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Arcane-themed base upgrade (in progress) - now more utility up front


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Thanx to the recent Base Contest and the recent patch giving us more tools for Base Construction - we've been inspired to upgrade our base for "The Eternal Guardians" to be both more utility-friendly and even more visually pleasing to visit.

Gone are any "Base Point" teleporters (for now at least) as is the inability to pass through the invisible ceiling - replaced with the ability to venture above the base into the open sky, although you will find you may not be able to go under the base.  (Thanx Colliders!)


That being said, feel free to enter the following passcode in-game to access our base on Torchbearer:

(I feel blessed to have gotten 3012 to use in conjunction with NOV because Nov 30, 2012 was a memorable day for all of us on Live)


Entrance (Overhead View)

Note that this screenshot only shows the teleporters (TP).  There is more utility functions in following shots.



Entrance (Entry Point)

As you can see here, there are Ouroboros Crystals tucked away below the Villain and Hero teleporters.



Entrance (Left)

Besides the ability to buy/sell to the Quartermaster, there's a few Invention Tables & a Merit ATM hidden within the obelisk.



Entrance (Right)

Besides the ability to train up at the Loremaster, there's also Invention Tables & a Merit ATM hidden within the obelisk.



And for the prolonged visits or for those who missed the hidden items here...


Base (Main Entrance)

Two Facemakers (Icon) are ready to rearrange your face.... errrr, I mean alter your appearance for you.



Base (Interior Left)

Once inside, you may want to inspect what the Quartermaster and Loremaster NPCs are looking at in this area- it will always yield results.  Such as the base of the glowing pinkish crystals also being Ouro crystals or the bottom scroll bar of the inactive beacons granting the ability to invent.



Base (Interior Forward)

Like, why is that Quartermaster looking at the base of that fountain?  Does she have extra Merits to spend on something there?



Base (Interior Right)

That's right - tucked away in each teleporter alcove are 2 Ouro crystals for a total of 10 in the area.




Base (Interior Behind)

Can never have too many Quartermasters around in case some inattentive adventurer has their undivided attention,  Be sure to check out the tithing bowls for your empowerments and a pledge of honor to the weapons & shield of past warriors may allow you to exchange your Merits for goods.



The "utility" upgrade portion of the base should now be complete, so that's as much as I'm going to show of the modifications that will be under construction for a good while.  There's more details to add & modify, landscaping to do at the higher levels and some hidden areas yet to be revealed for those with the itch to explore in their downtime.


If you're interested in adding a macro to use in your cycle of public bases, copy & paste the following into the game if you'd like:

/macro_image "DilemmaDiabolique_Diabolique_ShadowTeleport" THE_ETERNAL_GUARDIANS "enterbasefrompasscode NOV-3012"


Thanks for viewing & maybe I'll run into some of you in-game sometime.

Edited by SupaFreak
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On 5/21/2023 at 7:23 AM, Etched said:

I hope he don't mean Nov 30 2012 when they kill thousands of heroes with a flick of a switch.

Maybe it's a personal thing.


Nice base, Supa.




Dang-it... why did I think for years it was in September?  ARRRRG!!!  Now I need to change the dang passcode!



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