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Contacts and Naked People

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It used to be that once you got to a specific level, certain contacts would be introduced to you.  Is this no longer the case?  I remember back in the old days getting introduced to Wincott, Jim Temblor, and the guy in Striga automatically on every character.  This time however, I managed to level past all three of those contacts.  Are we supposed to just walk up to total strangers and demand missions?  To me, that's bothersome in an RP sense.  I think it's much more organic to be introduced to contacts by people you already know.  Story-wise I mean.  I can still visit them through Ouroboros, but I would have preferred to have them introduced to my character as part of his main story while leveling up.  Is there a reason why this was removed? 


(Yeah, the title of the post mentions naked people, but that was just to get you to read it.  Sorry for the deception.  I'll make it up to you I swear.)

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You will be introduced to appropriate contacts if you do radio and newspaper missions.


But yeah since like i22 you could pretty much just walk up to any contact and start their missions.  Might have been when they revamped Atlas and Mercy, since the old origin contacts weren't the "main path" anymore.  If the combat/zone instancing thing hadn't been received so negatively they probably would have continued revamping zones, but as it is they were going to just keep adding trials like dfb and the one in bloody bay to new level ranges.

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It used to be that once you got to a specific level, certain contacts would be introduced to you.  Is this no longer the case?  I remember back in the old days getting introduced to Wincott, Jim Temblor, and the guy in Striga automatically on every character.  This time however, I managed to level past all three of those contacts.  Are we supposed to just walk up to total strangers and demand missions?  To me, that's bothersome in an RP sense.  I think it's much more organic to be introduced to contacts by people you already know.  Story-wise I mean.  I can still visit them through Ouroboros, but I would have preferred to have them introduced to my character as part of his main story while leveling up.  Is there a reason why this was removed? 


(Yeah, the title of the post mentions naked people, but that was just to get you to read it.  Sorry for the deception.  I'll make it up to you I swear.)


"Reported to Moderator"


Reason: No naked people

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Remember, we've had xp bonuses pretty much the whole time, so we are out leveling things faster than normal.  That being said, if you want your old traditional contacts you should use the initial contact inside city hall linked to your origin instead of Matthew Habashy.  I think those still progress the old way.


If you do find yourself in a position with no contacts, use the "Find Contact" in the upper left corner of your contacts tab. It will offer level appropriate contacts to get you back on track.

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I was aware of the Find Contact button, and while it's certainly convenient, it's a bit immersion-breaking and still leaves me with the question of how these contacts came into my character's story.  A minor RP nitpick is all it is, really, but I still prefer the old way of being introduced to the next contact by the one you're currently working for or by reaching a certain security level.  Thanks for the replies though!

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This is one reason why I've always made my characters' stories about participating in task forces.  As game content, they're self contained and very rewarding: reward merits are the easy way to get the IO recipes you want for your characters.  And every one is chock full of XPs.  It is quite possible to level from say 12 to 50 by doing nothing but task forces, sometimes over and over again, because they get easier every time. 


By contrast, street contacts are harder to work through.  Some of their stories are quite long and rather tedious, and you may only have two open even if you have outleveled them.  They are full of kill-all missions, of enemies you'd rather not fight.  It's a lot harder to get a team together to run this content, especially after you move past King's Row.  One problem is that some badges are only available in these storylines.  But since those missions can be accessed through Ouroboros or a Pillar of Ice and Fire, that isn't as big a problem as it once was. 


TB ~ Amazon Army: AMAZON-963 | TB ~ Crowned Heads: CH-10012 | EX ~ The Holy Office: HOLY-1610 | EV ~ Firemullet Groupies: FM-5401 | IN ~ Sparta: SPARTA-3759 | RE ~ S.P.Q.R. - SPQR-5010

Spread My Legions - #207 | Lawyers of Ghastly Horror - #581 | Jerk Hackers! - #16299 | Ecloga Prima - #25362 | Deth Kick Champions! - #25818 | Heaven and Hell - #26231 | The Legion of Super Skulls - #27660 | Cathedral of Mild Discomfort - #38872 | The Birch Conspiracy! - #39291

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