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Knowing the game I just moved things around for the changes to Tankers and Brutes and cooked up builds for those ATs, but MMs are not my realm of expertise to do the same. So any builds you vets have cooked up with the changes?


Obviously take Maintenance bot and ... slot it for heals, I guess? But the shift of the resists to the upgrade skills and the pet resist/defense IOs etc?


Got a few DMs about this, and I intend on keeping my builds largely the same. Remove a few KD-KB and the like, but still, surprise, surprise dislike the change and already feel the (achm) "non-nerf". I am just glad my main is EA, already noticed an END pinch for the pets with other secondaries.


No one?


So far leveled to 8 and tried to duo a Posi 1, but Rejuvenating even five slotted healed for crap. 37 HP every 6 seconds did not keep my pets or team mates up.


I have a feeling page 5 is keeping everyone busy with respecs and new alts and ToT is still going strong. At level 8 i wouldn't have even bothered putting any slots in my secondary. As to the heal- no heal at that level will keep a full team going not even kins or darks. Elec affinity while being pretty good once you have a load of recharge in your build doesn't have it at that level and i don't class it as one of the mm's top tier secondaries after running it to 50 with bots/demons/necro. Level up a bit. Slot the pets with the AT set, 2 pieces of mark of supremacy in each pet and 4 bits of command of the mastermind in one and suddenly you'll see that recharge hit the point where you can spam heal them indefinitely (not a necessary slotting at 50 when you have other sets in its just while your levelling).


You've made an mm. Slot the bots. Use those. Tank. Send them in first, heal them when they get hit. They'll get hit again and probably die. Resummon. By then the rest of the team will have wiped the mob. Get used to resummoning. Protector bots will be a source of dps with the new changes. Once you have maintenance drone you'll notice it'll heal pets faster than you can and before the PB's do. So they'll be using their attacks a lot more. Don't focus over much on your secondary at this level. On live mm's were pretty much the tanks for redside (as well as being dps/buffs and debuffers) Page 5 changes just make them even better but your not going to see this at lvl 8 anymore than on any other AT. 


When i'm running low level with mm's i make a new tray 4 by 3 and toss all the pet summons and the equip and upgrade in. I use 3 macro's at the top to 1-2-3 click summon (you can key bind but if you're like me and have hundreds of alts its too easy to forget what buttons do what). When a pet drops i just have a 1 click macro:


/macro BD "powexec_location self Battle Drones"

/macro PB "powexec_location self Protector Bots"

/macro AB "powexec_location self Assault Bot"


Whichever pet faceplants i can just click the macro without having to really look at whats going on and at your level pets will be dying a lot if your playing the tank and taking the alpha hit unitl your levelled up enough to fully slot secondary as well. Forget about healing for now.

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