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ATO Questions


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I believe that ATO and AOE are the same thing.

Am I able to buy both Assassin's Mark and Stalker's Guile and should I buy both?

Are there any best powers for slotting?

The toon is StJ/AE but am considering StJ/SR because it is Natural Origin.  If I change my mind about the powers, can I remove them by respec or other methods and transfer them to another toon by email or other method?

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21 minutes ago, drgantz said:

I believe that ATO and AOE are the same thing.


How is an Archetype Enhancement like an Area-of-Effect power (unless of course the ATO is an AoE Proc.... which many of them aren't.)?


21 minutes ago, drgantz said:

Am I able to buy both Assassin's Mark and Stalker's Guile and should I buy both?


Yes,  you can by both sets. You can only slot one of each of the 6 of each set on your character as they are uniques.


It is up to you if it is worth it or not to buy and slot either or both sets.


When you slot set IOs (ATOs in this case), look at the set bonuses based on how many are slotted into a single power. Figure out if you want those bonuses. Figure out how to get the most out of those bonuses by splitting the ATOs up per power

Some ATO sets give great bonuses for just slotting 2, sometimes it is 3, sometimes the great bonus is at 4 slotted <--- and, at that point, you need to figure if you want to slot them all in one power for other bonuses, slot the other two in something else, or just go with the 4 in that one power)


You don't have to slot them all right away. You can alway add them over time.


If you are looting into ATOs, I would also suggest looking into the universal damage set  https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Overwhelming_Force - 2 in a power gives you +12% regen, 3 stack onto that +3% damage on all your powers. So by slotting three in one power and 3 in another power you will gain +24% regen and +6% damage for all of your attacks.


21 minutes ago, drgantz said:

Are there any best powers for slotting?


ATOs will only slot into certain powers based on the archetype (masterminds being the most limited as the ATO's can only slot into the pet summon powers). Like all other enhancements, when you go to slot it, the powers that you can't slot in become grayed out.


Slot the procs in low damage powers that can recharge and be used 4-6 times a minute.

Don't use the procs in high damage powers that would benefit more from damage enhances.

Balance out the set yielded accuracy with accuracy enhances to insure the level of accuracy you want out of an attack.


21 minutes ago, drgantz said:

If I change my mind about the powers, can I remove them by respec or other methods and transfer them to another toon by email or other method?


You can use enhancement unslotters to pull enhances off the power and back into the tray.

When you have a power in a try you can send an email to your global - your "@name" and and drop the enhancement from the tray into your email -or- if you have built a supergroup base (which I highly recommend doing if you haven't) then you can put the enhancement in a storage item in your base and any character in that super group that has a high enough ranking to access the storage bin (the access level can be set individually) can pull the enhancement out of that storage bin themselves.

You can use /altinvite altname to invite one of your other characters to the supergroup. You can then go into the supergroup menu and level characters up to the desired level. By default, storage bins are set to be accessible only by the supergroup leader and the next tier down. 

Edited by UltraAlt
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18 hours ago, drgantz said:

Are there any best powers for slotting?


Yes, put the Chance for Hide proc from Guile into your AS attack. This gives it a high chance to proc, and will make your next attack a crit (because you're hidden).


You can put Chance for Build Up Recharge from the Mark set anywhere, since it's a global effect that gives all your primary attacks a chance to instantly recharge build up. I usually slot the set in my T1 attacks. 


4 hours ago, drgantz said:

In this case AOE stands for Archetype Origin Enhancements, which I believe are the same as ATOs


You can do what you like but this is just going to confuse people who otherwise want to help answer your questions. AOE is part of the modern English lexicon as meaning Area of Effect.

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7 hours ago, drgantz said:

In this case AOE stands for Archetype Origin Enhancements, which I believe are the same as ATOs



You are correct. Since AoE typically was used to represent Area of Effect. ArcheType Origin Enhancements became represented by ATO.


Fun Fact: They were Archetype Enhancements but AE was also confusing for some reason.


To answer your slotting question, I'd +1 TwoZeroFoxtrot's response.



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  • 4 weeks later
On 2/2/2023 at 11:40 AM, drgantz said:

In this case AOE stands for Archetype Origin Enhancements, which I believe are the same as ATOs


Err, no ..


AoE - Area of Effect ... In all instances


ATO - Archetype Origin ... Which is why it's called an ATO


It follows all enhancing abbreviation themes, only adding a letter (could have been abbreviated AO?)


TO - Training Origin

DO - Dual Origin

SO - Single Origin

HO - Hamidon Origin

ATO - Archetype Origin



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