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Jump Pack doesn't buff flight speed


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The Jump Pack temp power claims to include a boost to flight speed, but that part doesn't seem to be working. The jumps and such seem to work as normal, however.  The attached screen shot shows the combat attributes window with the power toggled, if that helps!


I petitioned it as a technical issue and CR Miss was apparently able to duplicate the issue.

Jump Pack screen cap01.jpg

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I checked, and if you're flying and press the jump button while Jump Pack is toggled on, the animation changes to show the flames coming out of the pack, but there's no change to flight speed. 


I recall in the old system this did buff flight speed while it was active (very handy for slow flyers), and the power description confirms there's supposed to be a +245.00% buff to flight speed.  Not seeing it, though!

Jump Pack screen cap02.jpg

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Hmm... very strange, then.  I wonder what the "jumppack on self" effect actually does.  In practice, the power does not behave like any actual flight power - it's just a jump with no limit on the height of the jump arc, while you're holding down the spacebar...

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9 hours ago, Vanden said:

Fly is already at the flight speed cap at all levels. There's nothing for the Jump Pack to buff. Try using it with Hover, or while Afterburner is running too. 

Ahh, that would do it! Unfortunately I don't have Hover or Afterburner to readily test with, but that makes sense!

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  • Retired Game Master

So the reason you don't see it is because it doesn't buff fly speed, it buffs fly speed strength. It makes your existing effects stronger. This also means it increases your max flight speed if you have afterburner active.

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