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Bind to activate Accelerate Metabolism on movement

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My Rad corruptors has both Hasten and AM and Hasten. At higher levels both Hasten and AM are perma as long as I quick quickly upon recharge.

As a QOL issue I would love for AM to be triggered automatically when I move forward. Someone said in game there was an easy bind for it.

Can I get some help with that?


Can a macro set up a bind? I'd love to have a macro that sets movement to normal when I play lower level content where AM is not perma so I want to choose when to activate it, and one that would set the automatic bind when I play higher level content.

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Try /bind w "forward$$powexec_name Accelerate Metabolism"  /bind a "left$$powexec_name Hasten"


/bind w "forward$$powexec_auto Accelerate Metabolism"  /bind a "left$$powexec_auto Hasten"


But be forewarned, you need to know how to change it back (/bind w "forward" probably.  Maybe.) and walking might make that annoying "power not recharged" womp.


Reference the old Guide to Guides too.


Let me know if it womps out for you.

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Can a macro set up a bind? I'd love to have a macro that sets movement to normal when I play lower level content where AM is not perma so I want to choose when to activate it, and one that would set the automatic bind when I play higher level content.


A macro could be set up.../macro GO "bind w forward$$powexec_name Accelerate Metabolism", /macro STOP "bind w forward"


You would need 2 macros...and the first one might be a struggle because of the [space] in Accelerate Metabolism

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/bind w "+forward$$powexecname Accelerate Metabolism$$powexecname Hasten"


So long as you're holding down the w key, you'll continue moving forwards.  That's what the +forward means.

Clicking (and/or holding) the w key to move forwards will automatically cue Accelerate Metabolism or Hasten to activate, with Hasten given the priority.  To activate both, simply "stutter click" w ... once for Hasten, release, once for Accelerate Metabolism.


Note that you can replicate this for all of your movement keybinds such that moving in any direction, including merely turning, will "check" to see if your Hasten and/or Accelerate Metabolism powers are recharged, and if so, will activate them.


The downside to using this on EVERY movement you make is that if you had another power queued up (say, an attack while inching forwards to get into range), it might be cancelled in favor of Accelerate Metabolism/Hasten depending on recharge status(es).


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Hasten is on Auto (CTRL click) already so I only need to worry about AM but good to know about how to do both.

I did notice that in intense combat I queue powers during the previous one's animation, resulting in Hasten to be delayed till there is a lull (I usually give it time to fire if I notice)

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