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Forbidden humor?


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Hello, I just want to apologize for the Captain Crackhead character I made.  I am a big Dave Chappelle fan and the toon looks like his character Tyrone Biggums from the dave chappelle show series.  If it seemed racist, I apologize.  I only meant it in good humor and hope my roleplaying was not too offensive, especially towards the younger crowd.  Again, I'm sorry and didnt meant to hurt any feelings.

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Did someone give you grief over this? Kinda surprising since I've seen some things on Excelsior that threw my 49 year old mind for a loop that definitely eclipse what you're describing. That being said, if your secret origin is drinking too many cans of RedBalls, I fully support you. SHAZAM!

Sky-Hawke: Rad/WP Brute

Alts galore. So...soooo many alts.

Originally Pinnacle Server, then Indomitable and now Excelsior

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  • Lead Game Master

It's not about whether you offended anyone, we simply have rules about what kinds of names and costumes you're allowed to have. So yeah, Crackheads and KKK members, celebrities and political figures (heck, ANY real life people or fictional characters) are all off-limits. Please review the code of conduct; if you have any further questions, you can PM a GM. Thank you.


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