja Run/Infiltration (System Rush (Click): +100% Jump/Run Speed) 
Endorphin Rush (Click): +17.5% Heal
Reflex Booster (Passive): +1.88% Defense/+10% Recharge


Edit (Copy Paste of a revised idea from a post below)


Subdermal Armor (Passive): +3% Resist All

Smart Link (Toggle .07 End/sec): +3% To-Hit

Cyber Runner (Toggle .46 End/sec): Like Infiltration w/out the Stealth Aspect (System Rush (Click): +100% Jump/Run Speed)

Endorphin Rush (Click 13 End): +17.5% Heal

***Here's a different idea for the 5th Power***

Reflex Boost (Toggle .15 End/sec): +10% Recharge (OR INSTEAD Slow Effect...enemies seem to move slower) & Taunt Aura

Edited by BrandX
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I really like this idea. It really smacks of pen and paper RPG. It would be a lot of fun.

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1 hour ago, Arc-Mage said:

I really like this idea. It really smacks of pen and paper RPG. It would be a lot of fun.


Well, I did think of Cyberpunk and ShadowRun when I was trying to think of what sort of pool to go with for the travel power.


Then I based the first two passives on the IOs.  The heal I went with the idea that this click heal doesn't have interrupt issues.  Last power I thought on the level of some of the others, but being passive kept them small.  Not to mention 3 power picks for a 10% RCH boost and a Combat Jumping level Defense buff.


So, I didn't think they were to bad, but this is all just ways to come up with a new travel power power pool that uses Ninja Run as it's travel power without the stealth (like I'd like to have with my Illusion Troller)

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This is why we have Origin though.

Science/Technology: Are you strong because you're mystically super-strong?  Or because you have cyberware?
Are you tough because you're a mutant who's bulletproof?  Or because you have dermal armor?
And so on.

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5 minutes ago, Hyperstrike said:

This is why we have Origin though.

Science/Technology: Are you strong because you're mystically super-strong?  Or because you have cyberware?
Are you tough because you're a mutant who's bulletproof?  Or because you have dermal armor?
And so on.


I was just giving the power pool some theme with the names.  I imagine many use Sorcery Pool for instance on non magic inclined concepts, with a pool that isn't limited by origin.

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It seems very passive.  The fitness pool was full of passives and it was moved to innate fitness because it felt required.  I could get the gaussians proc in that passive to-hit and all the resist set and defense set IOs muled into the other 2 passives.  Neatly packed into a single pool with no endurance expenditure like those from leadership or fighting toggles.


I do like the feel of the idea,  but i think it needs to lean into a bit more endurance usage.  It could be a good candidate for the technology origin pool powers as i think right now only magic, science, and mutation are represented.  And i mean that in the way that you are locked out of the other origin pools after choosing a power from one.  Being the technology origin pool could allow it to have a bit more oomph over a normal pool power set.


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5 hours ago, TheZag said:

It seems very passive.  The fitness pool was full of passives and it was moved to innate fitness because it felt required.  I could get the gaussians proc in that passive to-hit and all the resist set and defense set IOs muled into the other 2 passives.  Neatly packed into a single pool with no endurance expenditure like those from leadership or fighting toggles.


I do like the feel of the idea,  but i think it needs to lean into a bit more endurance usage.  It could be a good candidate for the technology origin pool powers as i think right now only magic, science, and mutation are represented.  And i mean that in the way that you are locked out of the other origin pools after choosing a power from one.  Being the technology origin pool could allow it to have a bit more oomph over a normal pool power set.



Could turn some of them into lowkey toggles like Combat Jumping.


However, for the Gaussian's Proc, don't most combo's have ways to put that into a build without taking a pool power to slot it?


I did put the defense one at the end tho, so it would require power investment to get it, if the idea was stack defense and slot a LotG.


Could see turning the Smart Link into a toggle tho, same usage as Combat Jumping.  Activating the smart link and keeping it in use maybe.

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Yes many sets have a +to hit that gaussians could go in but they are click or toggle so its not auto firing for free.  And im not saying you have to change anything,  im just taking a look from a different gameplay prospective and offering my take on it.  I have several characters that take tactics or the epic power pool toggle to put guassians in at a cost of .78 end/sec.


Its a similar story with my super reflexes characters that could get a resist power without taking boxing.  Thats why i said its very passive.  Like i said,  there is also potential here for it to be the technology origin pool.  That would allow it to be slightly stronger than a regular pool but probably would need a bit more variation.  Overall i like the concept though.


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14 hours ago, TheZag said:

Yes many sets have a +to hit that gaussians could go in but they are click or toggle so its not auto firing for free.  And im not saying you have to change anything,  im just taking a look from a different gameplay prospective and offering my take on it.  I have several characters that take tactics or the epic power pool toggle to put guassians in at a cost of .78 end/sec.


Its a similar story with my super reflexes characters that could get a resist power without taking boxing.  Thats why i said its very passive.  Like i said,  there is also potential here for it to be the technology origin pool.  That would allow it to be slightly stronger than a regular pool but probably would need a bit more variation.  Overall i like the concept though.



No, there was some valid points.  I also thought about similarities to Leadership Pool for instance.  However, I did think, while passive and at lower levels than IOs (Kismet is 6% To-Hit, the +Resist IOs is 5% and 3% with scaling up to 10%) and they had none of the other benefits/protections, like Perception or Fear Resist etc...


So, the comments did get me thinking and I did have other ideas...


Subdermal Armor (Passive): +3% Resist All

Smart Link (Toggle .07 End/sec): +3% To-Hit

Cyber Runner (Toggle .46 End/sec): Like Infiltration w/out the Stealth Aspect (System Rush (Click): +100% Jump/Run Speed)

Endorphin Rush (Click 13 End): +17.5% Heal

***Here's a different idea for the 5th Power***

Reflex Boost (Toggle .15 End/sec): +10% Recharge (OR INSTEAD Slow Effect...enemies seem to move slower) & Taunt Aura


Kept Subdermal Armor passive.


Smart Link, turned to toggle at Combat Jumping level of end use.  Seeing as how CJ gives Defense, Immobilize Protection and more Jump, this didn't seem off imo.


Cyber Runner is a name change from Solo Runner.


Endorphin Rush has no change, just went with the same End use as Aid Self (which is more than Reconstruction/Healing Flames style heals), but I'd likely give the power Reconstruction level Recharge, but it doesn't get any Toxic Resist like the mentioned Defense Set abilities.


Reflex Boost went with keeping the Recharge bonus but replaced the defense with Taunt Aura.  An ability many have wanted.  May even go without the +Recharge and rename it something else.  What I like about this idea, is if the set was the Tech side of things, it just took away the option for the use of Rune of Protection for some if they want that Taunt Aura more.

Edited by BrandX
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