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  1. Hopefully we will soon get some much needed costume updates for future contests, I'm so ready for some new styles!!! 🙏🏼 See you all there and good luck! 🤗
  2. It sure would be nice to get a special costume focused patch update. I agree with others above as well as having a few of my own: - Every costume piece can have a pattern - Equal costume parts for both genders (ex: small padded gloves, among too many others) - New hair styles for both male/female, also hair effects (inner glow, fire, glitter etc) with intensity slider - New auras for travel powers - Weapons: auras, placement options (hip/leg) and stance emotes in and out of combat - More traveling mounts (big pets, broom, spaceship), ability to customize current flying devices colors/patterns - Allow us to change the size of our wings, also dragonfly wings would be cool - Be able to customize pet toggles (name, colors, pattern), Create pet pvp to level them (thought of this as I was typing! lol), Pet emotes (sit, lay down, on guard) - Better helmets/crowns/masks, material options (leather, metallic, matte etc) - Be able to have multiple hair choices under caps/hats - Sister Psyche's roman robe from ITF and Numina's robe both color/pattern customizable for both genders 😍 ok I'll leave it there 😅 thanks guys cant wait!
  3. you rock mane! did not know this was here and its even more invis than on illusion, TYVM good sir you made my day! 😎
  4. Sorry I probably should've clarified, I need the toon animation to be completely invisible just like how it was before concealment changed and how it is in the illusion power set.
  5. Can you guys please remove the snow effect from the costume creator? It is very distracting imo. TY!
  6. can you guys pleeeeeeease reduce the cast time for Arcane Bolt?! it's strong i love it but God it takes too long to cast...ALSO can you please make it so that enflame doesnt make AV's run away? ok thanks.
  7. Well during the respec process, changes are made to a build that sometimes is already slotted with enhancements, so sometimes after changes enhancements are no longer needed to be slotted. So, I'm requesting there be a simple button for us to return all enhancements back to your inventory (up to its max) so that we're not having to select each one individually one-by-one having to slot them back into our inventory. It, takes, FOREVER. Lastly, as far as transferring goes, sometimes we like to transfer goods from one toon to another and instead of having to email one-by-one, being able to transfer in bulk would also be a very helpful change for many.
  8. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! This post was my life saver. Much appreciated.
  9. I stand corrected lol
  10. Thanks for all of the feedback guys, there's just so much potential for this game, just not sure if costumes is something the higher ups are working on so I thought I'd just blurt out this request and see what happens..
  11. oh and do more invasions! (zombie/rikti/anything else?)
  12. ATTENTION COH FAMILY! I CALL FORTH MY BROTHEREN AND SISTERHOOD TO JOIN FORCES TO BRING ABOUT THE MANIFESTATION OF BROOMSTICKS FOR GODS SAKE IT IS FALL AND ALL HALLOWS EVE IS UPON US! THE MANY WITCHES AND WIZARDS OF PARAGON CITY MUST BE ABLE TO FLY PROPERLY! ALSO! KITTEN PETS AND LIONS N TIGERS N BEAR MOUNTS WOULD BE NICE! P.S. For the love of God can we please get an update on respec'ing and transferring enhancements? The one by one thing is killing me... Oh and we need more outfits, at least the cool flowy ones the contacts have...ok thats it for now. TY! LOVE YOU! ^u^ ❤️
  13. More costume/fashion pieces/materials/faces/hairstyles, I love costume customization!! Also can you guys pleeease make us pets/mounts and also more flying styles? Yes, more flying styles! XD
  14. I keep getting an error about my drivers not being up-to-date ( even though they are ) and I've been told to just ignore the error messages and it should load the game, but I wait and wait, and still nothing. If anyone could be of any assistance, I'd be grateful. Thanks.
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