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League Leader Options


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The option to move members to different teams is nice, however, it would be really convenient if the League Leader has the option to promote any member of any team to team leader.


ToT leagues are a nightmare with 50s dropping and defaulting a lowbie to team lead (as low as level 2 which may be AFK). Thanks!

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Yes please. When I join ToT leagues, it is quite common to hear the league leader calling for the current team leader of some teams to promote a specific member so the team can have a 50 lead instead of the current 20-something that most commonly seems to be the default leader. And those leaders are not paying the least bit of attention, so the entire team is useless against the mobs and getting nothing for it for quite a while. Even with those of us that are 50 on the team asking the team leader to promote any of us in team chat, league chat, and tells.

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3 hours ago, Tsugaru said:

The option to move members to different teams is nice, however, it would be really convenient if the League Leader has the option to promote any member of any team to team leader.


I agree. This happens with MSRs, as well, where the team leader D/Cs and the new team leader has no clue how to pass their star to someone else. Likely, they don't even know how to tell who is 50 on their team.


To expand a bit further, I wish the league leader were included, and could communicate on, any given team channel in the league.


3 hours ago, Tsugaru said:

ToT leagues are a nightmare


Well said, couldn't agree more.

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46 minutes ago, Oklahoman said:

I agree. This happens with MSRs, as well, where the team leader D/Cs and the new team leader has no clue how to pass their star to someone else. Likely, they don't even know how to tell who is 50 on their team.


You are correct!  I have joined some of your MSR events and I didn't even think about that when I posted this suggestion.  I was ninja-starred the League Lead and spent a good portion  just recreating / rearranging teams just so a 50 ended up as a team leader... and all I wanted to do was to click on doors 😞

To those in charge: Please DO give us this option 🙂

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44 minutes ago, Krimson said:

It would be nice if there was an option for the entire League to SK to the leader's level. 


This is an interesting idea, however, there is also a possibility that the League leader could drop which may default to a non-50.  League leader would have to ensure that the next person directly below them in line is also a 50 (just in case).

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49 minutes ago, Oklahoman said:

I agree. This happens with MSRs, as well, where the team leader D/Cs and the new team leader has no clue how to pass their star to someone else. Likely, they don't even know how to tell who is 50 on their team.


That's a solved issue on instanced mothership raids.  Everyone that joins below level 50 is automatically lackeyed up to level 50.  Note, not level 49.  50.  If someone level 35 joins, he or she is automatically lackeyed up to level 50, and can be made a team leader without issue.  Unfortunately, this can only be done because it's an instance, not a zone.

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35 minutes ago, Astralock said:

That's a solved issue on instanced mothership raids.


Even in an instanced MSR, I wouldn't be surprised to find that the league leader would appreciate the ability to promote someone to a team leader position. But, you are correct - in a zone MSR you do have to worry about the star falling to a non-50, but not in the instanced version.

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I don't lead leagues like Oke but I have for a handful of ad hoc events (invasions).  It seems like the ability to move other team members to different positions on the team would be helpful too.  Like, moving the 50 you see at position 6 to position 2 just in case the team lead drops unexpectedly.


In the meantime, and I'm sure the readers here aren't who needs this message - if you find yourself the team lead for ToT and you're ready to leave the league, please please please promote another 50 on your team.  If there is none, let the league leader know so they can move one over.  Bonus points for when you're leaving, find a 50 to pass the star to, if you let them know they now have the star so they can continue the cycle.  I'm guessing there's some percent of team leads that drop that do so w/o even realizing they have the star.

Edited by Hedgefund2
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There is a work around if there are 5 teams or less,  you can move a lvl 50 to an empty team and they will have the star.  Moving the lowbies would then have them under that lvl 50.  It is just a work around though and not a fix.  Its also not usable when the league already has more than 40 players.


But i have also seen team 7 a few times in my league window.  I was told its part of a league bug.  If team 7 could be fixed but the league member cap stayed at 48 then there would always be enough room to use the work around.  Of course spending time to fix team 7 could just as easily be spent to make an actual fix and not just to improve the work around.


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On 10/11/2022 at 3:50 PM, Hedgefund2 said:

Bonus points for when you're leaving, find a 50 to pass the star to, if you let them know they now have the star so they can continue the cycle.  I'm guessing there's some percent of team leads that drop that do so w/o even realizing they have the star.

This happens a lot!  We've had league issues where the level 50 as the team lead is the ONLY level 50 in that team and can't promote anyone else to lead.  Many times, you see team leads asking (sometimes begging) for the league leader to move another level 50 to their team so they can promote / log off without guilt.  Unfortunately, some league leaders aren't paying attention to chat (who knows - could be AFK or inexperienced league leaders), and players will just log off tired of waiting for a reply (can't blame them).


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On 10/12/2022 at 1:03 PM, TheZag said:

There is a work around if there are 5 teams or less,  you can move a lvl 50 to an empty team and they will have the star.  Moving the lowbies would then have them under that lvl 50.  It is just a work around though and not a fix.  Its also not usable when the league already has more than 40 players.

This is pretty much what I have to do whenever I end up as league leader, as long as I have that team 6 slot to play with.  Many times, I end up just maintaining the league instead of actually playing.  I don't want anyone mad at me or yelling at me in chat so I try to resolve any issues without making anyone wait for too long because it's a game and it's supposed to be fun for everyone, right?

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  • 4 weeks later

I've only lead one league in my entire time on here and I went pretty OCD on it.


First I gathered the initial team 1 with the requirement that they all be level 50.

I then instructed the original team on their jobs leading the league.  When they had to log out, check on who on their team is level 50 to promote them after letting them know whats going on.  Worked great for a good while.  AFK leeches/mooches were teleported into dumpsters and kicked.  *Takin out the trash*.  That way fresh people asking were able to join.


It was a fun experience leading a League and keeping it organized.  But it struck me as one of those things that's only fun once then makes you hate the position the 2nd or 3rd time.

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I couldn't agree more. If there could be only one fix to the league system, this would be the one I would love to see.


I had this problem with the hami raid on Excelsior tonight. Range leader got disconnected and the new team leader didn't respond to my tell to pass the star when I got the leader back. Fortunately I held off inviting new people alt'ing and I had enough room to move the range team members to other groups to get the leader back to the top, otherwise I would have had to kick them all and then re-invite them once the leader was back in place.


The devs and the homecoming team have done great things to improve this game, but the league system really needs to be fixed over some of this other fluff stuff.

Dazl - Excelsior Grav/Kinetic Controller (SG - Cosmic Council) | Dazl - Everlasting & Torchbearer Grav/Energy Dominator

Shadowspawn - Excelsior Dark/Dark Stalker | Pyro Kinetic -Everlasting Fire/Kinetic Corrupter | Nova Pyre - Everlasting Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster (OMG)

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