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Tip missions rated for speed


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I have been making efforts to acquire the new "Between Realities" accolade, which includes a requirement to complete 25 alignment tip missions .  Like many of you, I have a lot of characters here on Homecoming.  Not all of them are going to get this accolade but I do want many of them to have it.  That means completing tips and I mean a lot of them.  There is a lot of variation on the "speedability" of these missions.  In order to focus on the speediest tips, I made notes on what I found to be the ones I could complete the quickest.  I decided to put some formatting around these notes and publish it here as a guide to anyone interested.


A couple of caveats:

  1. These ratings are completely subjective.  What I rate an 8 another may well consider 6, or 10 perhaps.
  2. There was no standard used so I don't really have an answer for why one gets a rating of 7 and another gets a 6, it's all based on "feels" at the time of completion.


What do the numbers mean?

I use them to put tips into 3 bands:


  1. 8-10, the A tier.  I load up on these from the mission computer, up to however many are needed to reach 10 points, at once.  
  2. 4-7, B tier.  I might do one of these if it dropped from a mob and decided to do it rather than head back to the base to purchase one from "A".
  3. 0-3, F tier.  Never purchase and discard if one of these happens to drop from a mob defeat.


How did I go about this?


To walk through an example of how I go about this, let's use vig tips.  I run these from Atlas, it's a small zone, missions will at most be .8 miles away (the largest distance I've seen), most will be 200-400 yards away and has contacts you can use LFG to port to (like Wavelength).  Starting at 0 alignment points, I'll grab all the "A" tier missions, I count 6 of those.  Set them all up so you can see their distance and start doing them in an order that looks efficient.  When those 6 are done and assuming I got no tip drops I want to use, I'll go back to the base computer and purchase 4 more.  Then I go back and purchase the morality mission that I prefer.  Repeat until you see "You have earned the Multifaceted badge".  Or keep on going, I won't stop  you.


Note - although tips won't drop once you have 3 on a side (blue or red) you can purchase significantly more.  I didn't state it explicitly but a tip costs 1 Reward Merit.  Even if you're frugal about spending merits, you do get 40 when you complete the morality mission.


Before posting the list, I want to mention I find blueside tips much friendlier for speeding.  They tend to be in the zone you choose them, unlike redside which will likely send you to Grandville, if you're over level 40 at least.  Grandville, in my opinion, is NOT conducive to speeding.  If you have no issue with the 3 dimensionality of that zone, you may find it less objectional than I do.

This isn't a complete list, it's all the hero, vigilante, rogue and villain tips available to those level 40-50.  I did not include vill tips available to vigilantes nor hero tips available to rogues.  I'll do those at some point.  Not today.

I happen to have a character in the 30s so I did all the vigilante and hero missions for 30-40 as well.  Eventually I'll try to include all levels.  Not today, not this month.


If you are interested in more details about each tip mission, see here: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Alignment_Mission


Formatting sucks, after 15 minutes of putzing around I stopped caring.

Without further ado:


Level Band: 40-50  
Alignment Hero  
Name Score Notes
An Unstable Trigger 3 practically identical to the vig version. Also awards Eye of the Storm
A Biting Wind 10 almost identical to vig, maybe a tad easier [1 less enemy to defeat]
A Clever Trap 2 too many objectives (5 or 6)
Art Psychics and You 4 3 glowies, wait for ambush
Blatantly False Malta Plans 9 Defeat boss with hostage. Defeat boss that ambushes on that spot.
Broken Pocket Watch 2 4 glowies, 2 hostages, too much
Cloud of Odorous Smoke 5 free Silent Blade, beat a boss, click something
Doc Quantum's Moral Quandary 7 free NPC, defeat boss upon ambush
Elegant Party Favor 0 escort 3 hostages
Explostion in Peregrine 3 2 bosses, 2 glowies
Malta Gunslinger Action Figure 0 Takes too long with multiple ambushes. On the other hand 10/10 if you want to be afk, Frostfire can kill mobs
Miss Thystle's Plea 10 beat 2 bosses
Out of the Corner of Your Eye 0 2 hostages to free and escort, Carnies, ambush, 1 pro: overdrive an optional ally
Scrawled Bark 6 4 hostages and a boss but the one time I did it they were all in one room. Round 'em up and nuke and it's not bad
Shattered Jar of Flesh (in IP) 6 2 bosses, would have score much higher if not in IP
Some Nut on Talk Radio 10 glowie, boss. The vig version is one of the worst but this is among the best.
You Can't Keep Your Balance 3 3 glowies, boss
You're a Cruel One, Mr. Phipps (IP at Ms. Lib's chopper) 1 free 3 NPCs (look for "torture agent"), click glowie, wait for ambush Frostfire (plus lore pets) can kill off the mobs
Your Life Story! Wait, what? 0 Free hostage, fight ambush, aggro hungry escort through KOA map. I'd score neegative if I could
One Good Spider 4 defeat 6 different mobs, escort some dummy
The Usual Suspect 8 free hostage ("police captain"), defeat 2 boss ambushes



Level Band: 40-50  
Alignment Vigilante  
Name Score Notes
An Unstable Trigger 3 Too many steps involved. This mission gives you Eye of the Storm after defeating Maelstrom.
Art Psychics and You 4 Three glowies, a boss. It loses points because the clicks take a loooong time.
Biting Wind 10 defeat boss, structure, small map
Blatantly False Malta Plans 8 Beat a boss, click a glowie, defeating ambush not required
Broken Pocket Watch 6 Nemesis, 3 bosses (and mobs), big map, chance to SLOWLY work on Fake Nem and Warhulk badges
Clever Trap 8 3 glowies, shock treatment and entire last room
Cloud of Odorous Smoke 10 a named boss. Also, this is the void farm
Doc Quantum's Moral Quandary 10 Defeat boss, exit
Elegant Party Favor 6 defeat 3 named mobs, carnies, -1 point for the chance of an illusionist
Explosion in Peregrine 5
defeat boss to free npc, then click 3 glowies. Points lost for needing to do this in sequence, Blast Furnace must be freed first.
Malta Gunslinger Action Figure 10 beat the boss, click exit. Very small map
Miss Thystle's Plea 3 4 boxes to destroy, boss, then doppleganger ambush.
Out of the Corner of Your Eye 4
Simple, defeat a boss, defeat another boss, defeat yet another boss. The downside is - KoA, the last 2 bosses are ambushes that have to find you.
Scrawled Bark 6 3 glowies, beat a boss, beat an ambush.
Shattered Jar of Flesh 0
Click a glowie, you hear a growl and the objective changes to defeat an ambush and 6 (SIX) spawn points of Arachnoids. Awful mission, easily worst vig tip
Some Nut on Talk Radio 0
This is a rescue of an aggro hungry NPC. Would be fun for someone looking for rewards, mob is pretty good ally but not for speeding tips. This ally is what puts it above the prior one but still a 0/10.
You Can't Keep Your Balance 5 -points for mission being outside Atlas 3 glowies, boss ambush
You're a Cruel One Mr. Phipps 6
This is always in IP, maybe always at Ms. Lib's chopper, +points for beating up Phipps. Click on Phipps, beat boss ambush. This would be (9 or 10)/10 if not in IP.
Your Life Story! Wait, what? 7
Glowie and boss, would rate higher but KoA aren't speed friendly (they see you even when stealthy and throw auto-hit caltrops). You may not die but you'll take longer than you want.
Easy Job, Easy Money! 2 Too many moving parts, including waiting for multiple ambushes
One Rogue's Work, Another Rogue's Pay 8 Defeat boss, talk to Ghost Widow, run to end defeat other boss, click glowie


Level Band: 40-50  
Alignment Villain  
Name Score Notes
A Broken Nemesis Jaeger (GV) 8 just defeat a boss spawn, would be 10/10 but GV...
A Hand Delivered Note (GV) 8 rescue silent blade, defeat silent blade
Blood Bane Spider Helmet (GV) 5 defeat a boss, another boss spawns, defeat him, two glowies, in sequence
Classified Mission Directive (PO) 3 3 glowies, ambush after each one, council cave
Emergency Radio Broadcast (GV) 8 glowie, Polar shift ambush on the spot
Exotic Armor Schematics (PO) 1 escort, ambush, awful
Extremely Annoying Ring Tone (GV) 2 escort NPC to computer (short), defeat boss (ambushes, some take a while)
Filmed Announcement (GV) 2 4 objects to destroy, 2 bosses (one ambush)
Just How Evil Are You? (GV) 8 2 boss spawns, ambush on the spot
Lacquered Porcelain Shard (GV) 2 free a mob then escort (not to door)
Old Russian Ballad (GV) 7 glowie then malta ambush. Mission I had was in Arachnos reactor base
Rikti Artifact Rumors (GV) 2 glowie, 5 (lost track) ambushes then go find bosses
Seeds of Destruction (PO) 7 defeat Des, find glowie, "Whip Cracker Badge"
Taper of the Frozen Flame (GV) 8 glowie, ambush at glowie

The Dagger of Caernoz

This is How She Dies (PO)



defeat Des, destroy altar, defeat Des again, awards Whip Cracker

defeat Overdrive then Des ambush

Two Too Many Flambeauxs (GV) 6 Defeat 2x Flambeaux, 3 crates. Both Flambeaux are in same spot so not as bad as expected
Hometown Hero (GV) 0 3 bombs, ambush after each one
My Other Selves (PO) 3 lots of objectives but fairly linear


Level Band: 40-50  
Alignment Rogue  
Name Score Notes
A Broken Nemesis Jaeger (GV) 2 2 glowies but lots of false glowies too. Ambush after each correct glowie, including Ms. Thystle and her Unstoppable
A Hand Delivered Note (GV) 7 Free Silent Blade, boss ambush
Bloody Bane Spider Helmet (GV) 2 Click NPC, ambush (multiple), retrace steps to beginning. awful
Classified Mission Directive (PO) 2 too many objectives, 3 objects to destroy, 2 glowies + 1 boss
Emergency Radio Broadcast (GV) 1 Escort mission + glowie click, at least it's a non-combat NPC so you can walk back easy enough
Exotic Armor Schematics (PO) 6 3 glowies, ambush
Extremely Annoying Ring Tone (GV) 7 talk to npc, click glowie, defeat ambush
Filmed Announcement (GV) 5 4 glowies, defeat boss
Just How Evil Are You? (GV) 0 rescue and escort two non-combat NPCs
Lacquered Porcelain Shard (GV) 6 3 destructible objects, boss that can be illusionist
Old Russian Ballad (GV) 6 click glowie (many false), click another glowie, click npc

The Dagger of Caernoz

This is How She Dies (PO)



Defeat Des, defeat boss (who spawns on the spot), destroy altar

Escort aggro hungry NPC

Taper of the Frozen Flame (GV) 7 Destroy object, boss ambush
Wanted: Uqua. Dead: Alive (GV) 9 Defeat boss, an boss ambush appears right at boss so not much additional effort
Seeds of Destruction (PO) 3 defeat Des, boss, glowie, gives "Whip Cracker"
Easy Job, Easy Money! 0 wait for many ambushes
One Rogue's Work, Another Rogue's Pay 7 glowie then a sequence of bosses, usually linear



Edited by Hedgefund
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Level Band: 30-40  
Alignment Hero  
Name Score Notes
A Blood Spattered Journal 2 defeat boss to free escort, defeat ambush, lead escort out
A Voice In Your Head 6 2 bosses to free non-escort hostages, defeat named boss, -points for DE in 30s
Cracked Cell Phone 7 free 3 hostages (Overdrive is optional helper)
A Curious Black Jewel Case 4 4 (non escort) hostages to free, ambush on 2nd
A Desperate Cry For Help 0 3 captives to free and escort, glowie
An Obvious Trap 7 3 glowies, boss defeat
Beethoven's 5th Symphony 0
actually merits a negative score. Free hostage that's aggroholic, tons of ambushes. On the plus side NPC appear invul to any dmg.
Denmark Wants Muscles This Friday 10 destroy 2 containers, defeat boss
I don't care. I want her dead! 9 defeat 2 bosses
Noise Within Noise 7 3 glowies, ambush
The Nemesis Meme 8 free Overdrive, free hostage, boss
Truly Bizarre Rumors 8 free a hostage, defeat boss ambush
Wanted Poster With Your Face 7 free 3 hostages, defeat boss
Crossing the Line (only option) 5

click glowie be wary of turrets and proximity bombs



Level Band: 30-40  
Alignment Vigilante  
Name Score Notes
A Blood Spattered Journal 5 click glowie (may be > 1, there were several false alarms), defeat boss ambush, council pool
A Curious Black Jewel Case 3 destroy 2 chambers, defeat boss, 2 glowies
A Desperate Cry For Help! 6 3 glowies, ambush
A Voice In Your Head 5 3 barrels to destroy, boss, DE while you're 30s
An Obvious Trap 3 1 glowie, 2 bosses, free npc who turns hostile for another boss
Beethoven's 5th Symphony 3 3 boss spawns
Cracked Cell Phone 6 glowie, boss, boss ambush
Denmark Wants Muscles This Friday 8 talk to, boss, glowie
I don't care. I want her dead! 8 defeat boss
Noise Within Noise 5 glowie click, boss fight, -points for not giving an exit button on complete
The Nemesis Meme 9 click 3 bombs, that's it. Only -1 for being on Synapse finale map
Truly Bizarre Rumors 0 5 bosses, you may only need to defeat students for 2 of them
Wanted Poster With Your Face 7 defeat boss to free boss who turns on you
Today's Newspaper (only option) 10 talk-to, glowie, defeat Frostfire who doesn't fight back
Edited by Hedgefund
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  • 2 weeks later
On 9/24/2024 at 2:07 PM, tidge said:

I'd knock down the Hero "Cloud of Odorous Smoke", because this mission can become impossible to complete, yet not fail.

Can you expound on this?  I've not encountered what you described.  The boss has a hibernate like power but gets out of it.

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12 minutes ago, Hedgefund said:

Can you expound on this?  I've not encountered what you described.  The boss has a hibernate like power but gets out of it.


As near as I can tell, I clicked the glowie first. I was running at +1x8 and Silver Mantis was killed by an AoE before I 'rescued' her, I think that jinxed the mission. Clearing all enemies left it hung.

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I'm going to guess you mean Silent Blade, I've not seen Silver Mantis in any tips.  


I have heard of combat NPCs dying before they're rescued from aoe and this sounds like an example.  I can make a note of that but I think the score stands because this is intended for someone pursuing raw speed in completing tips and would have a low mob count.  When I was doing these I used default team size which was frequently two because I was 2-boxing with one choosing missions by the SG portal and the "hitter" completing the missions so both got tip credit.  I suppose if someone is doing this with a lower damage AT there's a greater risk to Silent Blade since enemies may get off more AOE attacks.


Thank you for your feedback.

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  • 2 weeks later

I appreciate the list. 

On one character, I was catching it up on the badges since page 7; and I was doing Ashling Corlett...whatever her name is. And I got the opportunity to earn 2 vigilante alignment points. 
I foolishly thought they'd count. They don't. 

Just an FYI for folks who might have thought the same thing. Gotta run two more. 

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Just discovered this: 

As we all know, mark & recall requires 25 tip missions. 
So, I'm working on this, and because of Hedgefund's guide, I've sometimes been "buying" the tip missions instead of waiting for them to drop. 

And I see this: (look at the bottom of the graphic) 



Use Discount Coupon? 
I have 9 Invention Discount coupons! It would seem this transaction is viewed by the game as a crafting action, and as a result, it doesn't cost a reward merit! 

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I just tried this because, if it worked, would be a good use of an invention discount which has a max value of 150k inf (when crafting a purple) and a Reward Merit certainly has a valuation of more than 150k.  

However, it didn't work for me.  I just tried using a discount coupon and the worst case occurred, both a merit was spent and an invention discount coupon was used.  I did it twice to make sure, it was repeatable.


So, if someone wants to say they saw this work, I'd love to hear it, otherwise I caution readers to NOT use this method to acquire tips.


I'll use one more of each to illustrate.


Before picture, with 8 coupons and 207 RMs:



After, now with 7 coupons and 206 merits.



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