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I don't run MMs often, but I've run 2 back to back (Merc/Thermal and Beast/TA) and I saw this happen several times. As far as I can tell, it happens when

  • I'm in a group, and
  • I'm in the mission, and
  • I'm not the mission holder, and
  • I'm lower level than the mission holder.

Then, when I level, I get the level up toast, all the large inspirations are cast on me, and the pets are all immediately dismissed. So far it hasn't gotten me killed since I have teammates to pick up my slack. But it's really annoying to waste half the inspiration duration resummoning, retraining, and rebuffing the pets.


I've never noticed it happening when solo, when it's my mission, or when I'm higher level than the mission holder. Of course, it stops happening forever after I hit 50.


I know pets auto-dismiss when my effective level drops, and I'm used to it happening when the mission holder changes; starting TFs/SFs, trials, flashback missions, and AE missions; and entering pvp world zones.


Teammates have suggested it's related to the "auto accept level changes" option, but I've had it set to auto accept up/down 50 levels for ages.


If I'm remembering the issue correctly, it's tightly linked to the game code as an anti-exploit measure. If you're SK'd up, and you ding, the game sets you to your new level, then reapplies the level shift for the SK. During the time between those two events, the game recognizes that you're reduced from your SK'd level, and the code that prevents the exploit of SK'ing to a 50, summoning your pets, quitting your team, then running around with level 49 pets as a low-level character kicks in and desummons your pets.

Posted (edited)

And yet... I was frequently running on a team with 5-7 other MMs. It was only happening to me. But it doesn't *always* happen.


Yesterday, I was running my L48Beast/TA MM through an AE fire farm mission with the L50 Brute on my alt account. His pets all auto-dismissed when he leveled to 49. Today I rolled up a new L1 MM (Demon/Pain) for testing purposes, teamed up with the same Brute and ran the same mission. Naturally the MM dinged L2 while taking out the first spawn. But the pet did not auto-dismiss. I don't get it.

Edited by ZekeStenzland
Posted (edited)

Minions are meant to be thrown away and not coddled.   Your pets are outleveled and need to be resummoned.

now put your starfish back on and get out there and fight Superman. 

Edited by starro
  • Confused 1

Pineapple 🍍 Pizza 🍕 is my thumbs up. 


It happens when you are 2 levels below the mission holder (sk'd to -1) and then you level up (no longer sk'd but still -1 for the mission).  The henchmen cull code is triggered when your sidekick status is removed.  It doesnt happen to everyone because being -2 levels from the mission holder is less common than being every other level in the game relative to the leader.  I suppose it could also happen if you are -1 from the leader and the leader levels up causing you to get sk'd.


Low level MMs would sidekick to a lvl 50,  summon henchmen,  drop SK,  and go fight enemies that were well above +4 like they were nothing.  The henchmen cull code was put in place to stop an exploit with the knowledge that it would cull henchmen in this specific circumstance.


Its not ideal and im not sure if it was impossible to have a better implementation or if the programmer was being lazy,  but its what we have and its not a bug.   There have probably been requests to change it but my guess is that its low on the priority list since its so specific.



The optimal implementation would be for the levels of all pets to be tied to the level of the summoner and update when the summoner's level updates. This would eliminate the need for culling (except in instances where someone is exemplared low enough that the pet should be unavailable) but also the annoyance of a mastermind leveling and having to resummon the henchmen for them to benefit from a higher level.


Unfortunately CoH's code was not set up originally with that in mind and would probably take a massive overhaul.

From Champion (Hero) and Infinity (Villain), currently playing on Everlasting.

Former member of the Hammers of Justice on Champion.

Raid leader for 'Everlasting TFs'.

Mains: Trickery Girl (Ill/Rad Controller), Burk (Sword/Shield Stalker), and 8 other complete badge characters.

Posted (edited)

Only happening when you’re -2 to mission holder actually sounds plausible. Im often a level or two behind the usual team lead, and almost everyone else is higher than us. It would also explain why I see it a lot and nobody else does. 

Edited by ZekeStenzland

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