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"No Transformation" option for HEATs

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Am I missing something? This thread seems to have gone off the rails a while back. Some people have tried to drag it back on topic but I'm getting to the point where I feel like closing it as it's done and going round in circles.

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How about taking the "stands" idea and just spinning that off into an aura instead. Or some sort of temp power.

You want the look? You can have that look going on for blasters or anything else that fits the concept for the character then, with powersets that *also* probably fit better. And you can probably copy OTHER things in the game for it as well.


After all, if it's all about "freedom to express" or whatnot, why force people who may not want to play Khelds to play them to get that look? Bio armor was mentioned before - why should someone playing *that* not get to - say - do a costume change or temp power to suddenly have a minotaur behind them on their more defensive set, then switch over to a wisp for the more offensive setup?

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Primarily on Everlasting. Squid afficionado. Former creator of Copypastas. General smartalec.


I tried to combine Circle and DE, but all I got were garden variety evil mages.

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24 minutes ago, GM Crumpet said:

Am I missing something? This thread seems to have gone off the rails a while back. Some people have tried to drag it back on topic but I'm getting to the point where I feel like closing it as it's done and going round in circles.


No, that seems pretty apt. This keeps happening with kheld threads for some reason, and it's getting rather tiresome.

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29 minutes ago, GM Crumpet said:

Am I missing something? This thread seems to have gone off the rails a while back. Some people have tried to drag it back on topic but I'm getting to the point where I feel like closing it as it's done and going round in circles.



thread probs has run its course

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Queen of the Warshades.

Maya is....... and other Maya like toons Inc. | Excelsior



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9 hours ago, Blastit said:

So if you like Kheldian stuff but don't want to do shapeshifting? Let's add Peacebringer and Warshade ancillary pools to the normal ATs that you can unlock via a trial or storyline. That'd be pretty cool.

Interesting suggestion!


Hero patron pools are periodically suggested and everyone dances around Longbow, Paragon PD, Wyvern, etc. Maybe Kheldian and Nictus could be two of the four. The PPD already has a PB branch. This would even put the Epic back in Epic Power Pool.

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I don't know if there's precedent lorewise for doing that with PBs, but Nictus fragments make a WS Epic pool make sense at least. Plus there's that one Essence Drain temp you can get that has the Nictus effects.

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@Twi - Phobia on Everlasting

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They'd have to deal with the underlying problem of pool powers being tuned like garbage before that becomes anything but a waste of resources.


I wouldn't want shapeshifting present in such a pool, either, personally. Shapeshifting is, whether you like it or not, sort of the star of the show for khelds.

Edited by ScarySai
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24 minutes ago, ScarySai said:

They'd have to deal with the underlying problem of pool powers being tuned like garbage before that becomes anything but a waste of resources.


Far be it from me to cause another accidental derailment from the subject of accessibility, flavor, and appearance, but...


...thankfully the kheldian powers come pre-tuned to be pool powers.

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@Twi - Phobia on Everlasting

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1 hour ago, ScarySai said:

I wouldn't want shapeshifting present in such a pool, either, personally. Shapeshifting is, whether you like it or not, sort of the star of the show for khelds.

I would've assumed that's something that Kheldian/Nictus patron pools wouldn't offer is the shapeshifting. They're already templated for each archetype.

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After all this, I think we could very well close this thread. If you lot really want to comment on something I posted, why not comment on my fanfic instead?

(sorry for self-advertising)


Also, @Laucianna wins the thread with her take on a minimal FX option.



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