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April 2023 Donations & Finances


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  • City Council

Hello everyone!


As always with these posts, I’d like to drop a quick reminder that there are more ways to support Homecoming than just through donations. For a general overview of the different ways you can help Homecoming, check out this thread.


We’re hoping to have more to share about our efforts to reduce our ongoing infrastructure costs next month, so keep an eye out for that.


Last Month: March 2023


Last month we accepted $4,521.48 in donations, $60.57 over our target for the month. As always, any additional funding remaining at the end of each month is put towards our operating expenses for the following month or additional expenses for the current month.


Here is the breakdown of our expenses in March:

  • $4,351.43 for our hardware infrastructure from OVH
  • $121.47 for our Google G-Suite services
  • $25.00 for our Air instance from Paperspace
  • $18.08 for the AWS EC2 instance serving our email
  • $9.73 for security / administration software



This Month: April 2023


The donation target for April 2023 is $4,916.46. Here is a breakdown of how the funds are allocated:

  • $4,351.43 for our hardware infrastructure from OVH
  • $465 for our annual tax and filing fees
  • $121.57 for our Google G-Suite services
  • $34.00 for two 1-year domain renewals
  • $25.00 for our Air instance from Paperspace
  • $19.25 for the AWS EC2 instance serving our email
  • $9.73 for security / administration software


Our donation system will be open as of the time of this post with a donation target of $4,916.46 and will automatically close once that target is met.


- The Homecoming Team


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City Council


If you need help, please submit a support request here or use /petition in-game.


Got time to spare? Want to see Homecoming thrive? Consider volunteering as a Game Master!

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  • Cipher pinned this topic

after 30 minutes past the 50% mark!  thank you volunteers, developers, players and all who make this possible.

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"She who lives by the cybernetic monstrosity powered by living coral, all too often dies by the cybernetic monstrosity powered by living coral."  -Doc Buzzsaw

Pineapple 🍍 Pizza 🍕 is my thumbs up. 

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5 minutes ago, starro said:

after 30 minutes past the 50% mark! 

A very strong response by the players that live in our city. 

Very little sign of waning interest.

Edited by Sabre
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