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Everything posted by Trike

  1. Last one tonight. (I heard you say "thank god!" all the way over here.) This is totally inspired by my browsing this thread from the beginning, specifically Blastodon by Damoklese. I don't recall which page he was on, but I was immediately taken by him and I wanted to do my own. The joke in the bio is that he's actually an armadillo, not an aardvark, but both guys in that scenario are idiots, so... https://ibb.co/fpNrZnF
  2. This guy is super new. Like, 2-hours-ago new. 😆 I was moving characters around, doing mini missions, and I wondered if we could put chest symbols on spectrum. Turns out the answer is yes. https://ibb.co/9Vmmxvk
  3. Here's another one I really like but is weirdly both subtle and obvious. This is one of the first designs I made returning to the game a couple years ago, setting him up Goldside. (Hence the haircut.) Recently brought him over to Blueside after all this time. Updraft is a Fire/Spines Brute. Good thing, too, because there's no one to team with over in Cole's world. https://ibb.co/yB0X0zn https://ibb.co/r2nb65n
  4. Another pulp hero, Street Devil. https://ibb.co/sHyyrT6 https://ibb.co/b74n8mp
  5. Here's a fairly new little guy. (Very little, at 3'10".) When I was trying to get Sea Horse's face right I went past this and filed it away for something else. A couple weeks later the lightbulb clicked on. Boom - Super Rat. This is a very subtle outfit, actually, and hard to capture, but this is a pretty good shot. Edit: oops, wrong pic
  6. I don't recall if I've uploaded Venusian Womanhunter before. Apologies if so. I was taken by a fit of whimsy one day. Some of you might recognize the influence. https://ibb.co/Njx30xP
  7. In for a penny, in a for a pound, as they say. More alts incoming. As I mentioned upthread, Coyote is my favorite NPC in the game. So here is my version, a First Nations guy named Spirit Bear. I pulled his last name from a famous Canadian athlete who shares his background. Spirit Bears are a real thing, also called Ghost Bears. First is his forest garb, then his white and gray versions. I like them all equally. Idly browsing through the chest symbols, I thought this one looked like a stylized S. https://ibb.co/G7vs85s https://ibb.co/5vTPGnC https://ibb.co/ctGqBcV
  8. As threatened... er, I mean promised, here is Ice Cate. (Why yes her surname *was* chosen to also pair with "ice", why do you ask? 😄) I did forget that I also made an "Ultimate" version of her outfit sans cape. So I guess I did fiddle with it after all. I think I used a different chest symbol for the Ultimate version though. I can't recall why now. Probably has to do with floating logos or something. https://ibb.co/XsKLjVb https://ibb.co/z4Dzwz0
  9. I’ve actually been contemplating going to this level of detail, because I’m constantly tripping over the fact I’ve already done certain power sets. I’m trying to limit them to a couple repeats per server.
  10. Nice. I hope you named your sidekick “Ore-Thank”. 😁
  11. I have a character that looks a lot like this, except without the helmet. And that helmet is killer. I think it’s probably my best classic-style costume and I never get tired of looking at it, nor do I ever want to fiddle with the details. It’s just… right. I’m not at all surprised to see someone else hit on the same combo. It’s just looks great. I’ll log on later and get a pic of her.
  12. Wait a sec - is her given surname Anywhere and she changed it to Anytime?
  13. Kudos on picking the perfect badge titles for your characters. 👍🏻
  14. I've been adding to my roster of pulp characters, too. Most recently are Moon Vixen (Beam Rifle/Earth (or moon, in her case) Manipulation Blaster) and Space Buster (Warshade). I was looking for pictures of Wilma Deering from the Buck Rogers stories and associated with her photos are all these pulp covers and pinups of silly sexualized space girls whose skin is exposed to strange, clearly hostile planets or the vacuum of space. (Frequently the male astronauts were also wearing shorts, so I don't know what that was about.) One cover in particular had a female astronaut having an adventure in space helmet and bikini and I had to do a version of that. It makes zero sense and is completely hilarious. So I borrowed the sexist flavor from the back covers of my old Star Trek novelizations and voila: https://ibb.co/XkMjw6s https://ibb.co/KshQFtD
  15. Starting at page 1, I’ve now caught up to where I started a few months ago. Just a slew of brilliant, funny and overall creative designs by everyone in this thread.
  16. Glowing crystals with the lightblades might be an option to try.
  17. This is so great. And “Battle Ready Yeti” is right up there with “Spaghetti Betty” for fun-to-say quotient.
  18. Same. This is why I made a spreadsheet on my iPad to track them. I keep it next to my PC to refer to it as I play. And by “play” I mean “mess about in the character creator”. 😁 https://ibb.co/jM5kqx0
  19. I was looking for pictures of Wilma Deering today (she's the female lead in the Buck Rogers stories) and ended up on the Phicen figures page when I noticed they have this whole Egyptian god thing going on. (phicen.com) https://ibb.co/Pm7GThc That bird guy on the left is Horus (Ra the middle and Anubis on the right), and it looks like we already have most of those pieces in the game. How hard would it be to allow using hair and helmets with the animal heads? Is it way too difficult to even try or perhaps merely tricky to implement? Because the crow head with dreadlocks is not something I would've thought of on my own but they look really cool here. And putting hats on my lion or wolf characters would be amazing. https://ibb.co/VJzLwvh
  20. I checked out your Artbreeder page. Really impressive. You should do the faces in-game.
  21. This color combo really works well. Very impressive.
  22. Are you not hosting on other sites? Follow the link in mine for a free site.
  23. "Say," I says at myself, "This winter event looks like Hoth." Oh, of course... 🤣 https://ibb.co/Nm6rnjk
  24. The brilliance here is off the charts. I thought my grayscale girl was good, but this is next level. Kudos.
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