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Primalist Archetype

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This Archetype is inspired by Rift's Archetype the Primalist. Based on this idea, it would be a two handed melee, fury and cunning, and a connection to nature, the dead. I was thinking of a powerful melee and decent range, but weak defenses.  Unfortunately, this would mean the Archetype would be among the smallest of powerset options.


SIDE NOTE: I love using my pets. You can mass them on a single target, or spread them to various targets. For example, fighting Council, I'll send pet(s) after Galaxy who stay in the rear; for Freaks, I send them after Juicers and Stunners.


Primary Powerset: Claws, Dual Blades; Katana; Staff Fighting; Titan Weapons

Secondary Set: Darkness Control; Modified Beast Mastery; Modified Demon Summoning; Modified Necromancy; Earth Control; Fire Control; Plant Control; Savage Assault


The secondary modifications would be, using Beast Mastery, reducing MM Primary sets to two Summons and removing boosting pets stat powers such as Train and Upgrade Beasts:


Primary Spirit Animal

Call Swarm Ranged, Light DoT (Lethal), Foe -DEF, -SPD No changes
Fearsome Stare Ranged (Cone), Foe Fear, -To Hit From Darkness Control
Call Hawk Ranged, High DMG (Lethal), Foe -To Hit, Knockdown, -Fly No changes
Spore Cloud Toggle (Targeted AoE), Foe -DMG(All), -To Hit, -Regen From Nature Affinity Powerset
Call Ravens Ranged (Cone), Moderate DoT(Lethal), Foe -SPD, -DEF, -Fly No changes
Summon Lions  Summon Lions No changes
Fortify Pack PBAoE, Pets +DEF, +Regen, consumes all charges of Pack Mentality No changes
Summon Dire Wolf Summon Dire Wolf No changes
Wild Growth PBAoE, Team +Res(All), +Regen From Nature Affinity Powerset


The primary set would have an Inherent Power Furious Cunning, and work on the Dominator Mechanics. When the bar hits 100%, the click would activate a PBAoE Defensive Debuff, and Team Damage buff.

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Why are you limiting a melee-based AT to just weapons? Why can't weaponless sets also be included? As a nature-linked AT, elemental non-weapon attacks make sense as well. Also, Darkness Control only has 1 pet, I don't count Haunt since it is a single target power. And the pets between MM sets and Controller sets are built differently. You may want to re-visit the pets. Without the MM pet upgrades, the MM pets in this AT will be sorely lacking. And the Darkness Control pet will need constant summoning even if nothing kills it.


So my recommendations? Don't limit the AT to weapon sets and take another look at your pet plan.

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There are already enough Archetypes that can do anything a player could desire in this game. I don't need to be convinced of this suggestion, though I'm confident that in the past almost four years of Homecoming existing, no new Archetypes have been created, and that won't likely change unless a new developer comes along with the time, expertise, and passion shows up 

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7 minutes ago, Rudra said:

Why are you limiting a melee-based AT to just weapons? Why can't weaponless sets also be included? As a nature-linked AT, elemental non-weapon attacks make sense as well. Also, Darkness Control only has 1 pet, I don't count Haunt since it is a single target power. And the pets between MM sets and Controller sets are built differently. You may want to re-visit the pets. Without the MM pet upgrades, the MM pets in this AT will be sorely lacking. And the Darkness Control pet will need constant summoning even if nothing kills it.


So my recommendations? Don't limit the AT to weapon sets and take another look at your pet plan.

It's limited to dual weapon melee. The connection to nature/unnatural is more about the summoning. The MM's primary is summoning with a (de)buff secondary. This is an offensive primary and secondary, and a dual inherent with a debuff and buff.

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22 hours ago, Canadian Anvil said:

That sucks that never got produced. Now I wonder if Rift got the idea from CoH - be it from a fan, or former developer?

The only Two new ATs that where in Development at shut down where Guardian and Sentinel. Sentinel was a bit further along as it was pushed through on the Private server. Another server just pushed through Guardian. I don’t know if they finished the animation or cheated it as that server tends to do.

If Primal was being worked on it was still in the vary early development phase, meaning animations had not even been considered yet.

Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it just means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.


With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.


Let's Go Crack a Planet.

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40 minutes ago, Arc-Mage said:

The only Two new ATs that where in Development at shut down where Guardian and Sentinel. Sentinel was a bit further along as it was pushed through on the Private server. Another server just pushed through Guardian. I don’t know if they finished the animation or cheated it as that server tends to do.

If Primal was being worked on it was still in the vary early development phase, meaning animations had not even been considered yet.

Primalists were a proposed shape-shifting Epic Archetype that featured a mix of damage, enemy debuffs, and ally buffs, depending on your current form. Although the power sets had been defined, Positron confirmed at the game's closure that plans for the Primalist Archetype had been scrapped due to its complexity.


Edit: So no, they got as far as defining the power sets, and that was it. (Above statement pulled from linked Primalist page.)

Edited by Rudra
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7 hours ago, Rudra said:

Edit: So no, they got as far as defining the power sets, and that was it. (Above statement pulled from linked Primalist page.)

That what I said. 

Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it just means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.


With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.


Let's Go Crack a Planet.

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