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Since we have multiple shards now, do you think it would be possible to label each server as a type? Maybe have one designated for PvE one for RP and one for PvP?


I don't get the need to designate a server as PvP/PvE.  If you don't want to PvP; stay out of the PvP zones?  It's not like some random Mastermind is going to teleport into City Hall with an army of ninjas and take over.



"I'm gonna need more minions."



Be excellent to eachother!

Penumbra Dancer, Everlasting; Warshade


I don't get the need to designate a server as PvP/PvE.  If you don't want to PvP; stay out of the PvP zones?  It's not like some random Mastermind is going to teleport into City Hall with an army of ninjas and take over.



"I'm gonna need more minions."


I dont know why you dont understand why people want that. If there is a designated pvp server, than people have a designated place to.. ready for this...? PVP. It puts a community together of like minded people. Same with RP.


I nominate Excelsior as the official totally unofficial RP server.


I think that's kind of already happened.  ;)

Pink Champagne (Emp/Rad)

Guide of Misguidance (Dark/Regen)


I nominate Excelsior as the official totally unofficial RP server.


This time, instead of being Unofficially Official like Virtue, it should be Officially Official and clearly labeled at server select.


I don't get the need to designate a server as PvP/PvE.  If you don't want to PvP; stay out of the PvP zones?  It's not like some random Mastermind is going to teleport into City Hall with an army of ninjas and take over.



"I'm gonna need more minions."


Wouldn't you want to be in a server with people that have the same interest as you? Every server has a cap (as we saw), wouldn't you like the majority of the people taking up those slots to be doing similar things? If I'm waiting in a server queue, I'd like to know that there's going to be a good amount of people in Siren's call when I do finally get on.


I think they should be labeled on the Server list in-game, so those who don't frequent the forums know which server is for them.


I think they way it was before worked just fine/the best TBH. The PvP/PvE doesn't really work for this game though as individual zones are that way.

OG Server: Pinnacle  <||>  Current Primary Server: Torchbearer  ||  Also found on the others if desired  <||> Generally Inactive

Installing CoX:  Windows  ||  MacOS  ||  MacOS for M1  <||>  Migrating Data from an Older Installation

Clubs: Mid's Hero Designer  ||  PC Builders  ||  HC Wiki  ||  Jerk Hackers

Old Forums  <||>  Titan Network  <||>  Heroica! (by @Shenanigunner)



Thankfully I have yet to see any rp on Excelsior. Just not my thing. I tried Virtue for a month or so, but found the rp to be grating on my nerves.

I prefer to actually play the game by advancing, min/maxing my character, and not stand around role playing. Again..not my thing, but hey if that's what you like - it's your $15...err uhhm... it is your time.


As for an official rp server - please don't. Because then you are saying that my friends and I shouldn't be there because all we want to do is missions and advance our characters without all the rp. Giving players less options isn't the move to do. No one is stopping you from rping now - telling others how they must play on a server seems a bit cliquish. How about people just rp wherever they want...and others can choose not to rp wherever they want..on whatever servers they all want.



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