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Everything posted by Trike

  1. Wow... when you said that gave you an idea the other day, I wasn't expecting something this involved. This is like Tolkien going, "Oh, elves, eh? That gives me an idea..." 😄
  2. It never ceases to amaze me what we can create by just cycling through options. Few other games allow one to "play" the game by chatting with a total stranger and showing off costume to pieces to one another for two hours.
  3. Very cool design of that concept. I always wondered what I could do with the Recycle logo, but I think you've made the definitive toon for it.
  4. "Gallimaufry" is a synonym of hodge-podge or mish-mash... or Kit-Bash.
  5. So I made another robot using an idea I had back in the day, but could never do because of the lack of asymmetrical parts: Kit-Bash. https://ibb.co/fr6mx8x Then someone named Unchained Valor was asking for help doing a gender-flipped Wonder Woman and as I was messing about I came up with this Union Jack-type costume. Someone randomly zipping by stopped and gave it a compliment. So I figured I should make it. https://ibb.co/MP2XXM1 So here is Baron Britain. https://ibb.co/8g29Pf5
  6. Brilliant! That combo of parts to simulate greenery is next level, and the Claws pattern + chest detail as an eye... chef's kiss. And here I thought I was being clever.
  7. Timefighter, one of my (many) robots/androids. The rocket boots and jets on the wings look great in flight. https://ibb.co/hsmDvdC https://ibb.co/LJ3TSmV
  8. That's a cool (pun? what pun?) use of plants.
  9. Nice. Is that also Kibuka, or someone else?
  10. It's hard not to repeat characters I created from 2004-2012, but this is an evolution of my original beta character Little Green Man, seen in the Alt Alphabet I linked earlier. I'm assuming he's now taken on the moniker of Mister Meteor. Like Klingons and their bumpy heads, we don't talk about why he went from green to gray. https://ibb.co/ydnY4gY
  11. On the less silly side, more of an RP character is Kid Kibuka. Kibuka is the East Africa god of storms and war, who rides on a cloud. He's basically a combination of Thor and Ares. This concept leans into the idea that he's been reincarnated. https://ibb.co/5Rcsq7b
  12. I made this guy during Pride Month, because whimsy. https://ibb.co/nbVJwQs
  13. Goofing around in the editor I came up with this. Watching him run around makes me giggle. https://ibb.co/BqqWdKL
  14. That's probably what it is. I thought I set that but I probably forgot to. Thanks!
  15. Oh, just realized I forgot two of my pulp heroes. Miss Moxie is one of my favorites. I borrowed her design from an obscure public domain hero called Tomboy. Forefather is patterned after George Washington. He even had the epaulets. 😆 https://ibb.co/sP7GBhB https://ibb.co/YtRbmzh https://ibb.co/fQtYsGJ
  16. This is Porcelain Dolly, a character who was inspired by messing around in the Character Creator. I clicked on the pre-made costumes and thought this dress resembled the creepy dolls we have here in the house. A little finessing and voila. Adding the cybertech eyes added to the creep factor, and the clipping somewhat resembles the chipping these old dolls get. This one actually sent me down the road of making numerous characters that were just slight variations of what's found in the pre-made drop-down list, to see if I could make them slightly more interesting. I kinda like the barbarian Red Sonja-inspired one, but I haven't taken any screenies of her, yet. I also made Professor Hoffman of Outbreak fame. Because why not? https://ibb.co/Yjkv9FH https://ibb.co/XyBGNT3
  17. Sometimes simpler is better. Here's Universelle. https://ibb.co/k3JH7wV
  18. Here is the first batch of my Pulp Heroes squad. For some reason Spy Fighter's chest emblem, a diamond, shows as the anarchy symbol in-game. No matter what I do, it keeps reverting. So imagine an orange diamond. https://ibb.co/6y8MX5X https://ibb.co/88vzKf3 https://ibb.co/TPh010p https://ibb.co/n1pdHP4
  19. Nerio72 pointed me here, which is great because I'm loving the bios I've read so far and it's a fun thing to do in-game. Here is a bio I wrote that amused me so I thought I'd share. (Click to see larger.) Also, here are a couple of my Golden Age-style toons hanging out. Trying to capture the high-concept spirit of those 1940s characters. https://ibb.co/R3VY6Cx
  20. Hello all! Long time no see! I never thought I'd get to play CoH again; all praise to the wizards who made this happen. I've been dipping into the game for a couple years but haven't checked out the forums until now. Hi. 🙂 Back in the day I was known as Ironik and the Art forums were my favorite place to hang out. If anyone remembers me you might also recall I was known to have a severe case of altitis. It continues to this day. Here is my original Alt Alphabet from 2009 (!!). I'm sure I made just as many characters after that date as are in that pic. https://www.deviantart.com/dashmccool/art/Alt-Alphabet-114482941 My altitis continues. I've made a few toons with costumes I think are pretty good, but I have to go back through this thread to see how badly I've actually done compared to your creativity. On the OG forums I had a long thread called "OPC - Other Players' Characters", and I see amazing designs every time I log in to the game. Here's one that's nothing special, but the bio I wrote for him amused me, so I thought I'd share. More later. Cheers! https://ibb.co/yn4q6hG
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