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About plainguy

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. Very impressed... I was expecting to see some defense cap but you have none... As I am a big defense cap player on everything.. This is impressive and nice eye opener..
  2. Would it be possible to see the build? Very nice.. Going to sound silly but since the beginning of this game, I never knew you could still attack from behind the column.. Let me add that Tricannon is a beast !!
  3. I play all my builds at some defense cap. My signature has a OLD,OLD post that should be still active about defense cap and why it is important. For me back then ( the post is dated) was when my eyes were opened to the game mechanics in this game. Some have said they don't like it. I can understand or relate. But the simple reality is you just last longer in a mission with Defense cap.. Unfortunately there are only so many inspirations you can make and combine to get the inspiration you specifically need sometimes. Similar if you can make defense IOs you can make damage IOs.. Again it is a play style of choice. I can personally recall several times during my gameplay where many on the team had no clue of defense cap and wondering why I was surviving. https://github.com/LoadedCamel/MidsReborn MIDS is a must to building out and creating builds for end game. I couldn't tell you the difference in damage wise between a fire fire non defense cap and a fire fire defense cap build. But I can't imagine it being massively different. I can tell you I play a lot on my AR /Device which is the weakest power set in the game and I can open up with full auto kill all the minions and then slug shot the LT hat might be alive. So I do not see that earth shattering bad.. I mean how much damage do you really need to do and how much overkill do you need? If they have 100 HP and you do 100 HP in damage it is the same as doing 200 HP in damage.. You get get nothing for the extra 100 HP damage you did..
  4. All of them do.. I think every power set should allow you to pretend its something different then what the set is. EG Poison set.. Give the player the ability to color it bluish and change it up a bit and the player can pretend they are shooting ice type powers instead of poison.
  5. Uninstall and reinstall and it will work.. Just did it and it is working..
  6. Getting the same.. I am going to try to uninstall and reinstall from scratch
  7. Hey trying to set Field Operative to show me numbers while in combat to see where I need to be for defense cap numbers but when I go into options and change suppression to attacked, hit by foe, damaged.. Either ticked or NOT.. The defense numbers do not change.. I also don't see the defense numbers in Field Operative so I can just divide them in half.. So anyone have a clue on what to do here to keep the build in combat mode so I can review numbers this way?
  8. I have 8 of them. I have Semi petless as well, Either last mob or Tier 2 pets. EG Robot Boy - Boy with his Giant Robot. Another is like a tech fighter with Protector Drones. Thug and Tier 3 Pet ( 2 brawling brothers) The issue leveling them up petless is Endurance I think I got into the 20s ( I want to say 25 ) before I went for the PL route. The endurance drain is massive.. But if you IO them out at level 50. I am telling you I can solo 8/3 on all of them against the common squishy mobs. So no Carnies or Malta. A link to my thread is in my signature.
  9. Notice that I still have Time Bomb instead of Remote Bomb. I did pull in an old AR Device build so I am wondering if that pushed Time Bomb into the database and replaced Remote Bomb. Mids' Reborn v3.6.6 rev 3 Database: Homecoming Database Issue: 27 Page 7 Database Version: 2024.2.717 Running under .NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0 / .NET 6.0.15
  10. To be honest. Too much to do for a game. Not gonna take pills.. I wear glasses already, not going double glasses. But i appreciate the effort and time in all of this. I might have both cyber and motion as boats make me sick as well.
  11. Without a doubt that would be doable. Even if there was no graphics..
  12. I brought this up about a year ago. Yea I am light weight, for some reason over an extended period of time I start to get cold sweats and upset stomach looking at my screen with this power on. I can't play first person shooters either for this reason or go on looping roller coasters. Wondering if Whirlwind could get a optional graphic of just wind spinning around the character like a mini tornado. I just found this in a Skyrim post and thought it would help describe what I am saying
  13. I don't create anything unless I can get it defense capped in some way at level 50 in Mids Hero builder.. Along with the required endurance ratio needed.
  14. The only issues I ever had were environment.. One TF ( don't recall the name) used to drag mobs as the mobs would run through the tunnels if you TP to the boss. The caves are an issue for bots and larger pets. I have had people look to leave a team I was on with my robots.. I left instead of breaking up the team. The sewers are much better for game play for Masterminds. Teams are fast moving, so nothing that requires setup such as Traps. Though not crazy about the animation of nature, the HOLD toggle in nature is very, very good.
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