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What SOLO difficulty level do you use?


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Most of my tanks can handle +4x8 if slowly. A couple of my brutes and my sword/shield scrapper, all of which have tough and weave can too. It’s a matter of how fast I want to move. I have a ice/willpower sentinel who can handle+3x8. It also makes a difference who I’m facing. Council or Freakshow is easier, others, not so much.

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I usually ramp it up over the course of a character's life so that there's a chance of not winning in any given mission if I screw up or things go poorly.


Currently playing a Thugs mastermind with mostly SOs, ran at +0/x2 until level 12, then +0/x4 until 24 except for mayhem missions, then +0/x8 when the second enforcer showed up and I got her first two IOs for the +Def auras.

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I pretty much only play tankers/brutes since they come with agro auras. That said either for them starts (solo) at around 0x4 at their first AoE whichever that is (level 4 for Ice Melee) and by level 10 they go to +0x6. Level 15-ish they move to +1x8 and stay that way.


But this comes from having inf and IO transfers. Playing a character who slots IOs the second they can makes a tremendous difference. I am now leveling a second character with no IO and no inf and I could not replicate this.


If playing in a team it is fine to run with whatever and be 0x8 from level 1 onwards and then rely on inspirations. But for soloing my non inf transfer character using only generic IOs had a bigger survival problem (well, survival, damage, endurance, everything) so I went at 0x4 for most of the way until mid thirty-ish when I finally bumped things to +0x8. This was when I finally had enough money to start buying IOs and upping my resistances and defenses.

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+1x2 is kindof my "baseline" play difficulty. That's where I feel challenged enough without feeling bogged down. Depending on the character's capabilities I'll turn it up if I start feeling like I can handle more. The only exceptions I can think of offhand are brutes (as high and as many as possible) and stalkers (+3x1 up to +4x3 depending on character)

Edit to add: My "main", if one with altitis can be considered to have a main, is a Psy/EA/Psy Sentinel. She runs +4x8 firing off PBAoEs constantly.

Edited by Velvet
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