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Healing Proc in a Power You Use On Another

Clave Dark 5

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Disclaimer: I have never played Dark as an armor, neither have I played a Dark Melee. What follows is based (mostly) off of my experience with Bio armor's DNA Siphon.


Re: Theft of Essence, as an enhancement set. On characters with click powers (which trigger off enemy targets) that can slot it, it is a reasonable candidate for 3-slotting at low levels because of the +MaxEnd bonus as well as the ability to slot Accuracy/whatever pieces. For me: it is a bit of toss-up between three-slotting Theft of Essence or Touch of the Nictus, the latter's bonus are +MaxHealth and Global Accuracy. The Bio-AT in question ended up being able to manage Endurance with level 50 slotting (and using Efficiency Adaptation when necessary) such that the final (here, a Stalker) build has DNA Siphon slotted as a %damage attack; AFAIK the slotted accuracy is helping the %damage land. I don't know if this is of any value for Dark, I wouldn't recommend this slotting in an Aura.


Level 24:              DNA Siphon      

 (A) Touch of the Nictus - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50

 (*) Touch of the Nictus - Accuracy/Healing: Level 50

 (*) Touch of the Nictus - Chance for Negative Energy Damage: Level 50

 (*) Eradication - Chance for Energy Damage: Level 30

 (*) Obliteration - Chance for Smashing Damage: Level 50

 (*) Scirocco's Dervish - Chance of Damage (Lethal): Level 50



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2 hours ago, tidge said:

Disclaimer: I have never played Dark as an armor, neither have I played a Dark Melee. What follows is based (mostly) off of my experience with Bio armor's DNA Siphon.


Something I didn’t realize about DNA siphon at first is that it provides a fair amount of endurance even without the Theft of Essence proc.  So all my builds had the proc and I was crowing about how good the proc was until I tried it without the proc and it wasn’t much difference.


if you are not fighting big crowds, the Theft proc is useful.  Once I get to x8, I’m getting full blue bars without it, so I’d use the slot for something else.

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13 minutes ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

Something I didn’t realize about DNA siphon at first is that it provides a fair amount of endurance even without the Theft of Essence proc.  So all my builds had the proc and I was crowing about how good the proc was until I tried it without the proc and it wasn’t much difference.


if you are not fighting big crowds, the Theft proc is useful.  Once I get to x8, I’m getting full blue bars without it, so I’d use the slot for something else.


This was my realization as well (for DNA Siphon); I feel like it is the defining power of the Bio Armor  set. I don't know if the Dark sets are any different. Typically (all AT, all builds) I shoot for reducing Endurance costs rather than hoping for a %+End (not named Performance Shifter). This isn't a particularly fair thing to write about toggle-heavy builds, but in my experience simply slowing down on the button mashing is often enough to make a difference in Endurance consumption.


Another (slightly related) thing I try to keep an eye on with level 50 builds is Regeneration v. +MaxHealth, and Recovery v. +MaxEnd (and/or global Endurance Reduction). I don't have a conscious rule-of-thumb (obviously for Health there are different scales for different AT), but I find these to be areas of balance/compromise when I am trying to find "one more slot" for a specific power.


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Dark Regeneration is an endurance expensive click and potentially way pricier than DNA Siphon in terms of endurance usage (or just about any other self heal).  It's a very strong heal that does some minor damage for 33.8 end and recharges in 30 sec (base recharge).  In short it can burn through your endurance very rapidly.  Probably the biggest benefit ToE +end has when slotted in Dark Regen is getting a refund on that cost which if lucky will net you more than it cost you.

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21 hours ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

I'm falling back on my original planning of a six-slotting Prev. Medicine for the set bonuses (3.75% discount to all End costs!).

Thinking back on this, I'm surprised no one pointed out that this was a pretty stupid thing to post aha ha, I mean, choose between a click power that MIGHT give you some End, or 3.75% off every End usage.  Sometimes I really should stop and think before posting  😃


Yeah, I think my Defs are like in the high 20s to low 30s, and for the times when I need to briefly face Alhpa shots, I've got Shadow Meld, which puts them into the 50s.  I had it once before on my main stalker on Live, and it's like playing tank for fifteen seconds.



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21 hours ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

Thinking back on this, I'm surprised no one pointed out that this was a pretty stupid thing to post aha ha, I mean, choose between a click power that MIGHT give you some End, or 3.75% off every End usage.  Sometimes I really should stop and think before posting  😃

     Well there's nothing saying you can't do both.  Of course that would mean possibly passing on the rather juicy 8.75% set bonus to global recharge for 6-slotting the set.


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